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My opinions on Bush & USA: whats yours?

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I don't think anyone REALLY liked either of the two candidates. Kinda like South Park...the decision was between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. But I think Bush won for a few main reasons.

1) Incumbent - usually has an edge statistically

2) Values - I think people feel that Bush was more conservative and as a whole, it appears that the country is moving in that direction...And just so you know, I am not saying that Kerry didn't have upstanding values...I just think that more Americans felt Bush's were more in line with their own.

3) From some of the exit polls I saw, Bush improved his vote support from the Latino group by about 10% points from the 2000 election. And considering that they are one of the fastest growing groups in America (also a very spiritual group...ties in with point 2) he gained a lot of ground versus last election...hence Florida was not as close.

4) I think the democratic party needs to re-evaluate itself. Unfortunately it is no longer the "all-inclusive" party of John F Kennedy. Think about this, Arnold spoke at the Republican convention. Arnold is Pro-choice and for Stem cell research which is against party lines. Yet the democrats would never allow a pro-life speaker at a democratic convention. Additioanlly, the democratic Minority Senate leader could not even get re-elected!

Now I know this comes off like I am a Bush supporter. In fact I voted for Kerry. Not because I think Kerry is god's gift to politics. All I was voting for was a change. But I think the above reasons are why things went they way they did. Just my 2 cents!

i agree 100%

but what pisses me off the most is when you watch all these new channesl and they have these panels they constantly talk about how everyone voted for bush has values....so i guess the people who bust their ass in new york have no values....

i think the hicks in the south who sleep with their own family members, still have the kkk and shoot at abortion clinics have some pretty shitty values if you ask me....

they talk the talk but they dont walk the walk.....

we need to get the democratics back on track....

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Hey Racerx, I think you belong with the fuckin christian fanatics in the bible belt... Ok yeah Clinton had a chance to get Osama, and Bush's father had the chance to get Saddam in 91 when Schwartzkopf wanted to, but his father decided not too... So Saddam would not be in power if his father would have done his job, and now his son is just finishing up his job that he could not finish... Oh and he threatened his daddy.. Yeah the Us helps out other countries and fucks us right back... Afghanistan helped out gave weapons to defeat Russians and now they have them to kick our ass while we are over there fighting them.. Iraq we gave weapons to defeat Iran and they have them to kick our ass while we are over there fighting them.. I could go on and on...

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first off we have saved muslims time again

1)helped the afghans defeat russia

2)saved kuwait from iraq

3)stopped the ethnic cleansing in bosnia (christians slaughtering muslims)

What the fuck are you talking about????

we send more money and feed more nations and help with aids funding in africa more than any other nation on earth

What about how we destroyed communism in europe and ended the cold war liberating thousands from poland to russia?

what about the afghanistan women who we liberated to vote for thefirst time in there lives?

Do you realize that japan,poland,england,italy, etc all wanted bush to win again?

why are we the only country really speaking out about the ethnic slaughter of 500,000 + in the sudan right now?

not only do we get fucked over and spit on by most countrys we have helped but your stupid enough to buy it

also our economy is desimating the EU"s what on earth are you talking about france"s unemployment is fuckin 12% ...the EU has a gdp of 2% a year ...Ours is 4.7% a quarter

Do i sound like a clueless hillbilly ....get a fuckin clue

bro look at your own "logic" we get fucked over and spit on by most countries we have helped...

aren't we helping iraq now??? aren't we helping afghanistan now?? didnt we try to help afghanistan with russia?? didn't we help iraq a ways back to?? yes we did... then they both FUCKED US!!! so now we're gonna help them again... yeah, makes sense... iraq... why the fuck are we helping these people who don't want to be helped in the first place??? look at the facts... the iraqi's dont want us there as much as we dont want to be there..

instead of policing the streets iraq why not police the streets of new york... why not make it safer for us??? why not make it safer for girls leaving clubs at 6am??? i mean seriously... we're over there for what.. freedom?? to liberate the iraqi's and give them freedom?? c'mon now.. that's fucking bullshit.. we're over there so halliburton can make some money..

and allowing afghanni women to vote??? that's fucking bullshit... women dont belong in the polls... they belong in the kitchen... making my steak dinner, dammit... :bj: lol

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bro look at your own "logic" we get fucked over and spit on by most countries we have helped...

aren't we helping iraq now??? aren't we helping afghanistan now?? didnt we try to help afghanistan with russia?? didn't we help iraq a ways back to?? yes we did... then they both FUCKED US!!! so now we're gonna help them again... yeah, makes sense... iraq... why the fuck are we helping these people who don't want to be helped in the first place??? look at the facts... the iraqi's dont want us there as much as we dont want to be there..

instead of policing the streets iraq why not police the streets of new york... why not make it safer for us??? why not make it safer for girls leaving clubs at 6am??? i mean seriously... we're over there for what.. freedom?? to liberate the iraqi's and give them freedom?? c'mon now.. that's fucking bullshit.. we're over there so halliburton can make some money..

and allowing afghanni women to vote??? that's fucking bullshit... women dont belong in the polls... they belong in the kitchen... making my steak dinner, dammit... :bj: lol

majority of the afghannis and iraqis are happy they are liberated ill post poll results

dont forget bill clinton handed haliburton a no bid contract to clean up bosnia!

if you dont want haliburton to do the job which company do you feel would outperform haliburton? they are very good at reconstruction..givin their experience...

nyc homicide rate has dropped to 1960 levels thanks to republican policys put forth by Rudy giuliani...and bloomberg isnt fuckin w/his policys

if you spread freedom and liberty bush feels that will give people a reason to live ...to do nothing and just sit here and wait for another 9/11 would be irresponsable

Remember the democrats thought reagan was going to start world war 3 when he was determined to smash communism

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i also remember us helping afghanistan fight off the russians by helping out the resistance. one of those guys turned out to be osama bin laden. who knows what happens in iraq when (if?) we leave there. the people you leave in power now might be the terrorists you keep fighting in 20 years.

i also love the logic that people were afraid to switch presidents because we might be more vulnerable to attack during the time kerry would have come into office. as if the war on terror is gonna be won in the next four years. ahhh, anyway, im done venting, there's no use to talk about it now, we can resume this in four years.

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what's your logic in this statement sir??? Everything makes perfect sense. Let's see an intelligent comment from you for once...

in fahrenheit 9/11 moore interviewed a bunch of hicks washing a car and the leader townie states "you cant trust anybody ya dont know.. heck!! ya cant even trust those you do know" c'mon now... are you serious?? are people really this stupid??? :mad::mad::mad:

and it's funny how the coast states, where terrorism is a "real" threat, voted overwelmingly for kerry... why the fuck would anybody in south dakota be scared of terrorism... why would some yokle in kentucky be scared of terrorism??? who the fuck would want to do anything to kentucky?? what does kentucky have that would be deemed a "worthy" target by terrorists?? seriously.. kentucky has dollywood... they have graceland... they have SHIT!!

to whoever said that bush is breeding more terrorists i completey agree you 100% all these young 16-17 iraqi's will probably growing up hating america... we're digging ourselves deeper here people..

well... it's official.. bush won.... sheeit...

i have to study for a chemistry midterm so i have to end this early..

Man you are Bitter. Get over it Kerry Sucked so Bush won. A higher percentage of people in states like NJ and Penn. voted for Bush this time. They Must be dumb asses as well as the rest of the 59 million, Which by the way is the most votes for a Pres candidate ever.

I love you people who listen to Micheal Moore - The whole movie is spewed with lies - Interesting Fact - The Taliban did visit the white house as moore stated but it was during the Clinton Administration. 50 plus documented lies in his movie. Oh and go and Bust on those "Hicks" because there was never terrorism in Oklahoma City - Never. You Libs are Misinformed. Good luck on the Mid Term

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majority of the afghannis and iraqis are happy they are liberated ill post poll results

dont forget bill clinton handed haliburton a no bid contract to clean up bosnia!

if you dont want haliburton to do the job which company do you feel would outperform haliburton? they are very good at reconstruction..givin their experience...

nyc homicide rate has dropped to 1960 levels thanks to republican policys put forth by Rudy giuliani...and bloomberg isnt fuckin w/his policys

if you spread freedom and liberty bush feels that will give people a reason to live ...to do nothing and just sit here and wait for another 9/11 would be irresponsable

Remember the democrats thought reagan was going to start world war 3 when he was determined to smash communism

You are Right - and Kerry fought against everything Regan was trying to do in order to win the cold war. History shows Kerry was wrong. 20 years in the Senate and the Media never mentioned his record. Go figure.
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They Must be dumb asses as well as the rest of the 59 million, Which by the way is the most votes for a Pres candidate ever.

that's because it was the largest turnout of voters in a very long time, Kerry had the second most votes for a Pres candidate ever. :doh:

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Hey Racerx, I think you belong with the fuckin christian fanatics in the bible belt... Ok yeah Clinton had a chance to get Osama, and Bush's father had the chance to get Saddam in 91 when Schwartzkopf wanted to, but his father decided not too... So Saddam would not be in power if his father would have done his job, and now his son is just finishing up his job that he could not finish... Oh and he threatened his daddy.. Yeah the Us helps out other countries and fucks us right back... Afghanistan helped out gave weapons to defeat Russians and now they have them to kick our ass while we are over there fighting them.. Iraq we gave weapons to defeat Iran and they have them to kick our ass while we are over there fighting them.. I could go on and on...
Go on - you are misinformed. You are right on one thing Bush senior should have taked Saddam out. You know why he didnt? The U.N Resolution was to liberate Kuwait not invade Iraq. So during the war our troops pushed foward into Iraq the U.N put pressure on Bush to back off and he did. Big mistake listening to the U.N thats why Biush does not. The U.N is the most corrupt Anti-Semetic organization there is and you libs want our troops operatinmg under there flag.Swartzkoff supports Bush (just a side note)

I love when you say Saddam "threatened his Daddy" that may be a good point if his Daddy wasnt a U.S President. Saddam tried having a U.S president assasinated. If it was Clinton you libs would all be going nuts.

Afghanistan is kicking our ass?? Thats news - Let me see if thats on the cover on The NY Times.......... Nope not there hmmm the times is slipping.

Clinton was offered Osama after the first trade Center bombing and he said there was not enough info to hold him. Thats Fine - I dont really think Clinton is at fault because he viewed the war on terrorism as a police action - therefore you would need evidence to hold a suspect. What Bush did after 911 was say F that this is not a police action m this is a war and we can detain / capture/ kill/ whomever is a known terrorist even without evidence.

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that's because it was the largest turnout of voters in a very long time, Kerry had the second most votes for a Pres candidate ever. :doh:
Yes he did - He has the second largest turnout and still lost. They are still countig the absantee ballots and Bush is up by almost 4 million now. CNN.com How about that is the highest percentage since his father in 1988. Clinton never beat the republicans by that percentage in the 90s. Alot of the country is pro Bush. But the ones that are against him really hate him. I like George Bush but I think it will do him good to add some democrats to his new cabinet.
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i agree 100%

but what pisses me off the most is when you watch all these new channesl and they have these panels they constantly talk about how everyone voted for bush has values....so i guess the people who bust their ass in new york have no values....

i think the hicks in the south who sleep with their own family members, still have the kkk and shoot at abortion clinics have some pretty shitty values if you ask me....

they talk the talk but they dont walk the walk.....

we need to get the democratics back on track....

its different values - The large cities that voted for Kerry (if you break it down by county you will see where the Kerry supporters are) Dont have the same values. Not saying anyone is worse than the other but Bush was with the majority. I obviously voted for Bush but I would vote Democrat if your party turned away from the John Kerrys, Ted Kennedys, Hilary Clintons and Al Sharptons and turn toward - Zell Miller, Liberman, Obama - Those are the people that will win you the election. The Left can not be so liberal and hope to win - even bill Clinton moved center in 1996. The Democrats want my vote put a good candidate up. I got news - in 2008 The republicans will have either - Gulianni or Mccain who are more center as well - I dont see hilary beating them and thats all you got right now
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never seen the movie......

and I still think Bush is the wrong guy for the job......

I can respect that - But some people who Know nothing about politics use Moore as a valid argument. Moores movie is full of Lies. I have seen some valid arguments against Bush on issues like Stem Cell but I think Kerry dosent know if he is coming or going. Bush is a leader Kerry is a follower. - Democrats need to put foward leaders - Zell Miller - Joe Liberman - Obama - etc. There are some in there party -
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its different values - The large cities that voted for Kerry (if you break it down by county you will see where the Kerry supporters are) Dont have the same values. Not saying anyone is worse than the other but Bush was with the majority. I obviously voted for Bush but I would vote Democrat if your party turned away from the John Kerrys, Ted Kennedys, Hilary Clintons and Al Sharptons and turn toward - Zell Miller, Liberman, Obama - Those are the people that will win you the election. The Left can not be so liberal and hope to win - even bill Clinton moved center in 1996. The Democrats want my vote put a good candidate up. I got news - in 2008 The republicans will have either - Gulianni or Mccain who are more center as well - I dont see hilary beating them and thats all you got right now

guilinni is more center....hes practically the total opposite of bush

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its different values - The large cities that voted for Kerry (if you break it down by county you will see where the Kerry supporters are) Dont have the same values. Not saying anyone is worse than the other but Bush was with the majority. I obviously voted for Bush but I would vote Democrat if your party turned away from the John Kerrys, Ted Kennedys, Hilary Clintons and Al Sharptons and turn toward - Zell Miller, Liberman, Obama - Those are the people that will win you the election. The Left can not be so liberal and hope to win - even bill Clinton moved center in 1996. The Democrats want my vote put a good candidate up. I got news - in 2008 The republicans will have either - Gulianni or Mccain who are more center as well - I dont see hilary beating them and thats all you got right now

not for nothing but anyone who voted for bush on values is freakin brainwashed...since when do people vote for a president because he has good moral values...give me a break...i dont see bush following any of his so called values and now he thinks that he can do whatever the hell he wants...

i saw a pole that said 70% of the people who voted said it is not a mandate for him to follow his whole agenda...then why the hell did u vote for him...what do u think hes gonna do....like i said brainwashed...

run the damn country i dont care about the right to choose or any of the other so called values...

if you dont belive in abortion dont have one....that doenst mean that the president has the right to control a persons body...now i dont want to get into teh abortion debate cause no one will ever win that...i was just using it as an example..

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guilinni is more center....hes practically the total opposite of bush
I wouldnt say opposite - Buy yes def more center - Thats why I think he needs to be 2008 candidate and thats why I think Bush should put a democrat in his cabinet. I support Bush entirely but we need to move him a little left. Not much - but some
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not for nothing but anyone who voted for bush on values is freakin brainwashed...since when do people vote for a president because he has good moral values...give me a break...i dont see bush following any of his so called values and now he thinks that he can do whatever the hell he wants...

i saw a pole that said 70% of the people who voted said it is not a mandate for him to follow his whole agenda...then why the hell did u vote for him...what do u think hes gonna do....like i said brainwashed...

run the damn country i dont care about the right to choose or any of the other so called values...

if you dont belive in abortion dont have one....that doenst mean that the president has the right to control a persons body...now i dont want to get into teh abortion debate cause no one will ever win that...i was just using it as an example..

I am pro Choice BUT Partial Birth abortion needs to be banned. Values have alot to do with this country - If you dont think so then I am glad your candidate lost. Read CNN.com - Bushs Plan is bringing back the jobs we lost on 911. I am done for today - Go to CNN.com (not exactly Bush Fans) but fact are facts so they reported Job Growth SOARS - there exact wording SOARS
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I am pro Choice BUT Partial Birth abortion needs to be banned. Values have alot to do with this country - If you dont think so then I am glad your candidate lost. Read CNN.com - Bushs Plan is bringing back the jobs we lost on 911. I am done for today - Go to CNN.com (not exactly Bush Fans) but fact are facts so they reported Job Growth SOARS - there exact wording SOARS

well i guess if you call working at mcdonalds or burger king job growth then bush is achieving is goals...the fact is yes jobs are growing but starting slaries are off by 5 - 10,000 a year and employers more then ever are dropping health coverage...so yes jobs were created but not the type that a family could survive on. now that is a fact...

and i happen to have tremendous family values and i could see from a mile away that bush is totally fake and hes a liar...

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Zell Miller - Joe Liberman - -

I hate to say it but the Democrats will never use these 3 to lead their party.

Miller is a nut job who crossed party lines

Liberman is Jewish and although im not putting him down for it I think he is a wonderful speaker and leader, Middle America won't go for it

Oboma is too young and unfortonatley the fact that he is a minority dosen't help

(These arent racist comments, they are practical and im sure the Democratic leaders are thinking the same things)

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I hate to say it but the Democrats will never use these 3 to lead their party.

Miller is a nut job who crossed party lines

Liberman is Jewish and although im not putting him down for it I think he is a wonderful speaker and leader, Middle America won't go it

Oboma is too young and unfortonatley the fact that he is a minority dosen't help

(These arent racist comments, they are practical and im sure the Democratic leaders are thinking the same things)

First I dont think Miller is a "Nut Job" second - I Iknow that it would be hard for a jewish person or a minority to be elected Pres - Actuallyalmost Impossible (right now) but What I am referring to is their way of thinking.
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well i guess if you call working at mcdonalds or burger king job growth then bush is achieving is goals...the fact is yes jobs are growing but starting slaries are off by 5 - 10,000 a year and employers more then ever are dropping health coverage...so yes jobs were created but not the type that a family could survive on. now that is a fact...

and i happen to have tremendous family values and i could see from a mile away that bush is totally fake and hes a liar...

First I am not concieding to your facts But do you think companies like IBM and Merrill Lych, At&T etc will open up there ranks and hire a multitude of 60 - 70 k + a year jobs because Of Kerry?? Also there were 337,000 jobs created last month alone (more than anyone predicited) God Bless Mcdonalds because that is alot of people for even them to Hire. The Fact is - they projected 175,000 jobs last month and we got 337,000 - Thats a fact.

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Job growth??Well it took them long enough man...That should have happened like over a year or 2 ago...when the bush administration said it would!!!...So what took them so long? And I heard on the radio, this job growth occurred only in a section of the country,.... When you look at the overall job growth for the entire country, there is still a major struggle. And let's see how long this job growth will last...and see if we have spoken too soon.

All I have to say is that New York and other cosmopolitan states did their part in voting to with its electoral votes for the best candidate...So all the work that was done was not in vain. Bush did not win by a landslide by ANY means at all, and if he is intelligent at all, he better seriously consider the opinions of the other side for the next four years. It was a dead heat election. This attitude that "IT's all about winning needs to STOP!" Because we are playing with peoples lives here. And when it comes down to it, its mainly because of unhealthy selfishness and excessive greed! If the war in Iraq was mainly for oil, I think it is no surprise to me that the majority of the wealthy business minded will support and vote for Bush and praise his success.

And I personally have become more educated and wary about who the people are who live in each of our 50 states. The main problem here is EDUCATION I think. MOre focus needs to be put on educating those states in a way that they would want to listen.

I don't have a clue as to how exposed there are or allow themselves to be with the media, and how diverse the opinions in that media are! That needs to be explored more if it hasn't been already.

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i'm thinking moving to portugal, eating cheese and drinking wine all day waiting for ibiza summer parties....who's down?

holy shit... i love cheese and wine! lol...

sorry guys, but i had to respond to that comment... lighten up the thread for one sec..

ok... get back to politics :)

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