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Did anyone see this? RE: IQ's of voters for each respective side n state?


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Instead of calling people stupid for voicing thier opinion. why don't you find out why they hold those opinions. Im seriously disapointed in you man I wouldn't expect this kind of elitest snobbery out of you.

Im not trying to be elitist or a snob. Good Lord :laugh:

Im voicing my opinion. Dude, im REALLY upset that someone like GW got re elected. His father is cool. But the son is a fuckin moron. and im saying that according to this list of IQ's in respect to who voted for who, it should tell you something. You can't deny it.

It's not saying everyone who voted for Bush is a Moron. But it is saying the majority of voters who voted for Bush came from states with lower IQ's.

But don't worry. we're in NY, one of the states with the highest IQ's ;)

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Instead of calling people stupid for voicing thier opinion. why don't you find out why they hold those opinions. Im seriously disapointed in you man I wouldn't expect this kind of elitest snobbery out of you.

Ironically, it is the same reason why they lost the election. You would think they would learn. Everyone else is dumb, and their beliefs mocked and ridiculed because they differ from their minority, elitist, out-of-touch crowd. Schmucks and hypocrites.

BTW--this apprarent IQ thing appears to be a hoax, per another poster DImitry on another thread.

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Im not trying to be elitist or a snob. Good Lord :laugh:

Im voicing my opinion. Dude, im REALLY upset that someone like GW got re elected. His father is cool. But the son is a fuckin moron. and im saying that according to this list of IQ's in respect to who voted for who, it should tell you something. You can't deny it.

It's not saying everyone who voted for Bush is a Moron. But it is saying the majority of voters who voted for Bush came from states with lower IQ's.

But don't worry. we're in NY, one of the states with the highest IQ's ;)

Son, you are exactly acting like an elitist and a snob....

And the list is apparently an internet hoax:


And if not, how do you know that those in each "high IQ' state with the highest IQ did not vote for Bush......Case in point, I personally know someone with a freakish IQ, lives in NYC, and voted Bush......this "data' can be easily manipulated....just because you have a high IQ does not mean you are well informed on the issues that effect elections or choices either....

If you want something that is dumb, look no further than the use of this so-called data to justify Kerry's, the left, and the DNC's loss..

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Us Bush folks are just a bunch of cross burning 'necks, snake handlin' bible beaters, and uneducated losers whose heads are filled w/ fearmonger misinformation spread by Republicans desperate for power.

And if you believe this one, did I mention the bridge that I have for sale?

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dont know why the Democrats grasp the fact that their party is going down the tubes, instead of making excuses for losing...many of them ARE out of touch with the common man...and if they dont start changing up their strategy and IMO start leaning back to the middle...this 2004 election will continue to repeat itself...

That is exactly right. The Dems need to understand that the US is not extremely liberal or conservative. In fact the further you get from the center the less people you have on your side.

The efforts by Moore, Springsteen, Dixie Chicks, etc seemed like a good idea but really alienated a lot of people. The Dems are embracing the wrong people if they want to get back on track. Where was Joe Liberman during the campaign? Wait, he is to moderate and doesnt have that "star" quality needed.

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That is exactly right. The Dems need to understand that the US is not extremely liberal or conservative. In fact the further you get from the center the less people you have on your side.

The efforts by Moore, Springsteen, Dixie Chicks, etc seemed like a good idea but really alienated a lot of people. The Dems are embracing the wrong people if they want to get back on track. Where was Joe Liberman during the campaign? Wait, he is to moderate and doesnt have that "star" quality needed.

Bush should find a place for Leiberman in his administration....McCain too

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That IQ list is most likely true. But the correlation between IQ and democratic voting states is a spurious one. Meaning that the correlation is connected by 1 or more other variables... such as people with higher IQ's general live in more urban areas, and states with highly populated urban areas vote democrat.

On another note, it has been proven in a multitued of scientific studies that people that have gained a higher degree of education (such as bachelors degrees, masters, PHDs...etc) are MORE LIKELY to have liberal values and beliefs than people with lower levels of education(HS dropouts).

PS. Not that there is anything wrong with people that haven't attained a high level of education, some people are not cut out for school and have other talents.

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i find it interesting that if you look through that site a little they do have an IQ list by state ... and the 20% of states(which have 98 or less) voted for bush ... while the top 4 states(103 and higher) voted kerry
If you want to see Bush country - Red by county click this link. Its a real eye opener. http://hannity.com/img/usa_election_map.jpg I wonder what the IQ would be if listed by county??? Democrats have lost 8 of the 10 last elections - its time they change their strategy.
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If you want to see Bush country - Red by county click this link. Its a real eye opener. http://hannity.com/img/usa_election_map.jpg I wonder what the IQ would be if listed by county??? Democrats have lost 8 of the 10 last elections - its time they change their strategy.

I hate those county by county maps. Most of those "red counties" are more like light pink and not dark red. And most of those "blue counties" are in fact dark blue. So get a clue, before you post a stupid map like that.

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I hate those county by county maps. Most of those "red counties" are more like light pink and not dark red. And most of those "blue counties" are in fact dark blue. So get a clue, before you post a stupid map like that.

LOL - Libs crack me up - OHIO is soooo close and so is Florida. NJ was closer - NH was closer too - Red counties are red because more people voted for Bush there - Thats it thats all. Maybe 2008

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LOL - Libs crack me up

Me too !!!! No need for comedy central when we have Libs. They will believe any conspiracy thrown at them (if it involves a Rep). Whoever belives this IQ chart will also believe that Kerry as President would have gotten Christopher Reeves to walk again.

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Me too !!!! No need for comedy central when we have Libs. They will believe any conspiracy thrown at them (if it involves a Rep). Whoever belives this IQ chart will also believe that Kerry as President would have gotten Christopher Reeves to walk again.

Another proud campaign moment for the DNC.........nah, they don't play on people's fear like the big, bad RNC..... :rofl:

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dont know why the Democrats grasp the fact that their party is going down the tubes, instead of making excuses for losing...many of them ARE out of touch with the common man...and if they dont start changing up their strategy and IMO start leaning back to the middle...this 2004 election will continue to repeat itself...

Out of touch!

then tell me about Bush and how the heck is he "In touch"?

--Against gay marriage, yet IN REALITY there are hundreds of thousands of gays n lesbians in the world (many of whom would like to marry, but Bush believes in "traditional values")

-- For the war in Iraq, even though IN REALITY there was no connection btw. Saddam and Osama

--For reducing taxes, yet IN REALITY we are inching more and more in debt by the hour

-- For Isolationism, when we need the global communities help in support of the war in terror more than ever

i could go on, but those with a head on their shoulders get the point!

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Out of touch!

then tell me about Bush and how the heck is he "In touch"?

--Against gay marriage, yet IN REALITY there are hundreds of thousands of gays n lesbians in the world (many of whom would like to marry, but Bush believes in "traditional values")

-- For the war in Iraq, even though IN REALITY there was no connection btw. Saddam and Osama

--For reducing taxes, yet IN REALITY we are inching more and more in debt by the hour

-- For Isolationism, when we need the global communities help in support of the war in terror more than ever

i could go on, but those with a head on their shoulders get the point!

1- The states have voted on gay marriage and the resolutions passed w/ 2 and 3 votes to 1. Dont pin this on the President. The HUGE majority of Americans do not support gay marriage.(personally, I am pretty liberal when it comes to social issues but most of America is not)

2- The war in Iraq was a pre-emptive strike that eliminated a potential threat. The war was not fought on the basis of bin Laden-Saddam connection. WMDs were not found, but millions were liberated and we now have a gateway to Iran.

3- The deficit is a huge issue that must be attacked during the next 4 years. If it is ignored, the nation is going to feel repercussions for years.

4- We have tons of allies in our war against terror. Just b/c France, Germany and the pussies in Spain who voted to change govts after the Madrid bombings arent w/ us does not mean that support isnt strong.

The "out of touch" comment is refering to the Dem Party ignore the statistics and trends of recent years. They no longer have a majority of supporters in this nation. Middle America and the South are now Republican strongholds. If you look back, the South was a lock for the Democratic candidate for many many many years. This isnt the case.

If the Dems continue to listen to the media, Hollywood, and Michael Moore, they are going to further alienate members of their own party. Politics is about moderates and right now, the Dems dont seem to get that. The fact that Hillary is even being discussed for 2008 has Republicans celebrating. She is nearly as far left as Kerry and as polarizing as any figure in America. This is why the Dems are out of touch. What iceberg???

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LOL - Libs crack me up - OHIO is soooo close and so is Florida. NJ was closer - NH was closer too - Red counties are red because more people voted for Bush there - Thats it thats all. Maybe 2008

I just wanted to point out how much of an idiot you are posting that map before. And now your acting all defensive, look at cnn.com, they have maps of each individual state where the counties have either a dark red, light red, white, light blue or dark blue.

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