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E and Violence?

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As i was channel surfing today- i came across a discovery channel special that was talking about the effects of depleted seritonin levels. Having read a bit about the effects of ecstasy on neuro-receptors and seritonin levels I kept watching to see what the show was all about.

Turns out it was discussing the "science" behind violent behavior. It talked about a study conducted in Finnish prisons (I think they were Finnish?) that linked low seritonin levels to violent behavior. Something like 85% of the inmates which had tested positive for low seritonin levels and were released, committed violent crimes yet again. Well the show continued to talk about other contributing factors to the violent behavior... including the genetic coding that "designed" these low seritonin levels as well as damaged seritonin receptors. However it seems that this case study seems to point out a strong connection not only between seritonin and depression but also violent behavior.

In all my reading up on ecstasy, I never came across refernece to such a link. At least none that I can recall. This show provied yet another frightening reason to stay away from drugs. Just thought I'd pass the info along. Anyone know of any other research that suggests a connection between depleted seritonin levels and violent behavior?

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the long term effects of any drug, including alcohol, are negative. you have to make an informed decision. try going out one night without drugs or alcohol and see how you like it. the way i see it, alcohol can bring on violent behavior immediately upon being under the influence and that's clearly been documented. as for ectasy bringing on violent behavior after long-term abuse, i'd have to question that conclusion...were these Finnish inmates on the Discovery Channel noted for using any other drugs other than ectasy? Surely they had used other drugs or alcohol to some extent???? The effects of ecstasy are still unknown, and people in our generation who are using it are basically guinea pigs...we'll know a lot more in 20 years or so....

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IT's true that drugs eventually have a negative effect. . . but I've never heard or this with e. PCP is really the only drug that makes you violent. WHatevs. .. .u gotta be careful no matter what u take cwm13.gif


~The poor long for Riches,

The rich long for Heaven,

But the wise desire Tranquility.~

*"The only good is knowledge. The only evil is ignorance."* Socrates

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i appologize in advance because this is not relevent to the topic because we're talking long term effects, but i can't help myself

it's hard to see someone on e getting violent when they're going around hugging everyone telling them how much they love them

"man, i don't even know you, but you got that hat, and i love that hat....gimme a hug man"


twilo is my drug

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Just wanna say: please take care of yourselves.... long term/short term.... just know your limits, take breaks, and enjoy the scene sober every once in a while.... everyone knows that the greatness wears off with frequency.....


“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. It was the experience of mystery—even if mixed with fear—that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, our perceptions of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which only in their most primitive forms are accessible to our minds: it is this emotion that constitute true religiosity. In this sense, and only this sense, I am a deeply religious man… I am satisfied with the mystery of life’s eternity and with a knowledge, a sense, of the marvelous structure of existence—as well as the humble attempt to understand even a tiny portion of the Reason that manifests itself in nature.” ~ Einstein

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i just wanted to say that ive have been reading this board since last year and you guys all make me miss the east coast so much even though i havent met any of you i feel like i know each of you guys who post here regularly and i want to strenghten the sentiment to be chill and to look out for each other and protect each other we are all a big family out there. ive havent smoked weed or done any drugs out here in cali for like 4 months cause i dont feel comfortable enough with anyone i know to be so relaxed messed up and off guard. if any of you guys ae going to sf fridays the last time its id 18 and up please let me know if love to meet up with you guys and party and dance.... kid vid

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Originally posted by mattyparsons:

"man, i don't even know you, but you got that hat, and i love that hat....gimme a hug man"

ROFLMAO...Oh, thank you!!


"Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift...that is why we call it the present"

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I t true that research has linked low serotonin level with violent ofences,but also with suicide,depresion and insomnia.

Serotonin is neurtransmiter with widespread

functions through central nervous system.

E causes serothonin rush release,so short term violence-forget it.Long term E can cause serothonin depletion or lover levels

but most researchs were done on monkeys with doses of 10mg per kg sub cutaneos for 4 days in a row.That is if 125lb girl shots up

600mg rouhgly 4-6 pill equivalent every day.

In E users no increased wiolence is noted.

Chronic e,speed,cocaine users have mild to moderate subclinical memory impairment.





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Frodo is likely the only medical professional on this board, so I'll take his word over anything the Discovery Channel has to say. I'm with ya, Boris!!

But you shouldn't assume that there are NOT any violent criminals on this board. I can think of a few candidates I've met already ..

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Without adding my opionion yet I would like to state:

The difference between alot of "legal" and "illegal" drugs in our society stem from the fact: whether or not our Gov't / Pharmautical companies are making money off it.


Use email DJmikeDR@aol.com

PM way too slow!

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no no no... some of you have seem to misread my post... the point wasnt that any of these inmates were users of ecstasy- they may have been... who knows... the point was that the study linked low seritonin levels, and problems with seritonin receptors to violence. no mention of ecstasy in the show at all.

as for the comments regarding drug use... well duh any illegal substance- as well as many legal substances which apotheosis makes reference to- cause a variety of long term damage, much of which we dont know about being that relatively little research has been done on long term effects- on ecstasy in particular.

as for my own opinions... i agree that people, who make a defensive case by saying that many of the legal, more socially accepted substances are "safe" are simply uninformed. however, i shared this information because this show just pointed out another reason to carefully regulate ecstasy consumption. more importantly- it illustrated a new reason to do so- one i had never heard of before. so i passed it along as a new thing to add to the list of reasons to be careful.

i personally feel a responsibility to know what i am doing to my body and am sure other people do too.


Music is the answer.. to the problems... keep on movin, and you can solve them.

If you feel that you can take no more, and your feet are headed for the door ... gotta keep on... DANCIN and PRANCIN. GROOVIN, keep on MOVIN.

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sure can

i'm not much of an expert on the subject but there are different phases of sleep (r.e.m., and the rest which i can't remember the names of) and they usually come in cycles which are about the same every night for each individual person. it's the deep sleep which actually rests a person and causes them to feel rested in the mornings. according to this study which was done on people who did e less than 20 times, this cycle had been dramatically altered which can leave a person getting less of that every so precious "deep sleep"

that's the extent of my knowledge


twilo is my drug

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I though REM sleep is where your body recuperates most. Well, if e changes that pattern, maybe we should take some G to help us sleep better!

Seriously though, e has been known to reduce serotonin levels, and damage/mutate serotonin receptors. And if violence is linked to low serotonin levels/receptors then maybe we should be aware of the possibility, at least, of violence down the line.

However, like everyone has already said, there's no real evidence that shows us how much is too much - thats where the problem is. And the thing about sleep patterns changing..yes they changed for these people, but how adversely were they affected, ie, did they have to sleep xxx extra hours a day, or did their productivity drop by xxx percent...?


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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Yeh i have read a few reports done on REAL people that have abused E (and the problem is other drugs). The way i read it is that is messes with something they call inpulse control. It doesn't make you mroe violent but it does make you 'snap' more easily.

The research was on a fairly small group of people in Scotland. It was based on earlier reasearch (not connected with E, which could be the report you have quoted from).

We are the biggest walking experiment that has EVER happened. We wont know the answer until the effects start to show... if they do.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

We are the biggest walking experiment that has EVER happened. We wont know the answer until the effects start to show... if they do.

I don't know how to respond to that statement, Dave! cwm13.gif I know I like to live on the edge but . . . cwm36.gif



“If the headache would only precede the intoxication, alcoholism would be a virtue.” - Samuel Butler angel.gif

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