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company "holiday" party...


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so does ur company do anything for the holidays??? holiday luncheon, dinner, party???

my company does this extravegant party (everything is free and we can bring a date/friend) where we all get boozed up and act like we're all friends and the come monday no one remembers anyones real name...i personally havent gone to my company holiday party since 2000...this year my company has decided since the head count has gotten lower and lower each year they want to do a party in jan or feb...that way everyone is around for it...i still wont go...

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so does ur company do anything for the holidays??? holiday luncheon, dinner, party???

my company does this extravegant party (everything is free and we can bring a date/friend) where we all get boozed up and act like we're all friends and the come monday no one remembers anyones real name...

We have the same thing at my work. Its fun tho because they are all alcoholics. I actually have fun at the parties. Usually drunk within the first hour and everything else is a blur....:)

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We had a good party my first year, but since then, the "non-Catholics" and "lazy fucks" of the work place and not showing up for last year's party caused them to switch it to an afternoon party. Definitely not the same atmosphere when you party during the day. Doubt they will even have a DJ this time :(.

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We have the same thing at my work. Its fun tho because they are all alcoholics. I actually have fun at the parties. Usually drunk within the first hour and everything else is a blur....:)

so are my co-workers...and the best part is we are a healthcare provider as well as a company that teaches about the bad affect of alcohol among other things...and the company always gets us hammered on their $$$$$$$...

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Our party is in 2 weeks...It's like being at a bad club with only absolut and wine....but oh so entertaining when everyone else is wasted...

isnt that the only reason to actually go to a company party???

watching the higher-ups getting tanked and then being able to make fun of them until the next party is always fun...

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We used to have our party at The Manor in West Orange, NJ. The first year that I went I got SHITTY!!! I had 11 Ketel One screwdrivers and like 7 beers. The last thing I remember is that we went to the bar upstairs after the party was over. I didn't even remember going to this cheesy club afterwards. Allegedly, I was walking around the place taking people's drinks off their tables and drinking them like they were mine. I was also "allegedly" hitting on chicks who's boyfriends were standing right next to them, lol. I went with about 5 guys from work, one of which is 6' and 350 lbs. so no one was really messing with me, thank God. When they were ready to leave, they couldn't find me and being I was in the condition I was in, they thought I passed out somewhere. They were checking the bathroom and outside by and in their cars but they couldn't find me. They walked back inside and found me all the way in the back corner dancing with some chick, lol. The next morning at work, my friends were telling me, "Man, you were FUGGED up at the club!!" I was like, "What club?" LOL. :drunk:

This year, we're having it at a different place and I'm gonna go. I haven't gone for the past 3 years because of school. I'll try to control myself.

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We used to have our party at The Manor in West Orange, NJ. The first year that I went I got SHITTY!!! I had 11 Ketel One screwdrivers and like 7 beers. The last thing I remember is that we went to the bar upstairs after the party was over. I didn't even remember going to this cheesy club afterwards. Allegedly, I was walking around the place taking people's drinks off their tables and drinking them like they were mine. I was also "allegedly" hitting on chicks who's boyfriends were standing right next to them, lol. I went with about 5 guys from work, one of which is 6' and 350 lbs. so no one was really messing with me, thank God. When they were ready to leave, they couldn't find me and being I was in the condition I was in, they thought I passed out somewhere. They were checking the bathroom and outside by and in their cars but they couldn't find me. They walked back inside and found me all the way in the back corner dancing with some chick, lol. The next morning at work, my friends were telling me, "Man, you were FUGGED up at the club!!" I was like, "What club?" LOL. :drunk:

This year, we're having it at a different place and I'm gonna go. I haven't gone for the past 3 years because of school. I'll try to control myself.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

great story...:aright:

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We used to have our party at The Manor in West Orange, NJ.

...that's my home town baby....the manor has great food.....an amazing sunday buffet as well......we dont have anything at my job since it's family owned and smaller than small......but i usu go to my biggest account's party if they have one or in the least go to their office luncheon at the High Lawn Pavilion in West Orange.....

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...that's my home town baby....the manor has great food.....an amazing sunday buffet as well......we dont have anything at my job since it's family owned and smaller than small......but i usu go to my biggest account's party if they have one or in the least go to their office luncheon at the High Lawn Pavilion in West Orange.....

Then you probably know where we went afterwards. The Gate House. They had some Latin night or something that night.

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last holiday party 2 yrs ago was great! rented out this club house and everybody got tanked :bounce:

this one chic helped set up the thing, so she was there really early. she already finished a bottle and a half of wine by the time the first person got there....

she was a messsss. so she goes to the bathroom my my gf at the time and starts stripping in there and shows her her b00bs :laugh: and then does the whole "you're a bitch! and THATS why i like u! we got to stick together!" .... then she said the same thing to one of the female mamagers :laugh:

she has fake b00bs :)

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