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I am the only person not going out on the biggest club night of the year...

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this is the first time in the past 4 years that - instead of going out to some crazy party or club and dancing all night and probably doing way too many drugs or at least some - i am home at my parents' house, going to sleep in about 15 minutes. just wanted to mark this occasion. i hope everyone does have fun, but i didnt feel like spending $40 to go to roxy alone, although the music will be great im sure. i didnt wanna try and go to spirit AGAIN when i can go there anytime and have a great night of dancing. this friday ill make it to crobar for erick morillo... because it will be free. maybe i finally am getting old, who knows. its sad, but im excited to get a good night's sleep and not be cabbing it all over the city tonight just to be tired all day tomorrow. hope everyone has kick ass nights and HAPPY TURKEY DAY!


I'M THANKFUL FOR MUSIC AND FOR THE WAY IT MAKES ME WANNA DANCE! i hope i never lose my love for dancing...

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I'm with you! I've been thinking about tonight and Steve Lawler all month but it's rainy and I'm tired and it's 12:45 and I live 1.5 hrs away at this point I too will be going to sleep soon. The clubs will always be there with many more nights of great music..Happy Turkey day!!!

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in my opinion, it is absolutely admirable when people make such decisions to stay home with parents to show appreciation and love .. instead of going out .. dancing or hanging with their friends (something u can do anyway all year long) ...

i stayed home .. talked to my gf on the phone .. slept good .. oh . and i ate chicken .. hehe (i dont like turkey)

friday and sat should be rocking .. too much dancing coming up .. watch out .. hehe

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in my opinion, it is absolutely admirable when people make such decisions to stay home with parents to show appreciation and love .. instead of going out .. dancing or hanging with their friends (something u can do anyway all year long) ...

i stayed home .. talked to my gf on the phone .. slept good .. oh . and i ate chicken .. hehe (i dont like turkey)

friday and sat should be rocking .. too much dancing coming up .. watch out .. hehe

Are you going to Feelgood and Scott Henry on Sat?

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Stayed at home also...

Well saving up for tonight... oakie...

These Turkey eve parties get way too expensive... just like New Years...

I think I need to just make appearances when the DJ warrants it. AVB @ Spirit seems like an appropriate next "gig"...

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im gonna make a cocktail or 2, then pass out, i had a huge dinner, then i went to my cousin-in-laws rents house, there italian, so they kept stuffing me with 1 of every dessert they had :vomit2:

im too tired, i went out last night...nights like these anyway are too expensive, and i don't like the ppl either, its like amature night :)

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