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Liquid Weed!!!


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Called a Tincture. This is how you make it...

What you will need:

Get one fresh sack of dried herb, grind it up

Get two clean wide mouth jar with lids that you can screw on tight

Get one bottle of everclear or similar high proof alcohol (80 proof will work)

Get one tincture jar, or other dark glass jar with a dropper

What to do with it:

1. Put the ground up herbs in the jar, and fill with alcohol untill it covers the herbs entirely. Then add about another inch of alcohol on top.

2. Shake the jar and put in a cool, dark place (closet).

3. Leave in the jar for anywhere between 1 to 8 weeks shaking it once daily.

4. After the desired time frame has passed, get another clean open mouth jar...

5. Dump the herb / alcohol mixture into a cheese cloth , old t-shirt, or coffee filter that is over the jar. (T-shirt will work best considering you will want to squeeze the herbs good to get all the fluid out)

6. Squeeze all the fluid into the new clean jar, you may have to repeat this process to get out any floaters (Wine press works best).

7. When done filtering, put into the amber colored tincture jar, or any jar that does not let light in. (light is bad for tinctures)

8. keep in a cool dark place, kitchen cabinet, drawer, etc. Could last up to 5 years if done properly.

9. Use the small glass medicine dropper for dosage and your set.

You have to experiment with the dosages, depending on type to weed, length of time in the jar etc... start low though then build up. Tinctures can be very strong.

Commercial voice...

Take it with you everywhere you go, and you dont have to worry about smoking in public, just put a couple drops in your mouth at the grocery store or the mall, mix it in your orange juice at breakfast on Sunday morning, whatever!

end of Commercial voice...

We use a vaporizer to smoke, which doesn't burn the leaves, only vaporizes the THC, and after enough uses, it creates hash in the tube. Then we save the leftover used, but unburnt leaves in a tupperware container to make the tincture. Not as potent, but out of one (1) sack of weed, you get to smoke it all out of the vaporizer (which saves weed by burning less), then after a month or two, you can scrape the tube and get hash (about a ping pong ball size!), then you can use the leftover leaves to make the tincture. Saves soooooooo much money and you get like 10 times higher.

Things to look up on google:

-making a tincture


-vapor brothers

Hope this helps! Let me know if it works for you.


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its tight! don't get me wrong, I smoke it too, but it hurts my lungs sometimes from smoking too much, when I take a break I can use tincture...

just like cooking with it... thats fun too right

its a little diff high, onset quicker but takes 15 - 30 min to feel

you dont drink it, you drop it, 15 - 30 drops depending

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i honestly dunno if i'd want to drink weed, smoking it is part o the fun :hat:

i totally agree. one of the things i love about smoking is just that- the act of smoking. it's what makes it a social activity. i just can't see anything really social about sitting in a circle and passing around a bottle with a dropper and everyone squeezing thc droplets into their mouths. maybe im just too conditioned to the social image of what smoking is for me. but that's not that say that it's not an interesting idea. it's definitely has the novelty thing going.

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