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what is wrong wit girls!!!!


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i dont think 4 months is that qucik depending ont he stiuation. SOme relationships develop faster than others and only those in the relationship can see and feel it. As for the situation that happen its a terrible thing im sorry to hear that. Been thru something similar minus the beatings. Its a tough thing to go thru, but being home and depress is not goin to help ya out a bit. Do something that gives you pleasure and feels good. DANCING for me is my savior, and if you thin sleeping and whoring around will be good then do it, but rember that will get old real fast and then it will seem liek there arent any nice girls around either. And when you least expect it BOOM something will pop up. LUCKILY thats what happened to me, and now i cant complain except that shes in england until late jan early feb doin a show(model/ballet).

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i think one of x g/fs was readin this board and jus put this thing on the ny board about me..and her b4 this relationship!!!!!! crazyness


Let's see if anyone out there can relate to this...

I'm sick and tired of reading my ex's moral high road crap about how he was wronged and how other people (a.k.a. me) are just insecure and weak.

Perhaps if you stepped outside your arrogance you would see that relationships fall apart on account of two people. Maybe you're in denial...maybe you think you've been great but maybe one day in a few years when you can actually see things clearly you'll see that you're the one copping out... you're the one who's too weak to see where you went wrong as opposed to blaming everything on just one person.

It's all good though because I was weak for not standing up for myself and saying what I thought while I was in the relationship. Now at least I can see things in their entirety. I can see that I messed up a bunch of times but that in the end I don't have to question my goodness as a person because I was manipulated by the most powerful force in my life: guilt.

I know where I went wrong and I tried to make up for it but here's a life lesson if I ever saw one: making up for where you went wrong once someone's decided they're going to close themselves off to you is pointless. They can't accept any of the good or the making up you have to offer because they're too caught up in their pain to see anything outside themselves.

I wish I'd been better at times but I don't wish I was still in a relationship where I had to beg the other person to show some emotion- where it was all about pleasing someone who had forgotten how to truly love.

Love is not respect for the sake of respect. Principles are important but if you live according to them just for the sake of them they're empty promises. Same goes for saying "i love you" all the time.

I am now with someone that loves me completely; I am with my best friend, the best friend who saw me go through all this crap and stood by me. I'm with someone who's earned my devotion, respect, confidence, trust and makes me smile. I don't cry myself to sleep every night. I am a stronger person and I can see all the worth and value I have to offer a relationship and life. This may sound arrogant but it's not- not when you'd gotten to the point where you questioned your worth, your goodness, your morals, your ability to love. These things should not be questioned. If you fall out of love with someone and after years of pain you walk away it's ok. It's what you have to do and it's best for you both if you stick by your decisions. This is strength and not insecurity...

That's my piece and the last time I'll ever sign onto this messageboard. I'm through.

I'd hung onto a memory long enough but now it's time to focus on the positive and not the past.

Peace out NYC messageboard...

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well boyz and girls..i jus got bac from visiting the "GIRL" and happens that her uncle died on thursday ..and the X came by b/c he was friends wit him...she told me jus now i am what she wants and she will be wit me on christmas...so i dont kno what to do now..she says she needs a couple days..b/c now that her x has a reason to be by...she has to find a way to get rid of him..i am so confused..but she did call me...and met up wit me..and did tell me she wants to be with me on christmas ladies what do you think?

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well boyz and girls..i jus got bac from visiting the "GIRL" and happens that her uncle died on thursday ..and the X came by b/c he was friends wit him...she told me jus now i am what she wants and she will be wit me on christmas...so i dont kno what to do now..she says she needs a couple days..b/c now that her x has a reason to be by...she has to find a way to get rid of him..i am so confused..but she did call me...and met up wit me..and did tell me she wants to be with me on christmas ladies what do you think?

are you serious???

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well boyz and girls..i jus got bac from visiting the "GIRL" and happens that her uncle died on thursday ..and the X came by b/c he was friends wit him...she told me jus now i am what she wants and she will be wit me on christmas...so i dont kno what to do now..she says she needs a couple days..b/c now that her x has a reason to be by...she has to find a way to get rid of him..i am so confused..but she did call me...and met up wit me..and did tell me she wants to be with me on christmas ladies what do you think?

i think if her ex came by to pay his condolences on her loss of her uncle, there should be no need to have to get rid of him, either shes very confused or playin u

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well boyz and girls..i jus got bac from visiting the "GIRL" and happens that her uncle died on thursday ..and the X came by b/c he was friends wit him...she told me jus now i am what she wants and she will be wit me on christmas...so i dont kno what to do now..she says she needs a couple days..b/c now that her x has a reason to be by...she has to find a way to get rid of him..i am so confused..but she did call me...and met up wit me..and did tell me she wants to be with me on christmas ladies what do you think?

Dude, you're a sucker..Dump this girl and be done with it before she makes even more of a schmuck out of you and then holds all the cards when she kicks YOU to the curb.

Dump this girl, NOW. I don't care how long you've been going with her, how deep your feelings..get on the phone, call her up and say its over..that you've had time to think and the trust just isn't there...and most importantly: Be civil about it.

But get it done..now..

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