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How Has Clubbing Changed Your Life?


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Besides the obligatory dent in the wallet of course, how many aspects of your life has dramatically changed if you've ever made the transition from getting drunk every weekend in a bar to hitting a club in it's stead? (This does not apply to youngsters who began their party life in this fashion) I've lost touch with a dozen or so friends who don't approve of the music (?) or the ummm, choice of stimulants consumed at these establishments. I've also taken off 15 lbs. in the last two years due to not drinking so often. I've met some interesting people, too. I think I'll stick to clubbing. Peace.


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Smithers, come here. I need you.

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It restored my faith in the human race. Ok that sounds a little romantic, but when i first got into clubbing in the late 80's people were just flailing around in the dark there was no culture, no single thing that people could get together and enjoy.

Clubbing was about 'pulling', lying and begging to get laid for the guys and fighting of the guys for the girls. It was a trasitional stage for music, fashion, there were so many sub-cultures you couldn't count them (mod's, new wave, hip hop etc).

So house music (and Acid house), brought all sorts of people together. 'Crusties', travelers, breakers, metal heads all of them were brought together and actually found they could get on.

It's also given me an excuse to travel.

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I've actually made the transition from drinking every weekend to hitting the club about a year ago. I have to say, I'm much happier now. I've finally settled in my element. I find the club scene much more appealing to me than to be at someone's house getting trashed. The music just stes the mood for the night. And everyone is always in a good mood.



[img]http://www.dewa.com/animated/Los Angeles/ani-milan.gif

" THiS iS mY HoUsE AnD My hOuSE MuSiC, BuT iF yOu cOmE hErE iT bEcOmEs

OuR hOuSE aNd oUr HoUsE MuSiC, YoU mAy BE BlAcK, YoU mAy bE WhiTE, YoU

MaY bE JEw You mAY bE GEnTiLE. iN oUr HoUsE ThEiR iS nO cOlOr tHErE iS nO crEEd, JuSt HoUsE MuSiC. yOuR HousE muSiC, mY hoUsE MuSic, OuR hOusE



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Hmmm, I think I met you when I first started my REAL clubbing days cwm27.gif ...That was my first time @ Vinyl and that placed opened me up to a whole new world...Even that night I was "supposed" to meet you at SF...That was my first time there too! My original bullshit clubbing (or so I thought) consisted of Webster Hall practically every weekend...I thought that place was the shit. I listened to trance a lot via off-beat radio stations but I was a hip-hop/reggae head so before Webster...I would venture up to the top floor and go crazy...My clubbin buddy back then (remember her James, short lil Asian girl) would be down for the music upstairs but now she is only in DT so I have no clubbing buddy anymore...I think clubbing has changed my life b/c now I am so much more happier and content with my life...The fact that I can meet a huge range of ppl that are into the same "culture" I am into, I find that pretty cool. I tried to introduce some of my college friends into house/techno/trance/etc...but they all told me is that they have to be really drunk to enjoy it...I don't like to be drunk all the time to have a good time (once in awhile is good), but overall I would rather dance for like 12 hours straight, hardcore dancing, than be drunk and have no energy left by 3am...Just my experince cwm37.gif



...I can't see you, you can't see me! as-slow.gif ...

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Originally posted by Crackorn:

I've lost touch with a dozen or so friends who don't approve of the music (?) or the ummm, choice of stimulants consumed at these establishments. I've also taken off 15 lbs. in the last two years due to not drinking so often. I've met some interesting people, too. I think I'll stick to clubbing. Peace.

I've always been clubbing, but I guess the "start" in my case is when I stopped drinking while at it and switched to "other stuff" or simply nothing, and recently it's been more and more of "simply nothing". No more hangovers - about the only form of alcohol I consume now is wine at dinner. I am always up by 7-8 am on weekends, either still up from the night before or just up because I like to and can be useful in the morning. I too, have alienated a bunch of people, but not to worry - not only have I met a ton of new and cooler people, it shows that if someone is your friend, they'll listen to your crazy stories even if they don't approve of what's involved in them.

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Clubbing gives me the necessary outlet for my dance passion. Those who have chilled with me know that I can truly get lost in my own little world, and I really do feel the music. While I certainly can crank the tunes in my apartment, and dance around by myself, it just doesn't compare to being on the dancefloor with 1000 +/- other partyers, who are all feeling the groove and enhancing my passion.

I also don't have to go to the gym, because dancing for 10+ hours every weekend keeps my figure slim and trim.




Peace Love Happiness y'all


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my memory isn't quite what it used to be and I occasionally see little elves hiding behind corners smile.gif I find that the clubbing lifestyle has been an amazing experience, mostly for all the awesome people I have met. That was always one of my favorite things about Twilo, I always met very interesting people who I might not otherwise get a chance to talk to.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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going clubbinis the best, anytime you feell down you can go there to get lose and dance your probs away, its an escape from reality weather you go drunk sober or eeeeee your face off. everyone is there cause they are feeling the music and there is so much energy being released. id rather go to a club sober then go to a bar and get drunk anyday


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro



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Clubbing definitly changed my life for the better. I met my girlfriend through clubbing, met a lot of cool people, learned to appreciate different musical styles, became more tolerant & open minded as a result of clubbing, let see, what else. Lost a lot of weight, improved my dancing, CD collection grew. Definitly haven't been hung-over as much as I used to.

My non-clubbing friends do break my balls about not being around as much or about not going to bars as much with them but that's expected.

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I wouldn't say clubbin changed my life,

But this music & culture sure as hell did ...

This whole "club" aspect of this culture I think is B.S. , It's all about the $$$ ...

$$$ is the cause & solution to all of lifes problems, well that & drugs/alcohol,sex & The British (j/k) ...


"Without sounding pretentious i don't view what i do as djin'....i look at it as makin' soundscapes with the music and the energy .....the clubs, and the people in the clubs (myself included) are the canvas.....let's paint!"

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Clubbing changed my life totally in a lot of ways. First, I feel like I have more fun in my life now. I really started clubbing when I realized that my life was boring and I needed to hype it up. I remember my first time clubbing I was too shy to go on the dance floor...hahaha. Now when I think of it...it's so funny. Clubbing made me meet a lot of new people....but it also broke a lot of friendships too. It makes me live each week by week and less of worrying all the time about my future. Also changed the way people label me....they label me as a "clubber" but there's way more to me then that.


Did you find your ecstacy???

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Oh yes, I would go to bars and hang outs and never understood all these drunk people who acted like they were having the time of their life-while listening to the most cheezy music. I would always stand around and just wonder what was wrong with me.

Then the awakening came one sunday morning -It was the old Sound Factory (now Twilo)-It was Junior and I had finally found myself and how I fit in with the world.

The music, the people, the vibe.

That was it for me.




The music makes the people come together...

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I am completely with you guys...

I never ever go to bars...what a waste of time! Oh yes..I'm going to pay..to stand around and have drunk guys try and hit on me while hearing horrible music..I think NOT!

I went to bars in college..because we had no clubs in new orleans..and that was enough to last me a lifetime...

I only go to clubs..to hear good music and to dance! Otherwise..I'd rather stay home and spin for myself smile.gif



" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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I had always wanted to go clubbing before I got to NYC, but I wasn't in the right state of mind..... too scared of what other peeps thought of me, of embarassing myself, etc etc. And when I finally tried it out, it was one of the best times of my life.....

I guess it made me realize there's very little NOT worth trying, within reason, of course. And it's definitely not about the drugs...... they're fun, but they're not an experience worth having unto themselves. The people and the music make it worthwhile, and those two items are too much fun to pass up.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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I wouldn't say that clubbing changed my life, but rather that my life changed since I started clubbing. I was the president of a fraternity in college. This essentially entailed avoiding sobriety at all costs. Since being the president of a frat meant that I had to be able to outdrink the rest of my boys, I needed constant practice. Back then, beink drunk seemed to be some sort of idiotic virtue. Everyone used to constantly brag about how drunk they were, had been or will be. Going out wasn't as much about the music or other people, but about finding a place to be drunk. Hell, we even went to Limelight in its prime and were so piss-ass drunk that we just didn't get it. We preferred beer drenched pubs and bars instead.

My idea of "clubbing" was going to some cheezy bar with a dance floor and having beer spilled on me while listening to whatever songs I've been hearing all day on the radio. Dancing involved grinding with some random girl who either was as liquored up as I was or actually made eye contact with me (probably because she was more liquored up than me). The night would usually end with me stumbling home with that girl, my friends or just my impending hangover.

I didn't realy get into real clubbing and real music until I graduated. I know this is probably such a cliche here by now, but E opened my eyes to the club scene. I dropped my first pill six years ago in South Beach. I was with a woman I loved and everything around us was perfect, even before the E.

SoBe had a completely different vibe back then. Relatively few people knew about it, creating a very open minded and free spirited atmosphere. We went to Liquid when it first opened and were just blown away. I actually "felt" the music and couldn't stop dancing. Everyone in the club was so friendly. People would just walk up to us and introduce themselves. I had gotten used to the bar scene in New England, where people AVOIDED strangers in bars unless they wanted either sex or a fight. It was something new for me to see the aura of plutonic love in complete strangers. Granted, almost everyone in SoBe was rolling.

Needless to say, I saw the light. After SoBe, I was hooked and have been clubbing ever since. I came full circle a few years ago in SoBe again. When they opened up Fat Tuesday's and a few other college bars, the whole vibe changed. I realized that there's nothing worse than walking down a palm-lined street with your girl/guy while rolling and running into some drunk assholes looking for a fight.



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dammit Crackcorn...... Since I been hitting the clubs my wallet has lost weight.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Clubbing has prevented me from growing too old to have fun. The vibe is too addictive to ignore .. great music, fun people from all walks of life, and the guilty pleasure of going wild while the rest of the world is passing out or is already sleeping.

I'd be lying if I said the drugs weren't a big part of it too, but I've had plenty of fun experiences in clubs on nothing more than Red Bull and adrenalin. But the people are what the lifestyle is about. Friendly, non-judgemental, honest - I would describe the vast majority of the people I meet in the clubs with those words.

Bottom line for me - instead of spending my late 20s stuffed into a boring suburban settled life, I have frequented clubs, and that has kept me full of energy and youth. I still enjoy going to bars and seeing live music and all the stuff I used to do. But clubs are where I really want to spend my time (much to the chagrin of my non-club friends).

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I use to to the bar thing also.....But when I got into a real club it def changed my views on going out. And def put a dent in the pocket.


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long. Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

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here goes folks.....

before i started clubbing this past june (late bloomer) i was a boring old fart (yes at 20 y.o.) i used to basically find joy in hitting up restaurants, and bars (i look 23 as most of u know)......i was mad closed minded and really didnt like to do anything. In addition i really felt as if i was really not good to hang with. and had a low self confidence.

WELL...since ive been clubbing for a while i have really changed DRAMATICALLY.

1.) i got rid of those friends that made me feel the way that i felt. one of which was supossedly my best friend. who i dont talk to anymore, due to his judgmental personality, and his lack of acceptance in certain things that i enjoyed....namley.....clubs.

2.) i attained these friends, that have changed my life in a way that i will never forget. i feel that they care and love for me just as much as i do them, and i feel that they have the upmost confidence in me, and they feel that i can do anything. these are the people that i call my best friends. Aramis (flippin_e) and melissa (melichacha)...if it werent for these people i dont know where i'd be.

as for the clubs....they have opened my mind in a way that i could never imagine....i did something that 6 months ago if find ballsy....going to a clubnyc meetup....and from that i have made soooooooooooo many incredible new friends. thanks guys. i love you all..

the music.....my god...before i started clubbing, one of my better qualities is that i was openminded to music.....but once i heard prog house...i got into it a little more....little by little....then....there was twilo.

Twilo led me to buying my first digweed album. from there i got into all these DJs and all that.

in closing.....i have learned that NOTHING...will ever top...the feeling that you get, when you walk through that door.....see the smoke...the lights, and you feel that bass in the core of you chest. just thinking about it gives me chills, and it enduces the jitters that i currently have, as we await for Friday.

at this point in my life.... my quote for living has to be....


AGAIN, i love you all. hope to see you once again, this friday and at oakey tomorrow.

-the Al-inator. cwm13.gifcwm11.gifcwm12.gif


"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"Day is gone I'm on my back Staring up at the ceiling I take a drink sit back relax Smoke my kind makes me feel Better for a short time

What I want is what I've not got What I need is all around me"

"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty

K and Erm...there is only one thing to say that will express my feelings about you guys......HAAAAAABUUUURRRBB


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At the tender age of 17 I haven't had much experience with either bars or clubs, but the few clubs that I've been able to go to (Twilo! Twilo!) have been amazing... When you look at the club/rave scene from the outside like I used to when my friends were into raves and I wasn't, it seems really overrated - just a bunch of e-tards trying to live it up. But when you're at a club at 7am after dancing for 6 hours and there's an incredible vibe like everyone there is best friends, it's really someting special. I used to have a hard time meeting people because I was so shy, but in a very short period of time that problem has disappeared and I'm not afraid of approaching people or making new friends, even when it's not in a club environment.


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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