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GuYs--what u prefer on us girls/GirLs--what u prefer wearin?

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guys.. when you're at any club, what are your type of girls n what kinda clothes do ya like to see on em?

girls.. what do you like wearin? get all decked out? (like i do, hehe)




*To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world*


~dont look down on anyone unless your gonna help them up~

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my $0.02

honestly im not a sex-hungry type dood (okay sometimes smile.gif)

at clubs...i really find it sexy when a girl wears like....trackpants, sneekers, and like a tiny tee-shirt, with hher hair up (ya know the sporty look)......i L-O-V-E THAT.....i find it totally sexy.....girls that wear these tiny outfits are ALRIGHT i guess....but they look like they are uncomfy (which they prob are), which in SOME (not all) cases, can make them a little snotty, if not bitchy.....they also in SOME (again not all cases)reflect this ora of total "im the shit"-ness....and i find that totally UN attractive.


"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"Day is gone I'm on my back Staring up at the ceiling I take a drink sit back relax Smoke my kind makes me feel Better for a short time

What I want is what I've not got What I need is all around me"

"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty

K and Erm...there is only one thing to say that will express my feelings about you guys......HAAAAAABUUUURRRBB


[This message has been edited by trippintrance64 (edited 11-22-2000).]

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trippintrance ... you dont know how HAPPY your reply has made me, u just described my favorite clubbing outfit. i've never been one to wear tight pants or heels to a club, just for the comfort factor and its just not me i think i'd look ridiculous - i'm just glad to hear that there are men out there that appreciate that sporty look !!!



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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

my $0.02

honestly im not a sex-hungry type dood (okay sometimes smile.gif)

at clubs...i really find it sexy when a girl wears like....trackpants, sneekers, and like a tiny tee-shirt, with hher hair up (ya know the sporty look)......i L-O-V-E THAT.....i find it totally sexy.....girls that wear these tiny outfits are ALRIGHT i guess....but they look like they are uncomfy (which they prob are), which in SOME (not all) cases, can make them a little snotty, if not bitchy.....they also in SOME (again not all cases)reflect this ora of total "im the shit"-ness....and i find that totally UN attractive.

That's okay but I got to admit to being a leg man so I prefer it when a girl gets all decked out in a short skirt and heels. Just being honest.

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oh boy....lol.. see, ok, i dress up like i dress up anywhere that i go out or just how i normally dress.. dressy but comfy n casual,, usually nice fitted black pants and dressy sandal kinda shoes and either a top thats a little bit glittery or a tank w/ a high neck thats sweatery fabric (definitely comfy though!) usually a little upscale but stylish. it depends really where i'm going though.. but i would definitely hope that guys wouldnt look at me as bein a snobby bitch---ahhhh---thats not good!! n i usually have my hair straight or loosely put back. cwm14.gif



*To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world*


~dont look down on anyone unless your gonna help them up~


GOod girls aren't really good- they're just really good at getting away with being bad... hehehehehehe ;)


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or a cute skirt... as again..depends on where i'm goin.. but i like to see ppl all dressed up in their own ways.. i like originality..

but there are always accessories too...



*To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world*


~dont look down on anyone unless your gonna help them up~


GOod girls aren't really good- they're just really good at getting away with being bad... hehehehehehe ;)


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Originally posted by homersimpson:

Originally posted by trippintrance64:

my $0.02

honestly im not a sex-hungry type dood (okay sometimes smile.gif)

at clubs...i really find it sexy when a girl wears like....trackpants, sneekers, and like a tiny tee-shirt, with hher hair up (ya know the sporty look)......i L-O-V-E THAT.....i find it totally sexy.....girls that wear these tiny outfits are ALRIGHT i guess....but they look like they are uncomfy (which they prob are), which in SOME (not all) cases, can make them a little snotty, if not bitchy.....they also in SOME (again not all cases)reflect this ora of total "im the shit"-ness....and i find that totally UN attractive.

That's okay but I got to admit to being a leg man so I prefer it when a girl gets all decked out in a short skirt and heels. Just being honest.[/quote

You get a humongous ....AMEN....to that.....I LOOVVEEE a girl that has a very cute but and perfect legs and have that perfect short short skirt on....YUM YUM..


What da.....

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I can go either way......it really all depends on what is in the clothes to be honest......I like girls dressed up if I am but I don't always dress up so I also like the sporty look......somewhere in between is perfect......also, it seems to be much better to dance with girls that arent all done up like models.....they don't really seem to dance well from my experience --> thats usually why they try to look so perfect.......



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


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As much as I like to look pretty, I have to say that nothing beats wearing sneakers, baggy pants and a cute little tee. If I'm going out dancing, that's my primary intention, I try not to worry about how I look but rather about how I feel- comfortabel is the way I feel best. I think that the girls who get all dressed up and go to clubs don't really get the scene and the vibe. But I could be wrong. The most important thing is that everybody should be dancing.

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......also, it seems to be much better to dance with girls that arent all done up like models.....they don't really seem to dance well from my experience --> thats usually why they try to look so perfect.......


eeeeyyy!!!!!! that is NOT TRUE!!! i mean it may be true about some, but i sure know how to dance!!!! thats not a very nice thing to say!! cwm45.gif thats not why i dress up or anything~~ its because i like lookin good for myself... n i think the way someone would dress up is to a) express themselves through style b)as part of someone's identity c)based on comfort too... but i mean i definitely dress the way i do because its what i like... but grrrrrrrrrr i definitely know how to dance! n i think as long as people can feel the melodies in their hearts n the vibes throughout their bodies, (or however you wanna say it), that they can understand what the club scene is truly about.. reguardless of how people may dress..although there are people who dont get the whole music n dancin part..



*To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world*


~dont look down on anyone unless your gonna help them up~


GOod girls aren't really good- they're just really good at getting away with being bad... hehehehehehe ;)


AIM: Adrenulyn

email: ......@hotmail.com

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i totally agree with Adrenulyn. i dress up but comfy and not overdone. simple style. but most clubs have a dress code. anyway i still dance and get into it. i could stay at a club for hours and hours and be fine. cwm1.gif

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I definitely like the sporty spice look - I like sporty spice (period) - she is experssive and intelligent.

When not dancing I do prefer the armani / versace / ann taylor / elegant look (loose backless dresses held up by strings, slits and lots of them )

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INMO, there's no such thing as 'i'm a stuck up bitch" outfit. It's all a matter of how a girl handles herself. She can be dressed in gucci and act all cool and down to earth, and that outfit would never stop me from approaching her.

However, unless i'm at a rave, I would rather see a girl wear some sexy outfit rather than sportswear. I would be a lot more attracted to someone who's dressed all sexy (skirt/shirt or a dress) rather than a caffeine shirt and ufo's...A woman looks way sexier like that...ummmmm


"fall in love with music, fall in love with dance"

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It's all about the Woman/girl in the clothes.. if she's slammin she can wear saran wrap for all I care... Just knowing there's a slammin bod under it can be enough.

(although, if she's wearing something whack like Ronald McDonald shoes or some shit... of course I'm gonna snap on her)



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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yeaa!! good... ajja knows what i mean...

ok, firstly, it was well said that it depends on how the girl carries or presents herself reguardless of what she's wearing... very good point! smile.gif i mean, it wouldnt be good if a guy wouldnt go up to someone like me just because i dressed up and seemed like a bad chick just based on that..

also, artful, lol, funny comment.. but whats slammin to you or any guy? many girls have nice bodies...

and what do you gUyS like wearing??

cwm16.gif *adrenulyn* cwm16.gif



*To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world*


~dont look down on anyone unless your gonna help them up~


GOod girls aren't really good- they're just really good at getting away with being bad... hehehehehehe ;)


AIM: Adrenulyn

email: ......@hotmail.com

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I would love to go out all glammed up in a lil skirt and stilettos, but when I go to clubs I go to _dance_. It just wouldn't be fun for me to dance for an hour and have to sit down 'cause my feet are killing me when otherwise I'd be dancing all night. Plus, a packed dance floor seems like death to expensive shoes, judging by the number of people who do their best to step on my feet. I usually just opt for a tank top with comfy pants and sneakers, thongs if I can (even though people have thought I was crazy for wearing flip-flops in a club, I think they're comfortable and if they're nice ones they look dressier than tennis shoes).

I like pretty much the same kind of thing on guys - just wear something that lets you move!


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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The truth is:

I love girls who are all done up in tight outfits. They can be long or short it doesn't matter.

Nothing turns me on more than a girl than a female who knows she is the shit, and is going to make me work to get her attention.



````````TILL U ROCK IT

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I personally like both.I find a girl who has running pants and sneakers with a sports bra or whatever just as SEXY as a girl wearing a short skirt with a nice tank or halter top on...what also makes you more attractive is if you are down to earth no matter what you are wearing!!

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it's all about being pretty prepared to get loose and wile out

i actually generally like wearing jeans everywhere and just a t-shirt, like basic clothing and boots

sometimes throw on the ufo's, but not as often anymore, and occasionally looking sharp in black pants etc.

but in any caes always ready to wile out, otherwise i won't go out to stand around all night



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use"

-Soren Kierkegaard


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if i want to dance, i'm gonna be comfy . . . ufos,caffeines, tank tops, *sneakers* . . . . but if i'm gonna be standin' around most of the night - which in generally not why i go out - then i'm more than happy to put on something cute and little with expensive high-heeled shoes . . . smile.gif

on the boys it all depends where i'm at . . . as a general rule i'm anti adidas pants, cause that seems to make guys think that they don't need shirts then either . .. ick . . . other than that i don't care.

some things just suit certain people better .. .. i happen to be one of those girls that can get away with wearing ufos and a tank top and still manage to look cute . . . i think everyone should just wear what they're comfortable in - and be ready to *dance*! biggrin.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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I am definitly NOT a supporter of the "gotta be glam" dress code but it is nice to see a woman who dresses a litle sexy. But please ladies...theres is a diference between sexy and slutty. The coochie cutters w/heals and a string bikini top is not cool. They look more like theyre there to make money than to dance... no wha I mean??

I think as long as your comfortable and you have some sense of style its all gravy.

Sometimes, no matter what your wearin, the right look and a smile can go further than any outfit.


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