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the answer to the asian 'swing dance'...

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so the other day my mom asked me if i've ever done x....i told her no. she said it's really popular in Asia and x is literally called 'shake your head' pill in Chinese. she asked if ppl really shake their heads when they're on it. so i guess that explains the asian 'swing dance' lol

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I've been noticing for a long time (mostly in the Draper/Exit days) that Asians seem to roll WAY harder than anyone else. It kind of scares me b/c half of them look like they are seizuring or something. I think there might actually be something to it, b/c I know for a fact that alcohol affects some Asians differently (I learned this in "Alcohol Use and Abuse" class)...anyway, that's my 2 cents on the headshaking craze

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I've been noticing for a long time (mostly in the Draper/Exit days) that Asians seem to roll WAY harder than anyone else. It kind of scares me b/c half of them look like they are seizuring or something. I think there might actually be something to it, b/c I know for a fact that alcohol affects some Asians differently (I learned this in "Alcohol Use and Abuse" class)...anyway, that's my 2 cents on the headshaking craze

yeah thats true, a lot of my asian friends cant drink because they have bad reeactions to it.

we're uncovering scientific mysteries right here at cp

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I've been noticing for a long time (mostly in the Draper/Exit days) that Asians seem to roll WAY harder than anyone else. It kind of scares me b/c half of them look like they are seizuring or something. I think there might actually be something to it, b/c I know for a fact that alcohol affects some Asians differently (I learned this in "Alcohol Use and Abuse" class)...anyway, that's my 2 cents on the headshaking craze

I think they get angry and violent when they're drunk. There's ALWAYS a fight at asian parties....it never fails.

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I've been noticing for a long time (mostly in the Draper/Exit days) that Asians seem to roll WAY harder than anyone else. QUOTE]

probably b/c they take 4 pills at a time...i'm 1/2 asian and i've done my fair share of goodies through the years, but i've never felt compelled to do the Asian Head Shake...it always seems the same, black shades on, teeth bared, hands on each others shoulders or hugging as if it were the apocolypse...its one of life's truly great mysteries...

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so the other day my mom asked me if i've ever done x....i told her no. she said it's really popular in Asia and x is literally called 'shake your head' pill in Chinese. she asked if ppl really shake their heads when they're on it. so i guess that explains the asian 'swing dance' lol

This is a very interesting topic!! I too have noticed it a lot when I have gone out and I don't have a real explanation for it. I don't think it's done on purpose. I don't know which is more popular these days the Guido shuffle or the Asian "swing dance"? An explanation for this head shake could be just the extreme amounts of x consumed. While other people sit it out or annoy other people while on x, asians like to mimic a bobble head I guess? You can definetely tell no matter what race when someone's really rolling hard. All I know for sure is that some asians when drinking a lot tend to turn cherry red and swell up like a porcupine. I've noticed it amongst my friends. Liz I can't believe you lied to your mom. ;)

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Alcohol - asians turning red in the face is equivalent to irish people turning red. They're body just reacts differently and blood rushes to

flushed complexion after drinking alcohol. Its the body's inability to break down ingested alcohol completely.

E - Back in 2000 I think the scene was different. Like at Exit you could roll in public and no one would really gave a 2nd look (regardless of race). I think now, when people roll, they roll in the privacy of their apts b/c thye want to achieve their peak or climax w/o having to worry about other people looking at them.

"headshake" - I believe this is only a 1st generation habit. A cultural trend from the FOBs (fresh off the boats). This specific headshake bit wasn't apparent in 2000.

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i dont think it is a big deal .. the head swing dance that is .. i think it is coz most of those folks dont know how to dance (well that goes to 95% of club goers in my opinion) ... but they wana dance .. so somene started this head shake or whatever and everyone followed .. sounds like tht is how it all started ..

i dont think it is specifically related to drugs . otherwise why dont we see other non-asians (who roll hard) doing the head shake thing??? but then again i am no expert on the drugs subject

what really sucks are drugs and alcohol .. and how people abuse their bodies and their brains in the name of joy ... sorry never liked them and never will do it .. and if ppl get mad at me for saying that . then be it ..

anyways .. take care everyone .. and be good


the MASK

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i dunno..i tried the shake you head dance, it got me dizzy and i almost fell down.....

and the reason its annoying....is cuz no matter what they end up almost falling on you on the dance floor, or keep bumping into you.... i dont think its "their way of dancing".

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what really sucks are drugs and alcohol .. and how people abuse their bodies and their brains in the name of joy ... sorry never liked them and never will do it .. and if ppl get mad at me for saying that . then be it ..

who cares what people do to their bodies in the name of a good time, to each his own as long as they don't interfer with my good time its all good.

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i dunno..i tried the shake you head dance, it got me dizzy and i almost fell down.....

and the reason its annoying....is cuz no matter what they end up almost falling on you on the dance floor, or keep bumping into you.... i dont think its "their way of dancing".

OMG... :laugh: You tried it??

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who hasn't

I grabbed my friend and shook the shit out of her side to side like they do to their hoes, it was funny for a bit but very tiring on the arms :hat:

:rofl: ...guess it's my turn to try this... :laugh: I'll give y'all a full assessment... at least it makes for good bicep development, no? hehe...

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