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Mets sign Beltran

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Cheers Spragga and all the other Met fans! Looks like we got ourselves a great 5 tool player for the next 7 years who is just entering his prime.

It would be great if we picked up a Delgado as well but I think we should maybe concentrate on bringing back Olerud for defense and strenghtening up our bullpen. I REALLY hope they back out of this Sosa talk.









That would be a pretty good line up with all of the switch hitters and not to mention Piazza is in his last year so we would be able to free up $15mm next season also. Reyes and his health will be key...I want to see him have a break out year. He's been playing winter ball in his home town and supposedly he feels fine.


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Things are starting to finally look up for the Mets...I still think they might need one more bat to take some of the load off Beltran and Piazza, but Wright could help that some too.

A very good step in the right direction!

Isn't that why they're looking into Delgado?

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I'm giving him alot of credit...by him being able to communicate with Pedro and get him to sign, that led the way for a player like Beltran to want to maybe play at Shea but at the same time we offered both of those players much more money than anyone else which I'm sure helped make there decision to play here just a little bit easier also and he was allowed to offer that money thanks to the owners who are probably thinking about their new network

either way I don't give a fuck....if you're a Mets fan you have to be excited

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it's being reported on ESPN that the Mets are trying to set up a meeting with Delgado later this week....

"The session also is an indication that even though the Mets have committed $172 million to Beltran and Pedro Martinez this winter, they're not through -- and haven't even reached their budget limit. They still haven't ruled out trading for Sammy Sosa, in fact."

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Congrats on paying a player 17 mil a year who's not even among the top 15 players in the game.

Also, how does it feel to know that he was willing to sign with the Yankees for 19 million less?

If you didn't get Johnson, you would've paid $20 million per easily...sucked for Beltran that you guys were looking to overpay for pitching this year.

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Actually, I'm not too sure if the Mets' rotation is better than Boston's






Schilling's better than Pedro. Clement's stuff is awesome. Wells and Glavine had similar numbers last year(I think) Wells won more games. Miller can be very good when healthy. Who knows what pitcher they're getting in Zambrano this year. Trachsel is better than Arroyo.

Oh, and the Mets' bullpen is awfull.

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If you didn't get Johnson, you would've paid $20 million per easily...sucked for Beltran that you guys were looking to overpay for pitching this year.


Overpay for pitching, you say? lamaaaoooooo Hello Kris Benson. Ring a bell? Only team willing to give FOUR FUCKING YEARS to Pedro. Remember?

btw, that pitching that we 'overpaid' for just happens to include the best pitcher in the game today. When committing that much money to pitchers, we usually prefer that their ERA's be closer to 3, not 4. And that they not have sub .500 records. What was Benson' ERA last year? His record?

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