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pursuit of happiness...


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Happiness isn't a destination - it's a journey.

We all find happiness in attaining our goals. But once we attain them we must make new goals or we will become unhappy and complacent. Many people will rest on the laurels of past accomplishments and will lose focus on the overall picture of true happiness. If you find yourself unhappy most of the time it's either because you have no goals or you aren't trying to attain the goals you set. Another factor of unhappiness is that you could be setting your goals way to high and completly out of reach and are always failing - this happens to many people and they give up, never trying to do anything again. Don't let this happen to you. Keep your goals attainable, simple, yet challenging and demanding. And always make you goals for what YOU want to do in life - don't set goals for what you think other people want you to do - setting goals and sticking to them is something that I haven't been able to do except within the last 15 months - And I have achieved all of my goals except Two, but I exceeded most of my goals and came up even with a fair amount. This past year has been one of the happiest, and it has also been the most demanding and hardest worked year of my life.

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Happiness is.....well....when I find it I'll let you know.

Happiness isn't found.

If you go out on this giant quest for happiness you will be disapointed. you don't need to search for what is already inside you. You only need to discover it.

A couple good books about discovering happiness within yourself -

"The Alchemist" Paulo Coelho

"Siddhartha" Herman Hesse

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Many people will rest on the laurels of past accomplishments and will lose focus on the overall picture of true happiness. If you find yourself unhappy most of the time it's either because you have no goals or you aren't trying to attain the goals you set.

very true...had to find this out firsthand, unfortunately...or maybe its good i found this out so "early" in lfe

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Something I read once...


Life isn't going to go the way you want all by itself.

Life isn't going to get a whole lot better if you sit around doing nothing to change it.

Life isn't going to be full of amazing miracles and miraculous improvements.

Life is going to fuck you in the end in some way or another.

Life is going to get worse.

Life is going to disappoint you.

Why is it that no one realizes things aren’t perfect? Things don't get better on their own. Things don't go the way you expected them to and they never will.

If I walked up to you right now and offered you a chance at pure happiness for the rest of your life, would you take it?

Think about it before you give me an answer.

What is pure happiness? Would it equal no more pain? No more suffering? No more wondering how tomorrow is going to be, because you would already know?

With pure happiness what would you fight for? What would you dream of? What would you be living for if you knew that everything will go perfectly? What lessons will you have learned?

If happiness was handed out on a silver platter and you accepted it, you would be giving up. There's no survival rate for those who know what tomorrow brings. People need to realize life may not go the way you want it to, but that's what makes it exciting. Being able to go out and do something with your life, work hard for what you get, work hard to make yourself as happy as possible and then be able to say " I DID IT".... "I FUCKING SURVIVED".

You live to wake up in the mornings not knowing how your day is going to go, but hoping and praying that it is better than the day before.

You know how that song goes, “Step by Step...Day by day"? Make that your personal theme song.

Don’t focus on tomorrow, worry about today. Do you know when you are going to die? NO. So your life can end at anytime, and if you don't start to change things now, who says you will have a chance to later?

Life isn't perfect. Why would you want it to be?

Think about it.

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