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ate what age or event do you want to stop using


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im thinking either by 27 or when i meet a good gf who doesnt use at all...will be the end of me...

i really cant see myself being in the 30s, blowing lines, drinking 20+ drinks a night, blacking out....chillen in the projects...

responsibility has to come at some point.... :hang:

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ate what age will you proof read before you post.

Just wait you will be 30 saying ill stop when i am 40, then it will be 50, then yuo will just say fuck it I am already living under a bridge so why stop now. :pint:

proofreading is a waste of time, its a message board, not 8th grade english...what's next? Are you going to tell me I used a pronoun without an antecedent? lol :hat:

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depends what kind of person you are, sometimes age is a factor, marriage, carreers,depends if you like drugs to enhance your fun or escape your problemsconf44.gif

i don't think age is a factor, iv meet enough ppl over the age of 30 who get FUCKED up..

i guess for me it depends on a relationshp, im not getting cracked out and k'd up when i have kids...

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i have pretty much cut down everything that i used to do...i hardly ever go out so i dont do anything...i am down to doing some lines once a month or so...but that it is...

honestly i just see doing shit as a waste of time and money...i guess getting older has done that to me...

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There will be a time where your mind just changes (well at least it did for me).

I dunno...lately I just have no drive to do anything to get fucked up. Ive been going out just drinking and been having a good time. Before that I would go out drinking and do lines (ALOT!).

I have no need for it at this point (dont know why) and meanwhile the shit is better than ever.

Not saying that now is my stopping point (age 23) but im definitely changing mentally. Yes...I will do stuff again. When? I dont know. But im happy for now. Even slowing down is more than enough of an accomplishment for me.


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All I really do is vikes and booze, sometimes a couple bumps. I think it all has to do with when you started, if you started rolling when you were 16 then you might stop at 23, but if you started rolling at 23 you might not stop until 28 or 30 or whenever your head exploded.

I started late, 22, but stopped taking rolls when i was 26. I do not think I am done, I believe I have 1 or 2 times left I am just saving them.


podes i was just busting your balls, i do not proof read anything i write on here.

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All I really do is vikes and booze, sometimes a couple bumps. I think it all has to do with when you started, if you started rolling when you were 16 then you might stop at 23, but if you started rolling at 23 you might not stop until 28 or 30 or whenever your head exploded.

I started late, 22, but stopped taking rolls when i was 26. I do not think I am done, I believe I have 1 or 2 times left I am just saving them.


podes i was just busting your balls, i do not proof read anything i write on here.

Thats one of the main things it comes down to i think too, Im 28 now but I popped my first e when I was like 25 or so. Even though ive been smokin since I was around 16, still do..

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you quit or slow down when it stops being fun ....

and the deeper you get into it, the quicker that time comes.

for me ... I actually find it more fun the older I get, because i party less often, and make the times I do go out a little special as opposed to just the every weekend thing.

Also... its more fun when you have handled your responsibilites before you party and don't have to worry about making rent next week or going out that night.

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