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am I being stalked ?


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OK here's a problem - like awhile back my mailman asked me out ...left a memo in my mailbox . as soon as he said " I'm not the brightest guy " ...I told him I'm not interested .

Well ..EVERYTIME I GO out ...jogging or walking down the street, waiting at the bus station ...if he sees me he pulls up right behind me and says " I just wanted to say 'hi' . Sometimes he follows me in his car or the mailtruck and always pulls up behind me and I REALLY DON'T LIKE THAT ..

I know the difference between ..a nice normal friendly 'hi' and a derranged 'hi' ...and he makes me feel uncomfortable

Today I was at the bus and he drove by in his mailtruck and his head turned ..I think he was looking my way ...I REALLY DON'T LIKE HIM STARING AT ME.

I went inside a bank to hide from him becuz I thought he was gonna drive over to me.

Happens ALL THE TIME I'm outside ...the following by car ...the staring ..

what should I do ? SHould I tell his supervisor he's making me unconfomtable ?

I don't want to go outside at certain times ..becuz he does his route around my house in the morning ...

He makes me feel uncomfortable ..and I don't even give a shit about the fact he's pretty decent looking .

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so like..youre being stalked by the mailman? how about the grocery guy or the pizza delivery guy? or the cashier at the supermarket? or your neighbors? they stalking you too by being alive>? why dont you shut up.

on the other hand

my friend works in the mail and he told me once that they change the mailmens routes all the time cuz people seem to hate mailmen so just call the office and theyll change his mail route. its that easy


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so messed up

if he was some fat bald ugly dude ..I would've snapped at him ..but becuz he's decent looking .. I didn't tell him to fuck off yet .... I don't care anymore ..he's gettin on my nerves

I know most girls would like it if some good looking maildude stalked them but I don't

I realized ...that doesn't matter ..stalker is a stalker

He just follows me and stares and says 'hi' . wtf ?

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c'mon most girl do would do that

So that makes it ok?? :rofl:

FYI, A stalker isn't scary because he/she is ugly. A stalker is scary because of his actions. It doesn't matter if the dude looks like Brad Pitt, if he's scaring you and making you feel uncomfortable, you do something about it immediately... I refuse to believe that "most girls" lack a schred of common sense and would let this slide... :funny:

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no most girls ...would give the better looking stalker a break

I never told him to 'FUCK OFF' but when he follwed me I'd ignore him and stuff

that's absolutely ridiculous :no: .

someone i met on the 'net and gave my number to for business reasons (or so i thought) started calling me ALL THE TIME and it got really scary... i never met him in person, but just the constant calling freaked me out to make me never curious to talk to him again. i have no idea what he looks like, and even if i had found out sometime along the line that he was hot, he still would've creeped me out too much to ever want to meet him :shake: .

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