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Is anyone else sick of picking up women at clubs

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I think i am the only one but i think its about time us men stopped putting up with womens little stunts at these clubs. I cant even count the amount of times i have been dancing with a girl and then she all starts hinting at me that she wants me to buy her a drink. Why should I buy her a drink, why cant you women buy us men a drink for once?

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Ha,ha,ha. Your pleas will fall on deaf ears. As long as there are desperate and horny guys out in the world, there will always be dumb guys lining up to buy drinks for the girls. I guess it's always been like that, as a wise man once said "A fool and his money are soon parted,"

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Hun, no one FORCES you to buy us drinks... you could always say no... its the same double standard for sex.. men are given props for sleeping with numerous females while, G-D forbid, a woman sleeps with more than 3 guys in her lifespan and she's considered a slut. So buy the drink and hope she doesn't lose you for the next guy who will buy her one. And don't complain... it's so irritating to hear guys complain.

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Originally posted by umassclubberny:

Hun, no one FORCES you to buy us drinks... you could always say no... its the same double standard for sex.. men are given props for sleeping with numerous females while, G-D forbid, a woman sleeps with more than 3 guys in her lifespan and she's considered a slut. So buy the drink and hope she doesn't lose you for the next guy who will buy her one. And don't complain... it's so irritating to hear guys complain.

LOL... good call... Furthermore, we ALSO have to deal with skeevy guys all sorts of coming onto us when they are clearly uninvited. Hell, you can shrug off hinting, but when some scary dude is all up in your area it's just a bit more irritating!

- Meli -



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Amazingly, I had girls that I met at clubs offer to buy me a drink. That happened to me a couple of times. And I kinda did feel guilty, and I did offer that I'll just pay myself. But I think it's cool that they did. The modern woman....aaahh love them. I have bought a couple of girls drinks. But those times where I did. I felt really comfortable with doing it(I was with the girl for a long period during the night). I would also buy a drink for a girl that I already knew and was friends with. But I don't think I would just buy any girl a drink just to start talking to them...



Did you find your ecstacy???

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Originally posted by melichacha:

LOL... good call... Furthermore, we ALSO have to deal with skeevy guys all sorts of coming onto us when they are clearly uninvited. Hell, you can shrug off hinting, but when some scary dude is all up in your area it's just a bit more irritating!

- Meli -

What about the smelly, hairy guys that try to rub up on ya ........ YUCK



Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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well first off if your are goin to clubs to just pick up women then mebe you need to re-evaluate why you are goin out to begin with.

its not like thats the only reason to go out!

i know i like to dance picking up a hottie everyonce in a while doesn't hurt but its not worth wagering my good times on.


see me dance move and groove,,,

now its your turn

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Originally posted by roundersnyc:

I think i am the only one but i think its about time us men stopped putting up with womens little stunts at these clubs. I cant even count the amount of times i have been dancing with a girl and then she all starts hinting at me that she wants me to buy her a drink.

HAHAHAHAHA! i've done that on occasion. but it was always when i was trying to get rid of a guy and nothing seemed to work. i just figured, hey, either this will work or else i'm gonna get something out of it

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Originally posted by umassclubberny:

And don't complain... it's so irritating to hear guys complain.







that was pretty fucking funny.

irritating to here guys complain? haha - wow. good one.

ever listen to a woman bitch? and you call US irritating?


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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You can do what you want with your money like people said, your not forced to do it. As far as women are concerned, this is NYC, the concrete jungle, if you dont know how to hunt than you will continue to starve.

get a game!!!!!

And for picking up women in clubs, like someone already said not a best reason to go out to a club.


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[This message has been edited by kingpharaoh (edited 11-29-2000).]

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Seems to me your beef is more about girls just trying to milk you for a drink than it is about picking them up.

I think its pretty obvious when you meet a girl out if thats all she wants or if she's really interested. If you think thats all she's after and still feel like rolling the dice and buying the drink, go ahead, like we haven't spent more money on stupider things.

I have to agree with the ladies though, they do have to put up with getting hit on all the time by some real "winners" they might as well get something for their aggravation...

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Originally posted by roundersnyc:

I think i am the only one but i think its about time us men stopped putting up with womens little stunts at these clubs. I cant even count the amount of times i have been dancing with a girl and then she all starts hinting at me that she wants me to buy her a drink. Why should I buy her a drink, why cant you women buy us men a drink for once?

Women still do that! cwm27.gif OMG, how do they hint @ it? do they come right out and ask? start complaining of a scratchy throat? pretend that it suddenly has become hot in the club? start to reach for their throat? WTF, if I get offered a drink I am really estatic, I never expect anyone to buy me one, and sometimes I even offer to buy if someone has been buying me drinks...



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

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yeah, "it's your round" has been known to work wonders.

if someone buys me a drink I ALWAYS buy them one back, or usually offer to get them in the first place. It's OUTRAGEOUS that some women expect men to buy them drinks. if you can't afford your own, don't bloody drink.

[This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 11-29-2000).]

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i got to meet many pretty girls at clubs without buying them drinks. and girls bought me drinks several times.

maybe it's you that is problematic not the girls at clubs.

Originally posted by roundersnyc:

I think i am the only one but i think its about time us men stopped putting up with womens little stunts at these clubs. I cant even count the amount of times i have been dancing with a girl and then she all starts hinting at me that she wants me to buy her a drink. Why should I buy her a drink, why cant you women buy us men a drink for once?

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