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dude could you have contradicted yourself any more in this post? it's all about the music, except for bullets 1 through 4, cmon. who's to say what's nonsense to you is not fun to someone else.

the point of Danny's motto is not to enforce a set of rules upon the dancefloor...its more to weed out the nonsense that takes place...whats the alternative?

-a club resembling an ashtray

-dj worshipping

-half the crowd trying to snap pictures on their camera phones

-glowsticks which were cool 10 years ago

sometimes Danny's lecture gets tired, but theres one thing that remains constant during his nights: its all about the music.

just my .02

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but just right there, you are doing it as well......

generalizing and sterotyping.

who is to judge what is "cool" or not or what is the "right" way dance, etc etc

hey, to each his own. a lot of it has to do with the club anyway. 6 hubert st was his home, so he set the rules...

alright i'll stop beating a dead horse...new topic

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but just right there, you are doing it as well......

generalizing and sterotyping.

who is to judge what is "cool" or not or what is the "right" way dance, etc etc

What he is tryin to say That Danny doesnt like circles it takes up too much room on a dancefloor and makes it harder for other people to dance and enjoy themselves.

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Be Yourslef, but

No Smoking,

No Cellphones,

No Dancing a certain Way

No "Not Dancing"

No Pictures

the list goes on and on

First off smoking was banned by the city, not by Vinyl. Each violation of the smoking law was a potential fine for the club. No "not dancing"? Wow. Where do you people come up with this shit? :laugh: Danny only imposed those rules at Vinyl where he was a weekly resident and Vinyl has been closed for a year, so why even bothering to bring it up now? Beat a dead horse much? He doesn't impose those rules at Cielo, Spirit, EnVy, Space, soon to be Crobar. Most of the regulars at Vinyl could really care less and no one I know who was there every week cared or were really affected by the rules. Vinyl was crowded regardless.

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Be Yourslef, but

No Smoking,

No Cellphones,

No Dancing a certain Way

No "Not Dancing"

No Pictures

the list goes on and on

No Smoking - NOT HIS RULE

No Cell Phones - Kinda rediculous to try and use a cell phone on the main floor. You can't hear shit and you are just interfearing with those who are trying to enjoy themselves. If I remember correctly he asks those to use cell phones in areas away from the dance floor.

No Dancing a certain way - No Such Rule except for the circle rule which makes sense considering it was not a huge room. And with the speaker boxes it made it that much harder to find a good spot.

No Pictures - Nothing wrong with this rule. The world knows that every club has some drug users. Why invite a camera into a place like that. It is only asking to have the doors closed.

No Not Dancing - He asked the people who were not going to dance to stand around the outside of the dancefloor. Also a rule that makes sense. It is very un-attractive to see a bunch of people sitting on the floors. You can go and not dance. Just stay out of the way of those who had gone there to dance.

Simply no nonsense. It is a main reason the club had the years that it did have here in NYC where places get shut down on a daily basis because of nonsense...

It was also one of the only "Parties" left in the city. A place filled with true DT fans, regulars, etc... etc... If you didn't like the party or the rules in place. You didn't have to go.

As far as no glowsticks. Yeah we have all probably enjoyed them at some time or another. Yeah I enjoy them from time to time when someone really knows how to use them. But allow them and you have a shit load of people swinging them on ropes nailing people in the faces, heads, etc... They are also a more drug fueled toy. And I think he wanted to keep that image away from the place.

You cannot blame someone for not wanting to lose their job or residency the same way most of his fellow DJ's have in the past including himself. Padlocks suck we all know that. And I would rather live by a few rules then lose another NYC night club.

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