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Props to Clubplanet Vegas Board


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Great advice on where to go.. I just got back Sunday night.

Here is my recap.

Tuesday PURE - The cabby tried to tell me it wasn't open. My buddies started to doubt me. We got there and we were on the guestlist provided by napkin nights. Went right past the line and right in. I loved the old school hip hop stuff they were playing in the main room (been awhile since I heard Bel Biv Devoe). The place looked great. The staff was really friendly. A+

Wednesday Night - Same deal Napkin Nights guestlist. The staff was real nice. The bartenders too. Same DJ as the night before and again I loved the mix. We got there at 10:00 and watched the pirates cove show from the deck. Very cool. The burlesque show was a nice touch. My only problem with this place is THEY LET TOO MANY PEOPLE IN! It's cool it's a small club but they need to reduce the headcount by at least 100 people. You couldn't even walk to the bar it was just too crowded to move. B+ (reduce th headcount)

Thursday - We were tired of the clubscene after 2 days so the plan was to check out Coyote Ugly for the novelty then head downtown for the freemont street experiance. Well Coyote Ugly turned out to be way more fun than expected. I had bpasses I bought on ebay they worked like a charm saved us 20 bucks each. We didn't leave the place until I think 4am. What a great time. (wierd note on this one. A girl was hanging out with us all night at this bar. Dancing with us. Almost cramping our style. She wasn't very hot. When we left she wanted to come with. So she jumps in a cab with us and when we get back to the hotel she says "if you want me to come up to the room I'm gonna need some money" What kind of hooker hangs out with you in a club for 3 hours buying her own drinks and then tries this shit?

Coyote Ugly A+

Friday- My friends thought the info I got here at clubplanet was fake.. meaning they thought, because every club we had been to was awesome that every club in town was awesome. So we squeezed in freemont street, football drinks, 10 minutes at glitter gultch and 12 minutes at the oxygen bar.

Then I let them lead the way.. mainly to prove them wrong. One guy had gotten passes from someone at the hotel. So we grabbed a limo and went to Bikinis. We walked in and saw about 80 people in there at midnight. Here is where it gets good. My brother and I go tot he dancefloor. Sober after only 1 drink. and after about 10 minutes we circled back up to the bar to collect our drinks from my other firiends. All of a sudden a bouncer grabs my brother and asks him to leave. I follow him out to find out why? They say he bumped into a guy on the dance floor and spilled the guys drink and the guy wanted to fight him. I explained that I was with him the entire time. We were both 100% sober and that it never happened. I even asked to see the tapes. I told them we had only been there 10 minutes. These guys were so rude. The manager and assistant manager were power stricken jerks. It ended with them blowing me off and me telling them to F off. If I had paid money to get this shit hole I would have really been pissed. What dump I hope it closes in 6 months.

Ok so now my buddy still doesn't think that all clubs are not the same and he drags us to Vivid becasue he had passes from the hotel. At 1:00 am I think there were 30 people there. The music sucked the DJ couldn't decide what to play ..little house, little hip hop ..lame. We did meet some people and hung out. The staff at Vivid was super nice thanked us for coming. Very friendly.

We left there with plans for Drais but when we got there the line was long and the bouncer wanted 100 bucks and for us to get 2 girls to go in with us. Which wasn't that bad.. I had it all hooked up but my buddies decided to call it a night. I've been in there before. I tried to tell them.

Side note we decided to walk from Vivid to Drais .. A pretty nice little haul. On that walk we got approached by 11 differnt hookers. 1 guy selling drugs and a bachelorette party...only in Vegas!

Bikinis F

Vivid C

Drais always gets a A even though I didn't make it in. I shoudl have hooked up bottle servie through Bill.

Saturday - Ghostbar. What a view, great staff. Pretty good drink prices. One of the best times we had in Vegas. Loved it!

Left there about 1:30 for Ice. I was supposed to be on the guestlist but it closed at 12:30. No big deal we went on in. Personally it wasn't my style. It was like a rave. Sandra Collins was impressive though. My buddy had a problem at the bar. He likes to get a double shot of yager and a cup of water to sip on the side. They didn't want to give him the water they wanted him to buy the bottle. He felt that becasue he was drinking he should get the water. Turns out one of the other bartenders gave him the water. So all was OK.

OK so the ICE effect.. .WOW.. that is nuts! When the ice dropped I couldn't see anything but bright white for a solid minute. I couldn't even see my own hand in front of my face. I can;t explain it but to say it was amazing. That one effect was worth the 20 bucks. And the sound system in there ..good god I think it was perfect.

Ghostbar A+

ICE B (just not my scene)

Thanks again The Vegas Board knows what's hot ..TRUST THEM!

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Ghostbar was cool because drinks cost a couple bucks less than most other clubs. The view was amazing from the deck. We grabbed a table out there and just took it all in. It was more of a conversation place. We talked to tons of ladies there.

Coyote Ugly is what you make it. You can stand there and watch the entertainment or you can dance and do your thing too. We had a good spot in there and it really just turned into a crazy ass party. They try and get any girl that comes into the place to get up on the bar and dance. It just get's everyone in the party mood. It's not a club .. it's like a southern bar. The women that work there are really hot too.

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I am so glad to hear you were treated very well by the clubs!!

Vivid... Wow that surprises me. I am sad to hear that since I have not been there yet and had high expectations! I might still go but thanks for the heads up!

I am glad that you and your friends had a great time!

Great reviews!!

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That's an awesome post about your experience. I'm just dissapointed that you didn't check us out at OPM. We had a huge turnout every night including Sunday. Next trip it would be awesome if you gave OPM a shot too :)

I wanted to drop you a note. Can you pm me your email?

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I'll be back next Feb. I wish I could come back sooner ..3 times a year would rock. Other responsibilites call.

Drais will def get my bottle service cash next time out.

One More Trip Highlight...

I ended up as an extra on MTV's Boiling Points.

They were shooting Sunday Afternoon at the New Frontier.

We stopped in there for lunch just before we caught our plane home.

They had a thing set-up out back by the pool. It was a fake Bikini contest where one girl acts like a psycho and freaks the other contestans out 1 at a time. If they can stand it for 15 minutes they win $100 bucks.

What an ending to an already movie like trip! ;)

Wish I could tell you more about the trip but ..

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

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