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what's in your bag?

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i thought this might be kinda fun and/or amusing:

i carry around this 8 by 11.. hmm, no maybe slightly bigger plaid triple five soul bag, stuffed to the friggin brim with bullshit -

- books for school:

- 3 subject notebook

- 1 huge romantic movement textbook

- shakespeare plays at any given time

- another stuffed black makeup bag with various beauty supplies (liquid eyeliner, mac lip glass, mac blotter, neutrogena medium tint face thing, lipliner, loreal peach blush etc. etc.)

- keys

- big jar of solgar women's vitamins

- vaseline intensive hand lotion

- hello kitty wallet

- black gloves

- medicine for.. whatever ails me at the moment

- tampons :(

- 3 pens

- my glasses..

- metro AND am

- corkscrew (for work)

- tissues

- and a whole other bunch of random shit that's accumulated at the bottom (coins, wrappers etc.)

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I always carry HUGE bags....I have a ton of stuff at any given moment lol. Right now, I have:


-bag of makeup (face powder, a million lipsticks, eyeliners, eyeshadows, mascara, etc)

-moisterizer (Suave tropical coconut)






-whatever book or books I'm currently reading



-cell phone



-Rolling Stone

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I carry 2 bags...


wallet w/ plenty of subway cards

motrin IB

make up in a smaller bag

satellite radio thing

eclipse mints


cell phone

feminine hygeine items



camera depending on where I'm going

Those are the staples, if I'm going to some fancy place, I'll add a comb and rock solid hair gel.

gym bag:

combination lock

adidas tennis shoes

adidas shorts

adidas shirts

adidas windbreaker pants for when I leave the gym (for winter)

adidas windbreaker jacket (for winter)



rubber band for hair

short socks

feminine hygeine items

I'm an adidas addict!

-cards holder: id's for work and school, metro, prayer card

-wallet (always have 20$ tucked away)



-chapstick/ lip gloss


-a pen





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like most chicks on here, I carry a huge bag during the week to haul around all my shit for work, but i LOVE my big bag, it holds everything~~~i certainly justified the price tag for it by using it every day.....wallet and coin purse, sunglasses case, makeup bag,advil, tampons, bills i need to pay, cell phone,altoids,and a multitude of other stuff that accumulates. For nights out, i downsize to one of the smaller bags and just carry essentials like money,1 credit card,keys, cell, and lip gloss.

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I think it is dumb to carry everything in your wallet out. This weekend I found a girls wallet in the bathroom and it had a ton of credit cards in it like ones for Victoria Secret. You can't use that in a club! I Only carry the essentials when I go out. ( I did return the wallet to her and did not steal any money or credit cards)

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LOL i do that too for alot of the things i buy.

LOL--WARNING--these are classic symptoms of the designer addict/whore! We make excuses for the tremendous $$ we spend on handbags, shoes, etc, by justifying that we"ll use it every day! JUst remember-----keep telling yourself you can stop at any time----- :hoparound: LOL

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I think it is dumb to carry everything in your wallet out. This weekend I found a girls wallet in the bathroom and it had a ton of credit cards in it like ones for Victoria Secret. You can't use that in a club! I Only carry the essentials when I go out. ( I did return the wallet to her and did not steal any money or credit cards)

of course..

despite the huge bag during the week, i don't carry one with me at all when i go out.. i just stuff my id and some lip gloss in my boyfriend's pocket. :)

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I can never bring just that bare necessities... I always need everything with me.

To School:

- 5 subject notebook and some pens

- a textbook if necessary

- a makeup bag stuffed with crap like eyeliner and lipgloss and loose powder, etc. (basically all the stuff I put on my face in the morning)

- another makeup bag with stuff like hand lotion, tampons, mouthwash, etc.

- perfume

- cell phone

- ipod mini

- wallet

- sunglasses

- keys

- bottle of mousse

Going Out:

-all my makeup

- perfume

- mini bottle of deodarent b/c you never know after dancing for a few hours if you'll be smelling a bit less than fresh

- just cash with no wallet b/c my wallet is too big to fit into my bag, especially with my bulging makeup bag in there

- perfume

- cell phone

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since im sometimes homeless, and traveling from job to job, i always have like 3 bags, one for like clothes shoes products blah blah, my makeup case, and a purse with sun glasses, nail file, whatever lip gloss im wearing that day, a mirror, cell, wallet, something to read, tangerine sour altoids, chap stick, oil absorbing tissue's, frederic fekkai wave creating spray, uhhh sometimes more or less.

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