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Quality of women in the scene

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maybe YOU attract a certain type of women? Or maybe its the venue that you go to that attracts them? Or maybe you're just expecting too much? I dunno, just trying to stir up some thought

i go to lots of venues i would agree with your statement if i was trying to hook up at a jp party at 6am but i got to lots of places

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nah i have to agree... I had the best time at crobar, but I have to say a lot of the women that night had attitudes…seems like lately attitude is in style. that in your face, i'm the shit attitude... though most women don't seem to realize that attitude must have a level of grace to be attractive... women were pushing themselves through the crowd like they thought they were in a music video... i mentioned today in another post that there is a fine line between showing your self-confidence and attitude.

yeh i love crobar but when really good djs spin it seems like the guy girl ratio is like 5 guys for every one chick...lots of girls at boris party but i cant see the same fuckin dj week in and week out...same w/avalon when ever there is good dj there is a shortage of girls ...

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hookers are the wave of the future kid....the only way to fly :pint:

i agree...nothing better than degrading some whore as much as possible than never having to see their face again

than again, I also don't mind degrading and mentally abusing the same chick over and over again, taking away whatever little self respect they have left for themselves

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... though most women don't seem to realize that attitude must have a level of grace to be attractive... women were pushing themselves through the crowd like they thought they were in a music video... i mentioned today in another post that there is a fine line between showing your self-confidence and attitude.


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yeh i love crobar but when really good djs spin it seems like the guy girl ratio is like 5 guys for every one chick...lots of girls at boris party but i cant see the same fuckin dj week in and week out...same w/avalon when ever there is good dj there is a shortage of girls ...

Thats cause there are more guys than girls who listen to EDM and actually care who the DJ is. I would say that the ratio in the club represents how many women actually care about who the DJ is and what they are listening too. Usually the women are out tossing around that shit attutide everyone is talkin about, expecting someone to buy em drinks and not even care about what is playing. As a matter of fact you will usually see more chicks in the hiphop room that anywhere else.

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Thats cause there are more guys than girls who listen to EDM and actually care who the DJ is. I would say that the ratio in the club represents how many women actually care about who the DJ is and what they are listening too. Usually the women are out tossing around that shit attutide everyone is talkin about, expecting someone to buy em drinks and not even care about what is playing. As a matter of fact you will usually see more chicks in the hiphop room that anywhere else.

lol...generally speaking

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Thats cause there are more guys than girls who listen to EDM and actually care who the DJ is. I would say that the ratio in the club represents how many women actually care about who the DJ is and what they are listening too. Usually the women are out tossing around that shit attutide everyone is talkin about, expecting someone to buy em drinks and not even care about what is playing. As a matter of fact you will usually see more chicks in the hiphop room that anywhere else.

true...the guy: girl ratio definitely sucks for guys, but this little trend isn't so great for girls either. Some of us are actually there for the music but half the time we are getting hit on by every skeevy guy in the place b/c they assume we are just there to get guys, free drinks, etc.

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I met my current g/f at roxy at a danny tenaglia party. But she only went cause a frined and her wanted to go out and someoe just suggested it. Shes not part of the scene but goes with me now cause she likes some of the djs that im showing her and she loves the way i dance lol. Sometimes meeting somone in the scene is hard to do. A perfect woman for me in the scene woud be someone who knows thier history, djs,songs, and loves to dance as much as i do without substances. But thats only a dream fantasy. But you always hear stories of couples meeting in the scene as well, but you dont really hear to much about the couple who met and are still highly involve in the culture, those are around but few.

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i agree...nothing better than degrading some whore as much as possible than never having to see their face again

than again, I also don't mind degrading and mentally abusing the same chick over and over again, taking away whatever little self respect they have left for themselves


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hah if you trying to find a good woman at a club...oh man seriously are you for real, only skanks n cock teasin hoes, you should know better, for shame.

i was going to say the same thing. you dont go to a club to meet a girl you will fall in love with and have a serious long lasting relationship.

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i was going to say the same thing. you dont go to a club to meet a girl you will fall in love with and have a serious long lasting relationship.

well im not trying to pursue a relationship i dont think that way when i first meet someone i wont commit for at least 6 months minimum...im just talkin about mutual respect lol not falling in love..also just because a girl enjoys edm and liks to dance you cant just label them all whores and sluts

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well i can only speak for myself but when i used to go out to clubs it was more of a night out with my girlfriends and i really didnt wanna be bothered with guys ...... theres always those really annoying guys that hang around u, try and hump ur ass (to house music no less) and wouldnt be able to get the hint if it bit him in the ass...they always used to put me in a bad mood so when a nice guy does come along, often enough id have an attitude simply because i was fed up and wanted to be left alone.......so dont always take it personal when u get a snotty look or comment from a girl ;)

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