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Adios Terri Schiavo!

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It's about time, I was getting sick of that story! She's been a carrot for 15 years and all this did was drag the Christian fundamentalists out of their holes, which is never a good thing.

And to quote someone else:

"Thank god this circus is over, I kept getting turned on as she looked at me sexily with those open mouthed stares of hers."


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Eric thats so fucked up.. My heart seriously goes out to Terri Schiavo. She's been a victim on all ends-- the politcal system, her husband, and even her parents.

The federal court had no business getting involved in this case, and the amount of litigation that has gone on was a bit ridiculous. It's obvious that a bunch of right wingers had their own interests in mind. You can't fault the courts for sideing with Michael Schiavo, if the "next of kin" is the husband, then he has those rights to make the decisions he's made- wether you think it's wrong our right. They had to read the law, not get their emotions involved.

I think Michael Schiavo's an asshole. I can understand one's viewpoint of wanting her out of her misery but in the way he did is horrible. He already has been with another woman for the last ten years and has two kids (which he is entitled to, no doubt) but with all that, does he really have Terri's best interest in mind?? Just divorce her and give her back to her parents-- the one's that reared her and have loved her unconditionally. He has no right to be with her anymore. he didn't even let the parents be at her bedside when she was dying. he had total control over visiting hours.

My heart completely goes out to her parents. I can't imagine being a parent having to beg to keep your child alive-- knowing that its in the hands of someone else that has emotionally moved on, but "legally" hasn't. and having to be at the mercy of someone else for your daughter's life. Granted, they needed to draw the line with all this litigation. They've been selfish in their own way trying to keep terri alive-- plastering her fucked up wrenched up image across the world. Not the smartest and most loving thing to do, when its well known that Terri was concerned about her image as a young adult. That definitely "wasn't in Terri's best interest".

Its just sad story that's bothered me alot.. as you can prob tell from my post..lol.. it's a tragedy, and i'm glad she's fianlly at rest.

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I think Michael Schiavo's an asshole. I can understand one's viewpoint of wanting her out of her misery but in the way he did is horrible. He already has been with another woman for the last ten years and has two kids (which he is entitled to, no doubt) but with all that, does he really have Terri's best interest in mind?? Just divorce her and give her back to her parents-- the one's that reared her and have loved her unconditionally. He has no right to be with her anymore. he didn't even let the parents be at her bedside when she was dying. he had total control over visiting hours.

I agree with your point about letting her parents be at her bedside, which is very F'd up. But if she told him that she did not want to live that way, he is keeping her best interest in mind. As horrible as she died she wanted it, and the courts and everyone else agreed. All this case showed was the crazyness of the republican party. If they do not get there way they cry like little girls and throw mud. I believe this has splintered the republican party

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Eric thats so fucked up.. My heart seriously goes out to Terri Schiavo. She's been a victim on all ends-- the politcal system, her husband, and even her parents.

The federal court had no business getting involved in this case, and the amount of litigation that has gone on was a bit ridiculous. It's obvious that a bunch of right wingers had their own interests in mind. You can't fault the courts for sideing with Michael Schiavo, if the "next of kin" is the husband, then he has those rights to make the decisions he's made- wether you think it's wrong our right. They had to read the law, not get their emotions involved.

I think Michael Schiavo's an asshole. I can understand one's viewpoint of wanting her out of her misery but in the way he did is horrible. He already has been with another woman for the last ten years and has two kids (which he is entitled to, no doubt) but with all that, does he really have Terri's best interest in mind?? Just divorce her and give her back to her parents-- the one's that reared her and have loved her unconditionally. He has no right to be with her anymore. he didn't even let the parents be at her bedside when she was dying. he had total control over visiting hours.

My heart completely goes out to her parents. I can't imagine being a parent having to beg to keep your child alive-- knowing that its in the hands of someone else that has emotionally moved on, but "legally" hasn't. and having to be at the mercy of someone else for your daughter's life. Granted, they needed to draw the line with all this litigation. They've been selfish in their own way trying to keep terri alive-- plastering her fucked up wrenched up image across the world. Not the smartest and most loving thing to do, when its well known that Terri was concerned about her image as a young adult. That definitely "wasn't in Terri's best interest".

Its just sad story that's bothered me alot.. as you can prob tell from my post..lol.. it's a tragedy, and i'm glad she's fianlly at rest.

Blah Blah Blah... how many people are dying tragically in Iraq on a daily basis, (who would not be without the support of these conservatives) and you don't see them on the streets bearing crosses for those poor souls. This woman has been a TV dinner for 15 years, her soul in purgatory. Don't bring this up to me when we are drinking at S&D tomorrow night Danielle, it will fuck up my karma!

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I never really thought of it that way, karisma...I agree with your point...I still think that she should have been put out of her misery quickly, though, and the conservatives and the liberals just made a big government circus out of the issue without keeping anyone's best interests in mind..

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I agree with your point about letting her parents be at her bedside, which is very F'd up. But if she told him that she did not want to live that way, he is keeping her best interest in mind. As horrible as she died she wanted it, and the courts and everyone else agreed. All this case showed was the crazyness of the republican party. If they do not get there way they cry like little girls and throw mud. I believe this has splintered the republican party

Splintered the GOP? Not quite.

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Splintered the GOP? Not quite.

Do you believe all GOPers are for this? Just like all Dems are not michael moore fans, and against the war. I have been listening to sean hannity lately and earlier this week caller after caller were telling him they disagree with this and are not happy.

Moderate republicans like myself are not happy with the crazy budgets and gov all in my life. Which is exactly the opposite of what the party stands for.

If a moderate dem ran against a super conservative i would vote dem in 08

All this has shown is that there are nuts on both sides

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Do you believe all GOPers are for this? Just like all Dems are not michael moore fans, and against the war. I have been listening to sean hannity lately and earlier this week caller after caller were telling him they disagree with this and are not happy.

Moderate republicans like myself are not happy with the crazy budgets and gov all in my life. Which is exactly the opposite of what the party stands for.

If a moderate dem ran against a super conservative i would vote dem in 08

All this has shown is that there are nuts on both sides

No, I misunderstood what you were trying to say. Even though I am a more conservative Republican, I concur with moderates on many issues such as the budget defecit that you brought up.

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Blah Blah Blah... how many people are dying tragically in Iraq on a daily basis, (who would not be without the support of these conservatives) and you don't see them on the streets bearing crosses for those poor souls. This woman has been a TV dinner for 15 years, her soul in purgatory. Don't bring this up to me when we are drinking at S&D tomorrow night Danielle, it will fuck up my karma!

fuck that! right wingers are the only saving grace for this country. plans for bettering this place don't have to have hidden tax-and-spend agendas built in. john kerry would have practically allowed saddam to continue and just sent everyone back home instead of hunting bin laden. the people spoke in november. it's obvious the left is losing their credibility (especially thinking that edwards or hillary have a chance to be president), all the left wing media is doing is repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot, and all they can do is threaten. :ghey:

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fuck that! right wingers are the only saving grace for this country. plans for bettering this place don't have to have hidden tax-and-spend agendas built in. john kerry would have practically allowed saddam to continue and just sent everyone back home instead of hunting bin laden. the people spoke in november. it's obvious the left is losing their credibility (especially thinking that edwards or hillary have a chance to be president), all the left wing media is doing is repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot, and all they can do is threaten. :ghey:

are you high?

Who's hunting for bin laden now?

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