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Man, I just love the college life because...

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It's on moments like this, when you wake up late with a hangover from thursday night, you can call the day off just because... You do pretty much what u want, where u want, when u want, with whomever u want...

Oh, and in every party at the house, there's always something goin on in the room with the door closed...

What do u guys love best about livin life as a college student?


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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I'm taking a break from college right now, but I use to love the all night cram sessions with Vivarin.... only to procrastinate by going out at 1am and rollerblading around an empty campus... It's was a small southern university so the cops would always follow me around seeing what kind of trouble I was going to cause. biggrin.gif



"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

Not everyone understands house music. It's a spiritual thing... a vibe thing... a soul thing.

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Dude, I def miss the days of waking up whenever I feel like it. Living like a complete slob. Pretty much doing anything I wanted. I moved on but I got a ton of insane memories. I couldnt go back but I loves it when I was there. Free livin brotha!!

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I miss college too...did anyone of u guys go to a school with a big football team? I went to Texas...it was so much fun going to the games and getting drunk... smile.gif


Silently whispering when my heart wants to scream...

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Originally posted by peeps:

wake n bake with four foot bong hits

The ONLY useful thing I ever learned in college is how to make a bong out of just about anything...Hell, drop me off in the middle of the desert with a pen, a paper clip and a potato, and I'm like MacGuyver out there.



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Its funny, while you're in school, you can't wait to graduate so you can start making the big $, but once you're out, you miss school sooo much. Im gonna go back to grad school soon. Its not the same, but hey.

BTW...where did everyone go to school?

Manhattan College Class of 2000 right here smile.gif



This weeks gigs:

Thursday - My Room

Friday - My Basement

PM for Guestlist

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Originally posted by sdm1976:

I miss college too...did anyone of u guys go to a school with a big football team? I went to Texas...it was so much fun going to the games and getting drunk... smile.gif

I went to a small dumpy college with no football team in Upstate NY - I bet it was the shit in Texas with all the tailgate parties!

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Originally posted by umassclubberny:

I love college life! Even though UMass did not turn out the way I expected (when I first visited, the party scene was more fun!)I am still having a good time! Last night, I went to a party sober and came back to my room sober... however, waiting for me in my room were 3 friends with 2 cases of Coronas (I REFUSE TO DRINK CHEAP LIQUOR!!) and a funnel. At around 4 am, after 8 funnels, I apparently passed out (according to my roomate who came in after having a "session" with her boyfriend smile.gif Obviously I missed my classes today (don't really care) and I don't remember much. I think going away to college is something everyone should experience. Dorm life is completely different from any other experience. Even though I'm considering transferring to NYU, I am glad that I went away to school. When I go home, I appreciate it much more. Oh, and my grades aren't bad either smile.gif

That's what I'm talkin about....

Missed my classes today, and for some reason I feel NO remorse hehehe cwm1.gif Maybe It's cause the semester is almost over.. Only 1 more week to go! As long as GPA stays put... no problem at all...


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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Originally posted by spragga25:

I went to a small dumpy college with no football team in Upstate NY - I bet it was the shit in Texas with all the tailgate parties!

It was fun!!! I was there the year we beat Nebraska and won the Big XII Championship..I went to the Texas-Texas A&M last week..finally Chris Simms had a good game...it as crazy...84,000 fans...it was so much fun...Texas has a really good athelitics program overall..so it was fun..


Silently whispering when my heart wants to scream...

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Originally posted by peeps:

wake n bake with four foot bong hits

cwm27.gif True.... Defenetely College memorable moments!!! cwm32.gif


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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Originally posted by Abstrakt:

Its funny, while you're in school, you can't wait to graduate so you can start making the big $, but once you're out, you miss school sooo much. Im gonna go back to grad school soon. Its not the same, but hey.

BTW...where did everyone go to school?

Manhattan College Class of 2000 right here smile.gif


That's so true..couldn't wait to get out of NYU and into real world then it's like whoa..can I go back to school..Not what I thought it was...I too am going back to Columbia U. but will also be working full time so...not the same..


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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I miss college too...did anyone of u guys go to a school with a big football team? I went to Texas...it was so much fun going to the games and getting drunk...

OMG... how could I have forgotten? Tailgating before, partying afterwards... brisk Saturday afternoon football games in the Big House, cheering on the Wolverines... GO BLUE!!! cwm29.gifcwm30.gif


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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i fucking LOVE college life simply because it's the one time in ur life where (in most cases) ur living almost completely on ur own terms, with no bills to pay, no taxes, and all u do is go to classes and party (and going to classes is optional too lol..) u don't have to report to anyone but at the same time, it's a huge responsibility realizing all the freedom u really have.. so it's easy to go buck nutty in college too.. u either become a lil kid again or u grow up really fast bc u realize all the independecnce u can take advantage of in a bad away and don't because u set ur priorities straight...

personally, i'm not a big party-er, i don't drink/smoke/do drugs and coming from a straight-off-the-boat sicilian family-- i HAD to escape!! so i had the choice of being like all of my friends and be daddy's lil girl all my life with a 12am curfew or becoming my own person thru rebellion and college... my parents wanted me to commute to college so bad that they bribed me with a bmw.. i gave up a 328si to going away to college... and it was the best decision i ever made... ok, enough with my sappy shit.. happy friday everyone!! awwwoooooogggaa! peace!! --daniela cwm30.gifcwm29.gifcwm12.gifcwm4.gifcwm35.gifcwm38.gif


"Ooh baby, I feel like the music sounds better with you..." luna.gif

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Originally posted by az-tec:

All I HAve to say is FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I graduated this past may, and I want to go back SOOOOOOOO bad. All my friends are still in school and I am soo jealous.

Oh well at least if Im not in school i am in NYC baby.

Enjoy college while you can


Hmm.. bitter, much? hehe... j/k I'm loving College, though... so much to do, so little time... And it makes me appreciate being back in NYC when I go home soooooooo much more!

- Meli -



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Originally posted by happykittn:

OMG... how could I have forgotten? Tailgating before, partying afterwards... brisk Saturday afternoon football games in the Big House, cheering on the Wolverines... GO BLUE!!!

You went to UMich? What happened? What happened to Big 10? They weren't so great..its about time that Big 12 step up!

Can u believe this BCS mess? I wish they had a playoff system..are you going the Citrus Bowl?


how can i ignore?

this is sex without touching

i'm going to explore

i'm only into this to


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anyway i was reading this shit....dam happykitten i feel sorry for you yo..that must suck going to an all girls college or whatever....as for me i enjoy my life with my freedom anytime in life but college is diffinelty the best

callling on eviljav666...where are you bro?

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

so where'd ya go last night? huh?? i want to know what's still hot out there in the country!! come on dude, i want to hear about my alma mater!

Well, nothin big as usual, it pretty much depends on how fuct up u get... If ur hangin out with cool peeps, then u'll have a good one, even if it's in quiet KU.. hehehe

Other than Shorty's n shit... no big changes.. U know how it is.. I only wish I could get my fix of intravenous NYC tonite!! AARGGH!! cwm21.gif

But it's all good, Next week will be twice as intense heheheh cwm35.gif right bimerus?


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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You went to UMich? What happened? What happened to Big 10? They weren't so great..its about time that Big 12 step up!

Can u believe this BCS mess? I wish they had a playoff system..are you going the Citrus Bowl?

Yeah, I went to the University of Michigan... I don't know what happened to them this year, they played really sloppily and always managed to lose massive 28-point leads during the second half of the game... go figure.

I don't know what's going on with the BCS this year. It seems the best teams won't be playing in the best bowl... personally, I think the Citrus Bowl will be an even better game (more exciting matchup) than the Rose Bowl. I won't be able to make it down to FL for it, but you can bet I'll be watching it in a sports bar back in Ann Arbor...

puck ~ I hear you, hon... have some fun this weekend for me, okay? I'll be stuck in my room studying for my psych exam on Tuesday and gathering 20 hours worth of data for my final research project...



The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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Shit ...college Life in CT sucks...people are wack and boring worrying about what the other person thinks and do nothing on the weekend...I mean nothing..stay in their rooms and just watch movies or SNL ..fuck that..everything sucks in CT they should just blow up the state...thank God I am atleast mins away from the City..where there are people actually doing things...haaa had to get that out ..Peace~


Put the CD in... The Music will do the rest..

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Yeah Michigan really blew it this year, with Anthony Thomas, Drew Henson, and David Terrell, they should have been awesome, but they blew it way too much, lets just hope Terrell and Henson stay around and they get some defense, that was how they messed it all up. Go Blue in 2001!

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Yeah Michigan really blew it this year, with Anthony Thomas, Drew Henson, and David Terrell, they should have been awesome, but they blew it way too much, lets just hope Terrell and Henson stay around and they get some defense, that was how they messed it all up. Go Blue in 2001!

*sigh* With all those boys, I thought this was going to be their season, too... but you're right, there's always next year! I'll always be a Michigan fan, no matter how many times they break my heart.

One of my old girlfriends was a jersey-chaser, she must've dated half the team. >o.O< I went to a ton of parties with her... most of the guys on the team (1998-1999, 1999-2000) were nice, but a few of them were arrogant assholes... that's to be expected, I guess. Dhani Jones was in my psych class and we studied together in the library sometimes... he was one crazy kid... he had wild dreads, majored in art and painted his fingernails... a riot to be around. I never went out with any of the football players, but I dated one of the guys on U of M's basketball team for awhile... we made a really odd couple, he was 6'7" and I'm only 5'3"... biggrin.gif


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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