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The Twilo now?

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I've been to Avalon 3 or 4 times and I felt the Asian factor has been overwhelming. Now let me first say I try not to be prejudice (even though this totally comes off as it) and that this in no way applies to all Asians (because this is only a particular group I'm talking of). The Asian Factor is hundred of Asians who seem to be at a club for the first time and popped like 6 pills apiece. They just sit there and bob their heads - no rhythem. On top of that half of them are like 45 or above and you just look at them and your like this is horrible. It totally kills the vibe of a club and at Avalon when Ive been there no matter how the music is the vibe is just horrible. I can deal with guidos, 18 year olds, gangstas because at least they have energy. The Asians just seem to use a Harry Potter term, dementors -they just suck the energy from a club.

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my problem is when the older asian men try to dance with me... i've done everything to tell them to lay off. i've even gone as far a spitting in a guys face cause he kept rubbing up on me... with guidos or bitchy girls, i can deal with them, cause it's entertaining in a way... but with a certain asian crowd, it can be scary to a point...of course it's not all of them... i feel terrible because it is really extreem on both sides... i find that some are so nice and carry such positive energy... then some that are so druged up, drinking g like its water..to the point i can't believe they are standing up... it does ruin the night.

I've been to Avalon 3 or 4 times and I felt the Asian factor has been overwhelming. Now let me first say I try not to be prejudice (even though this totally comes off as it) and that this in no way applies to all Asians (because this is only a particular group I'm talking of). The Asian Factor is hundred of Asians who seem to be at a club for the first time and popped like 6 pills apiece. They just sit there and bob their heads - no rhythem. On top of that half of them are like 45 or above and you just look at them and your like this is horrible. It totally kills the vibe of a club and at Avalon when Ive been there no matter how the music is the vibe is just horrible. I can deal with guidos, 18 year olds, gangstas because at least they have energy. The Asians just seem to use a Harry Potter term, dementors -they just suck the energy from a club.
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The Asians just seem to use a Harry Potter term, dementors -they just suck the energy from a club.

I am not a big fan of harry potter, but that term is well placed in this case. Suck the life from the club!! All these people do is just take up space and act completely obnoxious! I recall back in the day there would be a wall of asian people at twilo along the stair case. You damn near have to step on people's heads to get through. That group thoough was the younger and more into the music crowd, connecting with other clubbers and being a part of the vibe. Now its the fresh of the boat asians who pay full price at the door to get in so that they can get completely wasted, no wonder the club owners dont turn them away! I dont things are every really going to change .. unless someone opens a club that is more geared towards asians and bring in big name DJs ..

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I mean 80% of the crowd was on pills, (at least and depending on the time) and today that is just not the case for a lot of reasons. I don't care how amazing Sasha and Digweed are, when people are hanging out till 11am w/o a drop of booze in the house for 7 hours, they're rolling, etc.

Question -- do clubs like Crobar not have good atmospheres for rolling, etc. then? And if not, what would have a good atmosphere?

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bassboy said it all!

And that part about that specific messed-up asian crowd is true too: they're a big mess! and should not be let in any descent club.

It's actually ironic, the owner let the mess in to make a few buck but everyone who enters after is disgusted and swear not to come back anymore...not the right move to build a good crowd imho.

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i wish it was, and ive even done everytihng i could to try and help recreate that vibe that I used to love at my parties, and it just isnt happening here in NYC anymore.

Good post. I also had the same problem, and I think the fun might not be with the house scene anymore (I still love the music though).

I know the crowd at Motherfucker (rock) parties is young, dressed-up, cool, wild, fun...the way it should be. The only think is you have to deal with the music :)

But that scene's the closest I found to a true fun free vibe in the city.

My 2c of course.


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Good post. I also had the same problem, and I think the fun might not be with the house scene anymore (I still love the music though).

I know the crowd at Motherfucker (rock) parties is young, dressed-up, cool, wild, fun...the way it should be. The only think is you have to deal with the music :)

But that scene's the closest I found to a true fun free vibe in the city.

My 2c of course.



I throw parties, bring in some pretty good talent, am out supporting my friends at their gigs or venues, hear house music all the time basically. I love it, its my passion....

but the best party I went to in the last year was M*therfucker(party was great, and the music was my favorite part) and I cant wait til the next one!

you are definitely cool in my book....

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I was reading the posts using the references to "headshakers" and wondering what the hell are they talking about? While dancing Fri nite at DT i wandered into a corner of Spirit and saw nothing but asian men in the corner, starring at me with blank looks, difinately no vibe there. But I also disagree I CANT deal with the guidos, thats why I dont hang in Jersey!!! I belive that at a good % of the people at these clubs wouldn't even know the DJs name if you asked them. But to the Asians defense, some of the best dancers I have ever seen were asian. Definately not the crowd lately.

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str8 up theres two differnt kinds of asians, they're either right cool ppl who are as fun to party with as any one else, and honestly alot better with glow stix then most ;) or just str8 fuckups. at PVD on friday night there was this asian guy on the ground in the smoking section, str8 up drooling and puking his fucking guts out all over himself and the floor. it was nastttttyyy. but bouncers would just keep walking by not giving a shit. they gotta do sumthn bout the problem. it totaly kills the vibe seeing shit like that go on. :ghey:

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