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ever go clubbing solo?

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and rolling. it was great forced me to be social. I like to dance and thats why i go to clubs, if your the same way once your in and listening to good dj's your feet take over. I have no problem being anywere by myself. but with the board its easy to meet up.


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yeah--went to S&D in April alone. I acutally lost my friends 5 min in never saw them again, so I was alone. It was my first time at Twilo and seeing S&D. I had a blast--I met some rad people in the lobby area outside of the floor. I definately missed not having a "home base" of people to share the experince with, but it was still memorable.

I'm with a small group tonight for Cox--we'll be in the upstairs room for a while, so come and find us. Now you won't be alone...problem solved.


"Some people are fortunately enough to have a vacation every 5 days...luckily I am one of them."

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One night I went to EXIT with some friends.. For some reason the doorman wasn't letting in one of my boyz (probably because he was dressed like a fool), and I just went in myself... Made for an interesting night.. And once you're feelin the good music and dancin on that crowded dance floor.. you're no longer solo.. You're with the masses..


AIM: slimchezdy

I'm outta place

I'm in outer space

I've just vanished without a trace

I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow

I'll be back in an hour or so -- Eminem

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Originally posted by bwags:

yeah--went to S&D in April alone. I acutally lost my friends 5 min in never saw them again, so I was alone. It was my first time at Twilo and seeing S&D. I had a blast--I met some rad people in the lobby area outside of the floor. I definately missed not having a "home base" of people to share the experince with, but it was still memorable.

I'm with a small group tonight for Cox--we'll be in the upstairs room for a while, so come and find us. Now you won't be alone...problem solved.

Everytime I have been clubbing with bwags... I feel like I am alone... not sure which is better... LOL

On the real... everyone going to COX tonight should meet up with us...


One Love...


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Yeah, never to Twilo though. I went all the time alone in Italy, and I don't speak Italian. I could spot the Americans like sore thumbs though and I ended meetin' lots of peeps.

Then like 3 weeks ago I got locked outta my apt. so I went to Vinyl alone, ran into pOOh, cazz, and dirtyslapper, and it was def. a cool time. Plus I talked to a helluva lot more people then I usually do. You should try it, it's pretty cool. Espec. with all the people from the board goin' to Twilo tonight.




If a man does not keep pace with his companions,

perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

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Since I'm a promoter, I find myself going out alone every once in a while.

Most of my close friends don't even like clubbing anymore.

It's the best way to meet new peeps.

But I always run into people at clubs, so it's all good.

Everyone should do it every once in a while, just watch your back.



Darrell G.




Thursdays - NV Lounge and Cheetah

Fridays -Roxy, Limelight, EXIT and Chaos

Saturdays - The World and EXIT

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i've done it.

went to twilo for s&d - had a rough week at work, stressed as hell. i went and danced my ass off. walked out into that bright morning sun and i felt like a million bucks.

i'm down for twilo tonight, too. where's everyone going to be?


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Originally posted by bwags:

yeah--went to S&D in April alone. I acutally lost my friends 5 min in never saw them again, so I was alone. It was my first time at Twilo and seeing S&D. I had a blast--I met some rad people in the lobby area outside of the floor. I definately missed not having a "home base" of people to share the experince with, but it was still memorable.

I'm with a small group tonight for Cox--we'll be in the upstairs room for a while, so come and find us. Now you won't be alone...problem solved.

I hear you about the "home base" Most of my club friends are upstate and the friends here are not the club types - One of these days I'll have the "testicular fortitude" to hit a club solo

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I've only done it twice, but never at a NYC club, only when I was overseas, you're braver and more willing to go solo when you're in another country.

When I go clubbing in NYC I usually go with 1 or 2 people, but seperate from the within them in the first 20min, especially at Twilo, so I guess in a way I do go clubbing solo, and most of the time my friends leave early when I want to stick around, so when I leave I'm usually alone. I've striken up some conversations with cool people though, doesnt bother me at all, and its not like anyone will know or care and be like, "OH MY GOD, that guy is ALONE, what a DORK". Most people are (or appear to be) dancing by themselves anyway.

To tell the truth, the only reason I bring people along is to have more courage at the door or someone to conversate with on line or while I'm having a drink.

[This message has been edited by dv8 (edited 12-01-2000).]

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Originally posted by melichacha:

Oh, how I wish I was going to Twilo tonight... cwm34.gif It's alright though... I'll be singing in my concert tonight... When I'm rich and famous I'll be able to go clubbing whenever I want. cwm12.gifcwm9.gif

- Meli -

The same...





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Yeah, sure. Any time someone good is playin' and I can't get my friends interested. Why compromise interest just b/c there's no one else to share it with. The good side is that it forces you to get adopted by other groups of friends who don't mind the extra-person in the circle. Once in a while is good, but not my favorite stunt.


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DO IT!!! I clubbed alone practically every weekend over the summer (granted, it was overseas). It's kind of intimidating at first but you meet so many fun people that you might not otherwise. I even still keep in touch with some people that I met in clubs while I was alone....

In my opinion life is all about having fun and being open to new experiences and new people, so go for it. Plus people will think you're even cooler for having the balls to fly solo.

Just remember to be safe!

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I've gone solo alot. I think it takes a certain kind of person to do any "social event" solo. I go to sporting events solo all the time because my friends aren't into it and it takes away from the experience when you're going crazy and your friends are just sitting there staring into space. The bottom line is if you're comfortable with yourself, you can do anything. Wasn't that a commercial jingle or something?


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As much as I prefer to go out with friends, when they aren't interested, I go solo. Ive been to Twilo and Centro Fly solo on more than one occasion. I had a really good time- the only thing that I don't like is when I first arrive. It takes me a few to get into the music- but once I do, I'm set for the night. Its a great way to meet new people. Believe me, if I can fly solo, anyone can.

Is anyone going out tonight from Jersey- maybe I'll head in with you. cwm30.gif

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what the hell are you guys talking about? the notion that going to clubs alone make it easier for you to meet new peeps is totally wrong! even when you get to meet people, they will ask you where your friends are and after you said you came alone they would immediately lose interest in you in most cases at least. take a look at few people who come to clubs alone, 95% of them are either losers or confused foreigners. i have nothing against lone clubbers but you cannot use clubbing alone as an excuse to meet people more easily.(i went to club alone once, it was very depressing)

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if any of 'your people' are truely your friends, they will go clubbing with you even if they are not in to the scene.

Originally posted by chiefpax:

None of my people are into the club scene anymore but i just cant keep passing up so many good nights...ever go to twilo solo?...how was it? what about for cox tonight?

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