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Protein absorption?

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i heard that our bodies can process/utilize upto 30-40 grams of protein, and the excess is wasted/flushed out. is that true?

i thot that protien only facilitates in repair and rebuilding of the muscle mass and does not itself convert to muscle tissue.

How do protein and carbs/carbohydrates relate to each other??

pardon my ignorance :)

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All foods taken in, whether it be protein or carbs are completely broken down by the body. The body then will use things such as amino acids to rebuild and/or repair muscles in the body. If you take in to much of anything the body has the ability to then store it as fat.

As far as protein absorbtion and how much one can take in. It is totally different for every individual and their individual circumstances. If the body needs it, it will utilize it, if not, if will be flushed or converted to fat.


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As far as protein absorbtion and how much one can take in. It is totally different for every individual and their individual circumstances.

i believe youre supposed to multiply your bodyweight by 1.5 for males and 1.2 for females and thats how many grams of protein one should consume... on the extreme end: "Endurance athletes require 0.55 to 0.75 grams of protein per pound of body weight (1.2 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram). For example, a 120-pound athlete needs about 75 grams a day, while a 150-pound athlete should get about 95 grams. Competitive athletes involved in very intense training, such as ultrarunners, and growing teenage athletes may need as much as 0.8 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound."


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for every lb you way your supposed to take in 1 gram of protein. I have a bad liver and told my doctor I do take protein shakes he told me to becareful if I take my body weight or more in grams becuase its harder for the liver to process. You liver is made to process for your body size. Just make sure you get your blood checked every 6 months to make sure your ok...i do that so I know i wont run into any issues from what i eat or take when I lift.

Also remember to count protein in what you eat just not in what you drink becuase that counts too...lol

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you could get kidney stones and other complications...

from the guys I know that have had these..this is about as close pain wise to natural child birth any male will ever see. pissing sharp calcium rocks out sounds as fun as walking on broken glass... I hope i never get those...

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I will refer back to my orginal statement. You can read articles and books that give fancy calculations for how many grams will be absorbed by each person. But, lets try an experiment. Do the calculation, then find out how much your body absorbed, then find out how much your buddy absorbed, then do the test after a workout, then do the test after a meal, then do it first thing in the morning, then do it after starvation, then do it after being full.

I think you get my point. Your body will take in what it needs, depending on your genetics, depending on your intake of other foods, depending on your current training, ect........ I could go on with 1000's of variables.

Just use a little common sense and remember - the worst thing that could happen if you take in too much protein is that you shit it out. In other words if you are trying to bulk, load up and don't worry about it unless you start putting on fat - then you can cut back a bit.



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