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Have you ever heard of anything more RIDICULOUS???

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i'd have to agree with you and want to ask a question about this...do different women smell different to different guys? like, maybe one guy would like the way i smell, but some other guy wouldn't? is it all just a chemistry thing? or if i'm stinky to one guy, does that mean i'm stinky to every guy? i sure as heck couldn't be a lesbian, i just wouldn't know what to do to a woman down there, how do you ever figure it all out? c'mon guys, tell us, what's it like to go down on a girl for the first time? weird? wonderful? crazy? what if you get close, and she knows you're headed that way, but then you get a wiff, and change your mind? would you explain yourself? or do you like it stinky? sorry guys, i just have too much free time today!

also, which one are you saying is supposed to yell, "say my name?" him or her?

Originally posted by shad:

Sounds like he thinks she is gross and just wants her to bang. If he usually just wants her to blow him then he def is grossed out by her and is hoggin. Are they actually dating, or is she the end of the night girl. Sorry, know that sounds mean, but I cant think of any other reason, unless he is amish or something and is afraid of a little nookie nookie. Tell to to yell out "whats my name bitch" during sex, I have head this sometimes helps these situations..

B cwm24.gif

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Consider these equations:

No foreplay + SEX = FUCKING

Just fucking = no sexual attraction

Man who will only drink 8 beers before sex + no foreplay before sex = PLAYER!!

Your girl is getting played MissKittie. If she's fine with that, then whatever. But this guy sounds like a real jerk.

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yep, he's for sure gay. i had a boyfriend who was really selfish in the sack. he didn't use the beer approach (never heard that one b/f) but he was the same way with the foreplay situation. he wanted bj's all the damn time, i'm talking AAALLLL the time and he even preferred them over sex. he was hung like a horse so when we did have sex, without any foreplay, he thought he was just so great b/c he had a big dick. i kept thinking it would change and i really cared about him until - here's the kicker - he told me i couldn't look at him when we were doing it b/c he'd lose his concentration. ok, i was like "see ya!!!" i mean really.....i decided he's just in denial about his true sexual orientation and one day he'll come out of the closet. poor thing, and i'm the asshole for putting up with it for as long as i did, but i learned my lesson and will never, ever give a guy the time of day again if he won't travel downstairs. enough said and let's never speak of this again. cwm36.gif


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Sounds like he needs some educating, about the sex and the drinking. The two just don't go hand in hand. But again, it's their problem - if she's not happy, she should leave him. And if he's bad in bed, who cares, as long as he's not in bed with YOU? He'll either find somebody that inspires him to try harder, or he'll just be unfulfilled sexually all his life.

Originally posted by misskittie:

Okay no it has nothing to do with her.

I happen to know a few other girls he has rumbled around with and same thing. No foreplay just sex.

So, now, what is ur response. If it happens with all of them then it cant be the girls. There has to be some other reason for this... cwm15.gif

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

is she hot ...?? send her in my direction ...

i'll please her drunk or sober ...



TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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I've just one thing to say, your friend needs to drop this guy and fast.

Not only is this behavior pretty screwed up on many levels, it's manipulative and controling...not a good combination in any relationship.

However, I'd say that's easier said than done. No matter what you say it's going to take your friend coming to the realization that this relationship is not working.

All you can really do is be there for her to help pick up the pieces when all is said and done.

And your friend, she needs to realize that she deserves a lot better than someone who treats her that way. I don't want to know what else this wack job, sorry, man does to her.

Good luck!


"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

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cwm43.gif I would wonder about the guy if I was her. However, there are a lot of people in the world with problems in that area. If he has had problems with other women than the problems is clearly mental. Yes, it could be he is gay, but it also could be dozens of other mental issues. It is something (unless he is gay) that can probably be overcome. However, a big issue in my mind is his drinking!!! Tell him if he wants to have an excuse not to perform, than he better use some more acceptable party favors! cwm1.gif Of course you can tell your friend to forget her own troubles and hang out with everyone on the 22nd when S&D come back into town. cwm12.gif
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Hmm.. sounds like he could be gay -- I knew a guy who would use just that excuse and what do you know, now we's out of the closet. If he's not gay then he's definitely shady -- she should tell him he won't get his till she gets hers. Hell, this is equal opportunity here, right?!

cwm23.gif - Meli - cwm23.gif



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Okay you all have valid points. Me personally, I would have stopped him the first time we laid down and he tried that crap but that's not everyone.

Now I must justify from girlfriend's actions a little (which I should have done in the beginning just didnt have time). "Amanda" is a young female with incredibly low self-esteem. She's about 5'7 and rather overweight. Georgeous girl inside and out in my opinion but of course she feels down on herself quite often. When she finally finds a guy (in this case a boy) to like her and make her feel appreciated, she clings on to him like a baby with his blanky. She is in fact incredibly destroyed about all of this though. And thats just granted. In many ways she feels as though it's her own fault being overweight. I have tried to lift her spirits and make her see that it has nothing at all to do with her just him.

Now as for him, well he's a cocky S.O.B if you ask me. He does this with every girl he "dates". The two of them are not exclusive just hooking up but for a few months now. He goes around and sleeps with as many women possible. The boy even has the audacity to brag about the number of women he has slept with...no wonder there's soo many one night stands considering his sexual practices.

Gay? That I can pretty much asure you all he is not. This is not a characteristic that he portrays. There isnt even a remote possibility that he may be a "closeteer".

I explained to her that it is most likely his own inexperience that is making him behave this way. Maybe he doesnt really know how to please a female with his hands and through oral pleasure...it can be a long shot, true, but something to consider. She's not getting played "persay" but yes, I think she's getting used simply for him to get his dick wet. The sad thing is emotions are being established here and there is nothing that I truely can do. I have sat down many times are told her to just walk away but she wont...and Im sure many of us can understand this.

Hopefully some good will come out of this in the long run but as for now, I will just have to sit there and be an ear for her. It's getting a little annoying anymore having to hear about it everytime they have sex but I have to be a friend to her and take in what she dishes out. The poor girl has even tried giving directions and telling him what she likes but to no avail.

Thanks for all of your input guys. And for listening along. Sorry for such a long reply.

xoxo cwm38.gifcwm17.gif



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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If she moves on and learns from the experience, something wonderful will come from this. And she'll learn it young. Got my fingers crossed for your friend, girl.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

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I still don't understand how you're totally missing the fact that he's gay. You could call him bisexual if you want to, since he's begrudgingly putting his dick into some chicks... but he's gay.

ie: "Look at all these chicks I've banged Kathy!! I told you I wasn't gay. (Staring at a man's hairy ass when no one's looking)"

If it walks like a.... and talks like a.... then it's a....

plain and simple.

Pulease.. it doesn't matter that your friend is fat.. in the sense that there are a ton a men out there that go for fat chicks.... she should dump the loser and stop stunting the growth of her self-esteem.

Get her some esteem-boosting books/tapes



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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