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weyes' car is totalled. **car pics now posted**


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it happened last week, but i couldn't write about it till now. i'll keep it short.

i was driving south on tustin, in orange, and making a turn into a commercial driveway, when an suv SPED UP to hit my car and turn it into a crumpled heap of metal. it was sooooo creepy that i think she must've been on the phone (very tinted windows) or else was trying to teach me some sort of lesson. i had enough time to turn, but not only did she neither slow down nor hit her brakes AT ALL, EVER, it seems as though she sped up. it was as though she knew that her tahoe would only get minor scratches and my car would be rendered permanently undrivable.

because i have the worst luck in the world, i hear that it is already deemed my fault automatically, simply because i was turning left.

i was lucky that, besides just feeling a little achy and sore all over, i only got one bruise [to be posted]

[i'll also take a picture of the car tomorrow, at the lot, and post that]

unfortunately, i have NO money with which to buy a car... where would you guys suggest i look for a car once my insurance company gives me $?

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Who said it was your fault? What was the speed limit?

Anyway, that really sucks. I guess what you can do is look in the internet. There's usually "internet" specials or check with CarMax.

Good luck!

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Damn, dub... glad to hear that you are generally doing well... I would def suggest car max... however, I am of the personal philosophy that if you buy what you want the first time, you won't have to replace it with another at a sooner date. I was in an accident shortly after I moved to Cali,,,, I too, was making a left and the reports/ courts and all deemed it the other parties fault. She tried to sue, but soon backed the fuck out once she realized my insurance co. didn't play games. In any case, I hope all is well. Keep us updated and sorry to hear of your misfortune.

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Who said it was your fault? What was the speed limit?...
the speed limit was 40, but i really can't say how fast she was going :hey: . i can't tell those kinds of things by sight. all i know is that she was going faster than everyone else and sped up when she saw me :shaky: . and the cops said it was my fault (even though they didn't see it.).

here's my only bruise [pic taken 4 or so days after the accident], and i only post it 'cause i always think yellow and green bruises are especially entertaining due to their rarity:


it's where my chest slammed against my seat belt, which demonstrates both the impact of the crash and the importance of wearing seat belts! if i hadn't been, i most surely would've smashed my head into the steering wheel, at the very least.

i took pics of my car at the lot today, but i couldn't get them on my comp; it was misbehaving. i'll try tomorrow.

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sorry to hear it weyes. :(

were there any witnesses to the accident? how was it automatically your fault?

try carmax.com or any reputable used car dealer since you need wheels reather quickly with limited funds available.

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...were there any witnesses to the accident? how was it automatically your fault?...
there were SHITLOADS of cars around, and there must have been some people who saw it, too, but no one stopped.

so you guys all seem to be recommending carmax... thanks; i'll take a look :) .

i'll get pics of my car up tomorrow; my camera and i are not communicating well, but i can download these pics at work.

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Weyes I"m soooooooooooooooooooooooo Sorrry......

Look at a Kia .... There are tons of specials.... all you need is about 200.00 down and the car payments are low..... I've been hearing them advertise on the radio...

Despite what happened... Girl look on the brightside.. it could have been worse... I can't imagine not having WEYES around...

Cell phones will soon be outlawed if they're not hands free...

and I'm also apologizing for not responding back... your info is awesome.. no need to change.. need to do a search to get you to find a great job in the arts world there has to be something...

Kisses.. and hugs baby! :love:

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poccnr - 3.gif !

Sorry to hear about that. If it's any consolation, my car was also totalled last month. It was a freak accident. Check it out:


i remember; i was in on those threads. i actually thought of you the other day. what ended up happening?

and here are the car pics i promised. i couldn't step back any further. the car looks more impressive when you can really see the whole thing, but i got a couple of good pics.




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