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what makes a girl .....

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Guys classify girls into 2 types -

1.the one you have fun with

2. the "girlfriend" material

Guys - what makes a girl as the fun type and "the girlfriend" type ?

If you have sex with a girl but you didn't like her as the girlfriend way -does it mean she wasn't good enough ?

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Why can't a girl be both?? I mean . . . my fiance and I are best of friends. We depend on each other . . . confide in one another . . . and share everything together. He's the first person I look to when I need someone there and vice versa. And when we're intimate . . . it's like fireworks EVERY SINGLE TIME!! dazzler1.gif

Who says that we can't be sexually inhibited with the one we respect and love?? To me the fact that I can be totally sexually liberated to the man that I consider as my best friend is what makes our relationship the greatest yet.



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Why can't a girl be both?? I mean . . . my fiance and I are best of friends. We depend on each other . . . confide in one another . . . and share everything together. He's the first person I look to when I need someone there and vice versa. And when we're intimate . . . it's like fireworks EVERY SINGLE TIME!! dazzler1.gif

Who says that we can't be sexually inhibited with the one we respect and love?? To me the fact that I can be totally sexually liberated to the man that I consider as my best friend is what makes our relationship the greatest yet.


girl i totally agree with u... i dont see a reason y girls should fall into one of two catagories... we know how to have fun and be the "girlfriend" type... just not every guy is worth it... but there r some out there... but WHERE



"He who laughs last didnt get it"

"It takes a big man to cry... takes a bigger man to laugh at that man"

"I sound like a chipmunk!!"

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I'm a girl who for some strange reason has been classified as the "the girl you have fun " type.

I don't get it. True love is someone who is a best friend.

ALSO - guys - would you be with a gorgeous girl - who you didn't have ANYTHING in common with ?

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Originally posted by a12345:


I'm a girl who for some strange reason has been classified as the "the girl you have fun " type.

I don't get it. True love is someone who is a best friend.

ALSO - guys - would you be with a gorgeous girl - who you didn't have ANYTHING in common with ?

I've learned that usually when a guy class you as "have fun" girl and can't take you seriously it's because they don't have what it takes to handle you. Some of us girls out there (not me now but use to be) are sooo wild and crazy that it actually intimidates a lot of the guys out there and they try to hide their lack of confidence by saying that you are not the relationship material.

BOOONNNGGGG . . . wrong answer!! There are guys out there that have the right chemistry to balance with you’re. The guy that knows how to be patient when you’re not exactly making sense, who can be laid back when you’re overly hyper, who can be wild and crazy when you fell a bit down, who know when to caress you and when to grab you and make wild passionate love to you. Believe me there are actual men out there that fits this description. TRUST ME! cwm38.gif



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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hmmm i duno about all that ... in my opinion the girl that i have the most fun with with most likey be the girl i want to have as my girlfriend .. plus i get to have sx and shit like that with my girlfriend and to me that is fun ,, much more fun that the girl i sit at the bar and get drunk with as friends .. so i dont think the girl should be both i think they are both the same girl



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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

.. so i dont think the girl should be both i think they are both the same girl

wow that is probably the sweetest thing u could have said...

cwm1.gif marry me lol.. j/k but u r definately one of the few that feel that way... :hug:


"He who laughs last didnt get it"

"It takes a big man to cry... takes a bigger man to laugh at that man"

"I sound like a chipmunk!!"

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Rob and I were friends before we started going out . . . I think that girls can be a combination of both those things, not just one or the other . . . like casey said, i want my boyfriend to be my best friend . . . just like i think he thinks of me. smile.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


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what really seperates these two types..is not how they actually are - but how YOU approach them...... you make that destinction not them ..if you have a calm girl ...its up to you to show her a good time..and make her wild ... if the opposite is true ... well then you need to tell her that she needs to relax sometimes and follow you ..if shes not willing to do either...... then go on to the next one... (you're not man enought for this one)

as far as sex goes ...well you just gotta be monogomous .....if you want an open relationship..( if you can handle that) ..then be honest....... i hate these guys that keep the sweetest lil girls for themselfs (gf type)..and are two timing them ....... (with the fun type)

as far as my personal experience LOVE is the best drug there is ..... so find one that can be both at right times .....

PS this does not only relate to girls but to guys as well

and thats my $.02 ..wait ...it looks like 2$s worth .......



Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

[This message has been edited by Unbound (edited 12-05-2000).]

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How do I know if it was because I wasn't good enough for a guy ? or that he's the insecure one ?

This one guy - I thought was for me - we click like a belt yet - he keeps telling me that I'll find the right guy for me/that I'm too young for him/ that he doesn't like me that way- then we rumble in the sack.

I wish God would answer me and tell me why I wasn't good enough for him.

People say move on. But in the back of my mind I keep asking myself why .

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Oops double post!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 12-05-2000).]

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Originally posted by a12345:


You're great !!! I feel like I'm talking to Oprah !! LOL !!

I know I have to be happy with myself first and I am = But sometimes I keep bashing myself. Maybe I'm bored or maybe I'm too alone most of the time.

Look, we (women) are the most self subconscience creatures there are. We're all bashing ourselves at one point or another about men, money, body, health ect. ect. That has nothing to do with being bored . . . it's just one of those things that come with being a woman . . . like birthing and menstrual. Can't avoid it . . . unfortunately. cwm36.gif However, that has nothing to do with the basics. For example . . . I know that I am intelligent, pretty, open-minded, easy going and sensitive. I CAN be bitchy, snippy, overly emotional sometimes, and at times assume too much. However that's who I am. I comfortable with that!! And not any dick, sam or harry is gonna tell me otherwise! Bashing yourself because you're bored doesn't seem too normal. Maybe there's another reason why you're bashing yourself. Maybe you're blaming yourself for being alone. Thinking it's you and not them.

Well, it is partly you. It always takes two. But it's not COMPLETELY you, so don't try to carry the weight of the blame. It's only going to hold you down and you don't wanna do that.

"Yeah- everyone says he's an asshole. But ..He's the only guy that makes me truly happy. "

I think you need to make one of those lists. You know Pro's and Con's. Make a list of the reason WHY he makes you happy. Most of the time when girl's are in a no-end relationship and you ask them why him . . . they answer with he makes me happy. Then you ask why? And they can't come up with a plausible answer. Nothing solid . . . that justifies why you have to go through this. Make a list of WHY he makes you happy and then look at it and ask yourself . . . is what you're going through emotionally right now . . . this rollar coaster ride worth what's on that list.

You know - we have no control over who we fall in love with or who/what makes us happy. I don't know why Cupid shot me an arrow. I really don't.

Honey, don't confuse the cupid's arrow with a subconscience act to fill a black hole in your emotional self. It's soooo easy to do and we've all done it. We've dated guys and have absolutely no idea why we like them or love them and find ourselves taking all shorts of shit. Maybe you do blame yourself for being alone and he's the straw that broke the camel's back. He's the last draw . . . that you HAVE to work this one out. From experience I've learned that there is ALWAYS reasons why you love that specific person. It's when you can't think of one that you really need to step back and ask you're self why?

ALSO - DO you believe in coincidence?

I believe in destiny. I don't necessarily believe in fate. I believe that destiny is the force that brings you to a certain point, place or a moment in time . . . like it brings you to the door, but it's ultimately your decision if you want to open it or not. That's what I believe in.



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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Growing up- I never had any friends - I moved around alot or never really fit in any where.

I'm 25 and the fact that I never had alot friends haunts me til this day and probably for the rest of my life. You really don't know what it's like. A new town every year- always the new person in town/ scene.

I WAS ALWAYS the outsider. And always will be.

HE IS LIKE THE BEST FRIEND I NEVER HAD. He's the friend I dreamt about .

I think it's just my destiny- that I can't be with ones who make me happy or GOD doesn't want me to have any friends.

Wait ....My only friend is GOD. smile.gif

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TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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I think the guy has alot to do with this answer it depends what state of mind they are in.....like:

DO I just want to sleep with every girl I see

do I just want a girl to go out with and have fun with


Do I want a girl to do BOTH with!!!

Sometimes guys stink like that they know they have something good and they dont know how to handle it!!!!



Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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from where i stand its a simple situation......

his too old for you....... he worries about society stigmas and such things... or he never cared ENOUGH for you...... if he did he would be able to overcome that ...... girl types have nothing to do with this cwm13.gif


Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

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Originally posted by a12345:

How do I know if it was because I wasn't good enough for a guy ? or that he's the insecure one ?

This one guy - I thought was for me - we click like a belt yet - he keeps telling me that I'll find the right guy for me/that I'm too young for him/ that he doesn't like me that way- then we rumble in the sack.

I wish God would answer me and tell me why I wasn't good enough for him.

People say move on. But in the back of my mind I keep asking myself why .

First off . . . if you find yourself saying that you were not "good enough" for someone then that's a personal issue. One should NEVER say that to him/herself. You have to be happy with who you are and be confident in that happiness. Obviously, you can't be that confident if you're basing your whole self value according to what this one guys thinks. In this state . . . I don't think you would be very successful in ANY relationship. It's hard to make a relationship work with all the interference of today's issues, but to put self doubt in there too . . . it's impossible. Cause you have self doubt then you really don't know what will make you happy. Once you are comfortable with yourself and happy with yourself . . . it opens up so many new doors in your mind and you get this sense of exactly what will make you happy. Don't worry about what guys want and don't want. That 's irrelavant when it comes to what you want in you. Search for that first.

As for this guy . . . lose him. QUICK! I mean intimately too. Any guys that tells you that you will find THE ONE, then tells you that he is too old for you, THEN have the audacity to sleep with you is an ALL TIME ASSHOLE! The genuine kind. Cause if is NOT TOO old to sleep with you then he's NOT too old to have a relationship with you. He's only after one thing, girl. And you know what that is. If that's all you want from him then GOOD! Go romp and play! But obviously that's not the only thing that you want. You're trying to connect to him emotionally and it's a BIG mistake.

Lose the asshole and find yourself first. It really does help when you discover who you are and what will make you happy. Right now you're just shooting blindfolded hoping it'll hit the bulls eye. It's only going to wear you down and waste time. Life is too short to waste time.



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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You're great !!! I feel like I'm talking to Oprah !! LOL !!

I know I have to be happy with myself first and I am = But sometimes I keep bashing myself. Maybe I'm bored or maybe I'm too alone most of the time.

Yeah- everyone says he's an asshole. But ..He's the only guy that makes me truly happy.

You know - we have no control over who we fall in love with or who/what makes us happy. I don't know why Cupid shot me an arrow. I really don't.

ALSO - DO you believe in coincidence ?

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Originally posted by a12345:

How do I know if it was because I wasn't good enough for a guy ? or that he's the insecure one ?

This one guy - I thought was for me - we click like a belt yet - he keeps telling me that I'll find the right guy for me/that I'm too young for him/ that he doesn't like me that way- then we rumble in the sack.

I wish God would answer me and tell me why I wasn't good enough for him.

People say move on. But in the back of my mind I keep asking myself why .

I agree with Blue, lose him right away!!

First reaction to hearing that he doesn't like you THAT way...he just wants sex and when he's had his fill...he's gone. I'm sure this is not something you want to consider but, could he be with someone serious already, even married? It's happened to one girlfriend of mine more than once. She had this horrible knack for hooking up with guys who were already taken. I would see the signs, she would deny it, and in the end we would find out he really was. One time she was with a guy for a year before she found out for sure that he was engaged!

Just be careful and do what's good for you. It's like a Band-aid, if you do it quick it only hurts for a bit and then gets better!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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