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The Answer! To what a girl wants!!!!!!!!!

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Here It is: (get your pens)

Girls need a real man who is willing to be her support when she needs it. A man who is able to cry when something is sad. A man who is able to tell a girl that she is the most beautiful thing in the world, when she has her period and is bitching every insanity at you. A man who is able to make her laugh. A man who is able to please her in every way. Ask,cause you WILL get an answer. Don't be afraid to try new things. Confidence is extremely attractive.. And finally a man who is willing to hold her in his arms while watching a sunset and feel like there is no other place he'd rather be....

These are my tips for all you men ...

Follow them and you will get results...

Trust me..




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how accurate was my answer on the other post? can we get a personal opinion here?? cwm12.gif


"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty

K and Erm...there is only one thing to say that will express my feelings about you guys......HAAAAAABUUUURRRBB

No Pleasure, No Rapture, No Exquisite Sin Greater....Than Central Air. - Dogma

"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte


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Originally posted by trisha1319:

Here It is: (get your pens)

Girls need a real man who is willing to be her support when she needs it. A man who is able to cry when something is sad. A man who is able to tell a girl that she is the most beautiful thing in the world, when she has her period and is bitching every insanity at you. A man who is able to make her laugh. A man who is able to please her in every way. Ask,cause you WILL get an answer. Don't be afraid to try new things. Confidence is extremely attractive.. And finally a man who is willing to hold her in his arms while watching a sunset and feel like there is no other place he'd rather be....

Been there...done that...bought the shirt.


maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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Originally posted by trisha1319:

Here It is: (get your pens)

Girls need a real man who is willing to be her support when she needs it. A man who is able to cry when something is sad. A man who is able to tell a girl that she is the most beautiful thing in the world, when she has her period and is bitching every insanity at you. A man who is able to make her laugh. A man who is able to please her in every way. Ask,cause you WILL get an answer. Don't be afraid to try new things. Confidence is extremely attractive.. And finally a man who is willing to hold her in his arms while watching a sunset and feel like there is no other place he'd rather be....

These are my tips for all you men ...

Follow them and you will get results...

Trust me..


Cry when something is sad? That too? Awwww man!?!

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Damnit Trish!!!!!!!

WTF all these years your telling me girls like it when you trip them and give them noogies. No wonder Ive been striking out. thats it Im not talking to you anymore.

Now I need to change my whole outlook on picking women up. Time to get my MOJO.



Nah seriously good points Trish.. but I still dont think that is all they want. I dont think girls will admit what it is they really want.

But hopefully I will be enlightened one day.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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I tried to ignore it, I tried but I just couldn't. Time to spank Trisha.

In reality, that sounds great. In reality, all of those things should make a man quite a catch. In reality, women who get what they want, should be content.

In actuality, its harder to find a girl that appreciates those things than a man who will try to be that way. In actuality, once people get what they want, they grow tired of it.

If a man shows hes too weak, he loses. If a man tries too hard, he loses. If a man is too confident, hes arrogant. If a man once in a while does what he wants, he is selfish.

THIS is the way many women think, regardless of what some say. I have been friends with many women, have met many and have dated my share.....If a woman was that easy to please, life would be easy......

The "connection" between two people is what is important. Even then, it isn't enough. There has to be a driving force within you. Fidelity nowadays is treated like a joke and it turns my stomach sometimes.

If im "Involved", Im only with one women. If your dating, thats a bit more loose of an association. Point it, the only way a nice guy finds the right women is to be very, very lucky. Hell, 75% of the women out there are in relationships they despise, dislike, arent happy with, are just comfortable with. There is a stigma of being single in your 20's for women.

However, I am not being mean or vindictive. I am merely replying to the original statement. I love women, always have, always will.....something about the way their eyes light up when you make them happy or the way their smiles widen when you make them content.

Im a hopeless romantic, on a splintering raft, riding the tidal wave of life.




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i have read original statement and have read Myrlin's reply...

Well Merlyn, King Arthur here surely agrees as with Queen Quinevere. Surely there must be a driving force within. Well I don't mean to sound trite so I won't.....

I'll just comment on trisha's comment 'bout a man asking. There is a fine line that words teetering on, a steep precipice of danger and excite. Most often I say, less spoken more done!!

Ask with action not with words!!

Art Curry

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Originally posted by myrlin:

I tried to ignore it, I tried but I just couldn't. Time to spank Trisha.

In reality, that sounds great. In reality, all of those things should make a man quite a catch. In reality, women who get what they want, should be content.

In actuality, its harder to find a girl that appreciates those things than a man who will try to be that way. In actuality, once people get what they want, they grow tired of it.

If a man shows hes too weak, he loses. If a man tries too hard, he loses. If a man is too confident, hes arrogant. If a man once in a while does what he wants, he is selfish.

THIS is the way many women think, regardless of what some say. I have been friends with many women, have met many and have dated my share.....If a woman was that easy to please, life would be easy......

The "connection" between two people is what is important. Even then, it isn't enough. There has to be a driving force within you. Fidelity nowadays is treated like a joke and it turns my stomach sometimes.

If im "Involved", Im only with one women. If your dating, thats a bit more loose of an association. Point it, the only way a nice guy finds the right women is to be very, very lucky. Hell, 75% of the women out there are in relationships they despise, dislike, arent happy with, are just comfortable with. There is a stigma of being single in your 20's for women.

However, I am not being mean or vindictive. I am merely replying to the original statement. I love women, always have, always will.....something about the way their eyes light up when you make them happy or the way their smiles widen when you make them content.

Im a hopeless romantic, on a splintering raft, riding the tidal wave of life.

Holy FUCK Claudio....move over Dr. Ruth!!! Shit what a speech. I'm touched man...so true, so true, so true. I couldn't agree with you more.





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Call me crazy but, I sat back and asked myself "What do I, as a woman...want." Honestly, I can't say I want a man who could look at me and think I'm the most beautiful thing in the world while I'm bitching away and having a heavy dose of existential angst. I'd think they were rediculous. But a man who could put up with me and run me a hot bath while I'm whining up a storm....that's the man I want.

One who's able to dish out the teasing cause I'm being so damn bitchy yet at the same time scoop out the pint of haagen daaz...that's what I want.

I don't believe in the notion that anyone you're with will think you're the most marvelous thing since stars and sunsets 24/7. But someone who'd can put up with you and laugh with you at your worst and do the same at their worst...that's what I want in a nutshell. Or at least...a small part of it ;-)

I think the answer to why we don't seem to find what we want...in general...is that so many of us while we seem to "know" what we want, aren't *really* open to it when it faces us.

Sorry for the long post, just made me think.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

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Im not even gonna start with this tonight but I sure have some things .......

But just to start a lil...... What a woman REALLY wants is to be happy. Guys just gotta learn how to step back from us and let us clear our minds. We are incredibly sensitive at times and need a lil space for our own sanity and to gain our own reality. Just give us happiness and when we need some time to go do some soul searching and look for it ourselves, let us.



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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Hmmm... based on some responses here... no one really knows what the fuck they want... it's like a paiting... you'll know it if it's what you want when you see it. Cause you know, women bleed once a month, go through menopause... insanity rules in a woman... I know at least one girl who's going through post pardum depression. WTF? We're supposed to understand all this shit? It's no wonder men always die first before the women.


Dream a little dream... then bonk the girls with a club so they make sense!


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Hmmm... based on some responses here... no one really knows what the fuck they want... it's like a paiting... you'll know it if it's what you want when you see it. Cause you know, women bleed once a month, go through menopause... insanity rules in a woman... I know at least one girl who's going through post pardum depression. WTF? We're supposed to understand all this shit? It's no wonder men always die first before the women.

Well, if you do a little research you'll find out men actually go through "cycles" on a daily basis. And you thought monthlies were bad! Talk about insanity ;-P We've all got our nerosies and insanities...what makes us fun. Heh, so long as your insanity doesn't F*** with my insanity, we're in good shape <g>



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

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Originally posted by ooana:

Heh, so long as your insanity doesn't F*** with my insanity, we're in good shape <g>


Hehehe... the couches are made for exactly this situation. We as men have learned to know couches very well, it's our second home.


Dream a little dream... then bonk the girls with a club so they make sense!


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The final answer: ?

2 should come together as "wholes"

The problem lies in the fact that people try searching for their "other half". This does not work for a life time (read: Marrage or soul mates)

the 2 people that come together as completed "wholes" can and will share their life as one.

2 halfs dont makes "one" each person is still that half.

Hope I got this out clearly, I'm really tired right now.


Use email DJmikeDR@aol.com

PM way too slow!

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I think that....different people want different things. Everyone has their own needs and wants. I don't think you can't really write a generalized statement and say this is what we want. NOW...don't get me wrong...all the qualities that's been posted here are GOOD. BUT to really meet the wants of your girl..(not all the girls in the world..haha) u need to really search her heart and find out for yourself. That's what's so magical about love...gotta do some work here boys...there isn't a list of all the things we want!!

Good luck to all the guy out there... cwm32.gif

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put simply claudio and i mean HONESTLY after thinkin about it, thisis what i truly want, and i think mean/asshole guys turn my stomach anyways, so it's not that for sure. what i really want is a guy who's nice to me, who's a sweetheart, but who knows when to set me straight, who's man enough not to be an entire pushover, who can stop me in my tracks with a look if i'm outta control, but who's also gentle and caring and honest enough to love me for who i am and be understanding. now is that so much to ask for>? sheesh.


"Well you think i'd leave ya lonely... you know me better than that... if you'd think i'd leave you down when your down on your knees... well i wouldnt do that.. you're so much better than you know..."

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Originally posted by trisha1319:

Here It is: (get your pens)

Girls need a real man who is willing to be her support when she needs it. A man who is able to cry when something is sad. A man who is able to tell a girl that she is the most beautiful thing in the world, when she has her period and is bitching every insanity at you. A man who is able to make her laugh. A man who is able to please her in every way. Ask,cause you WILL get an answer. Don't be afraid to try new things. Confidence is extremely attractive.. And finally a man who is willing to hold her in his arms while watching a sunset and feel like there is no other place he'd rather be....

These are my tips for all you men ...

Follow them and you will get results...

Trust me..


Yep! And his name is Mitchell!! smooch.gif



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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Originally posted by dmgreenz:

I thought women just wanted shorter bathroom lines and the ability to whip it out and relieve themselves anywhere they needed to.

I think I cried during the Lion king - does that make me sensitive? It was said.

HAHA true...

Don't they always wish that we "would get periods too, so we would know how it feels!"

FYI, The Lion King was sad... My fav is the Fox and the Hound though lol


One Love...


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myrlin - nicely put.

all women are different. they typically want similar traits as many have stated, but they all have different tastes. take this analogy which i find is often true. 3 very different guys in terms of looks, personality etc. for example, one is preppy, one is "tommy lee", and the other is gq. all attractive in their own way...

take 30 women scoping these 3 guys. it wouldn't surprise me if each of the 10 of the women thought preppy guy was "attractive (style and personality) but "tommy lee" and gq guy was not, another 10 found "tommy lee" attractive and the other 2 not attractive. you get the picture.

guys on the other hand have more common tastes - if she looks good, they usually all agree. hahaha!

anyway, i may have strayed off the topic here. bottom line is, 2 pepole have to click and understand and love one another (well at least they have to try).

jerry mcguire put it the best...





Live life to the fullest... Enjoy every minute of every day. Don't run the rat-race of life... if you do, your life will have passed you by but you'll still be a rat.


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Originally posted by myrlin:

I tried to ignore it, I tried but I just couldn't. Time to spank Trisha.

In reality, that sounds great. In reality, all of those things should make a man quite a catch. In reality, women who get what they want, should be content.

In actuality, its harder to find a girl that appreciates those things than a man who will try to be that way. In actuality, once people get what they want, they grow tired of it.

If a man shows hes too weak, he loses. If a man tries too hard, he loses. If a man is too confident, hes arrogant. If a man once in a while does what he wants, he is selfish.

THIS is the way many women think, regardless of what some say. I have been friends with many women, have met many and have dated my share.....If a woman was that easy to please, life would be easy......

The "connection" between two people is what is important. Even then, it isn't enough. There has to be a driving force within you. Fidelity nowadays is treated like a joke and it turns my stomach sometimes.

If im "Involved", Im only with one women. If your dating, thats a bit more loose of an association. Point it, the only way a nice guy finds the right women is to be very, very lucky. Hell, 75% of the women out there are in relationships they despise, dislike, arent happy with, are just comfortable with. There is a stigma of being single in your 20's for women.

However, I am not being mean or vindictive. I am merely replying to the original statement. I love women, always have, always will.....something about the way their eyes light up when you make them happy or the way their smiles widen when you make them content.

Im a hopeless romantic, on a splintering raft, riding the tidal wave of life.

Amen to that Myrlin...no wonder they call you a wizard!!


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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