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i had the second worst day of my life.

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today was horrible

it started off with me driving my kid sister to high school. i drive her and her little hot friends, and they dig me and my black iroc-z with t-topps and a new braw for it, so anyway i play final chapter and they all start to laugh at me and say this song was played out so long ago, i was like wtf are you kidding me it just came out in cd the first time like a month ago. then told them there only in highschool and dont no shit. i told them how i went to all the awsome clubs like abyss,hunka bunka,joeys,tempts in the summer, and exit. and i no what good music is. iwas not a fan of these girls laughing at me, man little kids have no clue what good music is.

then my day proceeded to me hitting up the tanning salon did my 15 mins then whent to hit up the gym. i get to the gym do my daily work out and some other person benched more weight than me. by 5 pounds that was the first ever, i was so pissed all the girls were sweating him and the guys were asking him for spots and advice, not me. i got so mad this is a wake up call for me i cut down a little in my juice only shooting up 2cc of decca, 2 cc of primo, 3 cc of test a week. theres always somebody pushing you, now i'm going to have to find a new gym. so i leave and go to the tanning salon and they try to tell me they have a new rule you cant tan twice a day, i had one of my rare flip outs and almost killed the kid, i usually never do that but all the stress was building up, and worst of all it was my cousin frankie. i hope he does not tell my grams.

so i proceed to go home and listing to my favirote radio station ktu and they play this awsome song i heard at exit a couple weeks ago it was a ophra song, i started feeling better again. so i get inside and go right for the juice to up my take to 4cc of decca, 4cc of primo, 6cc of test, 3 cc of sustanon, and 5cc of winstrol. guess what i ran out of needles and my needle conection was away for the day, i almost had another ahahahahshahahahahahahahhaha what the fu k ararararararararararararara f ck , oh im sorry you had to witness that. so the only hope i had was to go to my local docter and ask. so i go the nurse puts me in the room to wait for the doc, the doc comes in and i say whats the chance you can hook me up with some needles, he's like what, and i'm like oh no i forgot my doc is my uncle paulie, he's like why. and i told my uncle in the past i'm naturual so ididn't want to look like a lier so i said for herion and he told me to leave and my parents will find out about this, fuck i no my mom is going to take my keys away for my car for a week. this was the second worst day of my life almost as bad as when i lost a bet to my friend over the summer time and was not allowed to take off my shirt at tempts, so i think of that day and nothing could be worst.

thank you



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Hey juiceboy sorry to here that, and i hope your mum leaves your keys to black iroc-z with t-topps, i mean when would you listen to zombie nation then?

these tan salons dont know what they are on about, have they ever been to SF? no they haven't.

Hope everything works out fine.

(LMFA®O, the best yet wink.gif)

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you know you can get needles at the pharmacy? they have to sell them to you...if not go to another one...whats all this bullshit about you injecting 2cc of this and 3cc of that...by the time you can press the whole world..your nuts will be so small it wont matter if you can try and get a hot girlfriend...shes bound to leave when she sees peanuts underneath your penis..which will probably have shriveled up into a walnut....oh yeah...about your mom...move out...you told him it was for heroin..hehe..lying to a doctor..how dumb. im sure my comments didnt make your day brighter but its the truth.


AIM:Turbo SC300



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Originally posted by juiceboy:

. this was the second worst day of my life almost as bad as when i lost a bet to my friend over the summer time and was not allowed to take off my shirt at tempts, so i think of that day and nothing could be worst.

thank you



I guess that was the worst day of juiceboy's life. Nothing can be as bad as that juice. Hang in there.

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Oh Juiceboy,

Sorry i couldn't be there for you when you needed a friend. I would have brought needles and stuck them up your ass for you. I hope things turn up for you. Go to the gym and then have a cannoli. You know that always makes you feel better! smile.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by vj604:

you know you can get needles at the pharmacy? they have to sell them to you...if not go to another one...whats all this bullshit about you injecting 2cc of this and 3cc of that...by the time you can press the whole world..your nuts will be so small it wont matter if you can try and get a hot girlfriend...shes bound to leave when she sees peanuts underneath your penis..which will probably have shriveled up into a walnut....oh yeah...about your mom...move out...you told him it was for heroin..hehe..lying to a doctor..how dumb. im sure my comments didnt make your day brighter but its the truth.

You gotta be kidding me


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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  • 5 years later...

hi friend, juice is another word for steroids. like cock is another word for dick.

it's helps u achieve your goals with your body. if you anymore questions just pm. i have a black iroc z w/t-topps and braw if u didn't no.

your friend



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I wonder if anybody actually ever told you the NEGATIVES of taking roids.

or are you really that shallow that all you care about is what you look like to people?

i guess so.

you might wanna think about re-evaluating your life man.

doesnt sound like you have priorities together.... i mean, who goes tanning 2 times in one day? you must have a lot of money, a lot of time and NO skillz.

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I wonder if anybody actually ever told you the NEGATIVES of taking roids.

or are you really that shallow that all you care about is what you look like to people?

i guess so.

you might wanna think about re-evaluating your life man.

doesnt sound like you have priorities together.... i mean, who goes tanning 2 times in one day? you must have a lot of money, a lot of time and NO skillz.

hi friend, why the negative energy towards me? my priorties may not be yours but there mine. i have skillz in the gym i just got back and had a monster day with the legs. i juice very safely just like i tan i use my eye wear everyday for 10 of the 15mins and when i g it up i only do 3 bumps of k no alcohol at all. hey if u hanged out with me u would see i was a cool person. i have a black iroc z with t-topps and braw and i'm currently jamming the hottest new tracks like close my eyes acppella over robbie rivera feel this 2001 remix the 45 mins version it's hot thanks jp. my new girlfriend injects my juice and she always rubs me down with rubbing alcohol before and after injections....she is def a keeper plus her younger sister is hot to look at.

i'm a family guy i visit my grams twice a week and not just because she makes the best meatballs but because i care for her. did i tell u about my black iroc z w/t-topps and braw? u would like it friend. got to hit the gym one more time today, summer is around the corner need to get in flex mode. got up the take in from 2cc's of test/primo/sus to 4.

your friend



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hi friend, juice is another word for steroids. like cock is another word for dick.

it's helps u achieve your goals with your body. if you anymore questions just pm. i have a black iroc z w/t-topps and braw if u didn't no.

your friend



Dave Chappelle "for what its worth" - great stand up show juicebox. After a hard day of pricking yourself in the ass nothing like some good comedy to ease the pain

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sounds like you are subconciously looking for help. This was taken from www.drugabuse.gov



Human-made substances related to male sex hormones. Some athletes abuse anabolic steroids to enhance performance. Abuse of anabolic steroids can lead to serious health problems, some of which are irreversible.


Major side effects can include liver tumors and cancer, jaundice, high blood pressure, kidney tumors, severe acne, and trembling. In males, side effects may include shrinking of the testicles and breast development. In females, side effects may include growth of facial hair, menstrual changes, and deepened voice. In teenagers, growth may be halted prematurely and permanently.

Need a treatment referral?

Call 1-800-662-HELP or visit findtreatment.samhsa.gov

But if you choose to keep using steriods and need clean needles, you can buy needles at any pharmacy or you could join a needle exchange program. oh and the answer to one of your questions, you can only catch Hepatitis C from sharing needles with someone who is already infected w/ Hepatitis C.

Be safe! wish you the best whichever you choose.

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