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What kind of hours does everyone work??

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Just curious! I feel like I live at this office but I never want to leave until I've at least made a dent in the pile on my desk which never happens. I'm here at 6:45am and usually leave around 5:00 or 5:30pm. I know there are people out there with some insane work hours and I feel for you all!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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i work Sun-Wed 3pm-1am smile.gif


"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty

K and Erm...there is only one thing to say that will express my feelings about you guys......HAAAAAABUUUURRRBB

No Pleasure, No Rapture, No Exquisite Sin Greater....Than Central Air. - Dogma

"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte


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I get to work at 9, and leave even before 5 Mon- Thursday.

Friday is happy joy joy!! I leave at 1.. or 2, 3 in the summer time, 12 if I gotta go somewhere... yeaa.... smile.gif

And a 45 minute lunch break which I never end up taking, too many people have whistling problmes, if you know what I mean .... LOL


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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8:30-5:30 M-F. Not bad really. I've had jobs where I worked from 8-8...did PA work for a production company. So 8:30-5:30 is nothing.... cwm1.gif


"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

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I work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nites from 8:30-2:30 . . . I'm a cocktail waitress at a club. smile.gif

I'm also a full-time student.

and the most strenuous part of my life is being part of eggmok's harem . . . *sigh*




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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i have some crazy ass hours .. i nevr know when i'm gonna be working ... when i an in my office which is ussally like 3 days a week mon-wed or something i work 10-7 which sucks cuz it such a long day , i dunno why they makeus stay til 7 , fucking bullshit ... then wheni work at night at broadcast it could be fomr like 10pm -3 am or like 8pm - 6am depends on where i am and what kinda party ,.. i've pull some rediculous hours for broadcast

over 12 hour days and shit .. crazyy .. a lot of times i'll fall asleep at teh clubs =) hehe ...



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I roll in around 9:30ish and I'm usually out of here around 6:30/7 .. I have put in some seriously long nights in the past, but that's advertising.


AIM: slimchezdy

I'm outta place

I'm in outer space

I've just vanished without a trace

I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow

I'll be back in an hour or so -- Eminem

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I guess I have it easy...I work Mon-Thurs 9-5:30 and Friday 9-3:30


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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For me it all depends... Today I got in at 9:30-ish and probably won't leave until almost 7pm. Other day it's like 8am until 10pm, 11pm, 12am or whenever we can't keep our eyes open anymore. The converse is also true though. Got in to work on Monday at 10:30, left at 5pm... Went to work for like 15 minutes last Friday... cwm4.gif



a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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now that i'm in my last year of school, all of my work is practical, i switch rotations every 6 weeks, so it's kinda like i'm the lil bitch of the program, they say jump we say how high, but umm for ER i found i like workin night shift so i work 9 pm to 7 am , starting to feel like a vampire though.... hehe. for surgery next i think i am going to work 430 am from what i heard from other students till 6 pm. it fawkin sucks cuz we dont get paid so on weekends i try to work near my house at a really cool shop and make immediate cash. sigh** hopefully it will all be over soon.


"Well you think i'd leave ya lonely... you know me better than that... if you'd think i'd leave you down when your down on your knees... well i wouldnt do that.. you're so much better than you know..."

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Sometimes, after 60 hours a week at work, salary starts sounding a bit like slavery...

It used to be that dot-commers like me worked crazy hours cuz we thought we could be the next big thing...

Now, we work crazy hours cuz we don't want to be the next big thing...to go belly up.

For all y'all who don't know what I'm talking about (how could you not?) check out http://www.fuckedcompany.com

It's all about the pre-clubbing nap from 7-11pm on Friday night...


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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:

For me it all depends... Today I got in at 9:30-ish and probably won't leave until almost 7pm. Other day it's like 8am until 10pm, 11pm, 12am or whenever we can't keep our eyes open anymore. The converse is also true though. Got in to work on Monday at 10:30, left at 5pm... Went to work for like 15 minutes last Friday... cwm4.gif

What do you do?

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