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About Spending Money on girls

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MEN - DO you spend a lot of $$$ to impress girls ? Or becasue you have a big ego ?

Also - Would you let some gorgeous gal sqeeze your wallet dry ?

MEn throw away money at strip bars, spend money on pretty girls they don't even like just becasue ...

I also realized that - Just because a man takes you places, shopping and buys you things - IT DOES NOT MEAN HE LOVES YOU . Right ?

LAST Q. - Would you be comfortable if a girl spent alot of money you instead ?

Society says men must pay for women but - how would you feel if girl bought you expensive gifts and took you out ???

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That is a real problem

I do not feel comfortable with girl

paying if I have ANY $$$$(does not mater date or friend)

(damn thirld world country conservatisam-of all things I had to pick that one)


constantly broke

but occasionaly


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I spend a lot of money becaues it is my weekend, I work hard all week, and on the weekend its time to play hard. If a girl is with me i'm not spending it on her, or to impress her, I am just out having my good time, and she is along for the ride. I never go to strip bars or anything like that. Just never did anything for me, why be teased by some junkie who thinks she's all that, when really, she's a no self-respect stripper.

I understand that people spend money on redicuouls things all the time (I buy a sack of weed every few days) but you just have to make sure that what you spend your money on makes you happy, that is the only thing that is important, and no one can knock that.




"Puff, Puff, Pass"

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It's nice to go on a date with a guy and he wants to pay but I don't think it should be expected that a guy is going to pay for the date. I have no problem pitching in for my share...why should it all be on the guy's shoulders?? However, if he wants to pay then I'm not going to argue. In a situation like that you can do something nice in return, like cook him dinner or something. Some chicks just expect guys to pay for everything (I've known some girls like this - won't date a guy if he won't pay..) and this is where we get the reputation for being money-hungry bitches with dollar signs in our eyes. As far as guys spending their money on strippers, hey, if this is how they want to spend their money....they earned it, they can spend it how they want. I know this girl who broke up with the most awesome guy b/c he bought her a sweatshirt for her birthday. They'd only been together for about a month (seriously together, that is) but he suspected she was a materialistic bitch and bought the sweatshirt on purpose to see her reaction. Well she dumped him and all I can say is it was her loss b/c he's one of the greatest guys ever. The next girl he dated got a stereo for her birthday......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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if i was buying any girl presents this year ( ehich i am not ) i would spend a lot of money on her because i want to give her lots of presents and see her happy ... i like to give people presents ... and for spending money on girls i ussally will buy girls drinks weather i'm there on a dat ewith them or friends boy are supposed to take care of girls that how it is .. sorry to all u woans lib chicks out there , but thats how i feel ... sometimes these days girl will insist on paying for some things a round of drinks or something .. sometime they can buy , if they really want to .,.. and as for strip clubs .. i dont go there and waste all my money , i dont even like strip clubs ... i'd much rather spend that dough on a date and see if i can get a girl naked that will actually let me touch her =) ..




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Just like when I'm out with my friends having fun.. money doesn't really matter.. We're all spending serious cash and no one even thinks about it...

Same thing with girlz.. Sometimes having fun out in NYC means dropping some cash (sometimes it doesn't).. I like making the girl I'm with happy with nice dinners and gifts.. Makes me just as happy.

And we're all working for a reason.. and it's not to save every penny and hold back from having fun.


AIM: slimchezdy

I'm outta place

I'm in outer space

I've just vanished without a trace

I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow

I'll be back in an hour or so -- Eminem

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Shyt I spend alot of money.. But thats cause I like to spend. I have had $1000 bar tabs In one night and thats just the Alchole...Dont even ask about the other stuff...LOL


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Like a Biskit....

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Originally posted by a12345:

NONE OF YOU are Answering my Question !

HOw would you feel if a girl spent a lot of money on you ?

I.E. - bought you a motorcycle, an expensive watch and took you to fancy places ?

If she has the money to blow then fuck it!



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Originally posted by a12345:

NONE OF YOU are Answering my Question !

HOw would you feel if a girl spent a lot of money on you ?

I.E. - bought you a motorcycle, an expensive watch and took you to fancy places ?

i thinkit would be a very nice gesture .. but make sure he knows ur spendin a lot cuz if u spend 10 times mor eon him he might feeel bad and it migth be a shot at his ego ... and then u will get good stuff back too =)

ps- i want a suzuki katana .. black . with silver and purple accents ... =) .. i hope u liek platinum and diamonds .,.,



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Originally posted by a12345:

NONE OF YOU are Answering my Question !

HOw would you feel if a girl spent a lot of money on you ?

I.E. - bought you a motorcycle, an expensive watch and took you to fancy places ?

Well since I'm not a guy I can't answer that!! I'd hope you're not spending that kind of money on someone unless you're in a committed relationship with him or you're a multimillionaire and won't miss it!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by a12345:

HOw would you feel if a girl spent a lot of money on you ?

I think most men could not handle it... it would hurt their ego! MOST (not all) MEN think they have to spend to impress and to be a "good guy"... men that are confident and stable can appreciate the lady paying... friendships/relationships should be 50/50, right?

I am guilty of spending a ton of money but not necessarily on women... Just like Momadance said... I "play hard" and whoever is with me is "along for the ride"... my friends and I all take care of each other.


One Love...


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My boyfriend is always taking me out and buying me expensive things (get this: we're both 17 years old and he bought me a diamond bracelet for our 6 month anniversary!) but it bothers me in a way because I can't really reciprocate - I don't have the money and he never wants me to pay for stuff. Like if I try to take him out to a nice restaurant for dinner he'll purposely pick a cheap one. :P But it's all in the attitude; there's a big difference between a guy wanting to do something special for you and him thinking you can't take care of yourself.


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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For me historically whoever has the money pays, but most of the time it's like I'll sort out the chemis, you'll sort out dinner and so on and so forth...... cwm30.gifcwm29.gifcwm12.gif


hapfac01.gif I'm dreaming of a white christmas------------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by a12345:

MEN - DO you spend a lot of $$$ to impress girls ? Or becasue you have a big ego ?

Also - Would you let some gorgeous gal sqeeze your wallet dry ?

MEn throw away money at strip bars, spend money on pretty girls they don't even like just becasue ...

I also realized that - Just because a man takes you places, shopping and buys you things - IT DOES NOT MEAN HE LOVES YOU . Right ?

LAST Q. - Would you be comfortable if a girl spent alot of money you instead ?

Society says men must pay for women but - how would you feel if girl bought you expensive gifts and took you out ???

See its questions like these that drive us men nutz. cwm32.gif


maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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Originally posted by jolie27:

I'm used to guys paying for everything. Even when I'm out with my guy friends, they insist on paying. I'll offer to buy back but they usually refuse.

When dating, if I have to buy even a drink for myself, the guy is DEFINITELY not someone I would pursue anything further with. That would push them right into the friends only category. I like gentlemen. I'm very old fashioned that way.

On the other hand, if I'm VERY involved with a guy I will buy him things and take him out. The more money I have, the better gifts he will get and I hope he would be secure enough to accept them.

I was going to type out a whole long answer, but you said it perfectly smile.gif



[This message has been edited by ReginaP (edited 12-06-2000).]

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Originally posted by a12345:


Why would a girl spending more on the guy be a blow to his ego ?

EX ) If Donald Trump's girlfriend bought him a Girrard Perragaux Ferrari Chronograph - ( A very fine watch) -

I don't think Donald would mind because he is a lot wealthier than his girlfriend .

NOw in a situation - where - If the guys was already rich and his girlfriend ( who is not) spent a lot of money on him ...

WOULD THAT still be a blow to his ego ?

Good points... however what I mean by "blow to his ego" was more like... alot of men "think" they should always pay... some are very traditional like that. Now I am not saying this is a bad way of thinking... however some ladies don't like it. What I mean is when a lady pays... some men take offense to it and/or a blow to their ego...

Has nothing to do with who has more money...


One Love...


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Originally posted by aliebling:

My boyfriend is always taking me out and buying me expensive things (get this: we're both 17 years old and he bought me a diamond bracelet for our 6 month anniversary!) but it bothers me in a way because I can't really reciprocate - I don't have the money and he never wants me to pay for stuff. Like if I try to take him out to a nice restaurant for dinner he'll purposely pick a cheap one. :P But it's all in the attitude; there's a big difference between a guy wanting to do something special for you and him thinking you can't take care of yourself.

Yes I have that same question. For my b-day my BF bought me a 25" TV and a VCR. His b-day was a few days after mine and I didn't know if my gift was as good as his!!

Guys answer that question? What if I don't have the same amount of $$$$ to give in return?


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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It's the thought counts. Big gift, small gift, expensive gift, inexpensive gift... It's a gift. Rarely are things so balanced in life for you to worry about having a "competitive" gift.

I admit, I've fallen into it. I've had gf's buy me some really nice gift and felt like... gee now I need to get her something awsome!! but in the long run it's really the emotions and intent behind the gift. I don't get uncomfortable (most of the time) if a woman spends money on me. In the case of a new relationship and that woman giving me a motorcycle? Well, I might feel a little wierd unless the price of the motorcycle was really pocket change for her. Something like that is showing pretty serios intent and in a new relationship that's just saying too much too quickly. Now 2-3 years into a relationship, that MAY be a little different (again if it wasen't putting the woman into serious debt would still be important to me)

It's all about making the imbalance balanced. However it ends up working out...

Hope all this senseless babbling helps...




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

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If I have it to give, then I will give. Money, emotions, whatever. I've spent alot of money on women, but it was because I wanted to spend time together doing things we both enjoy. I like seeing people happy, if (she/he) is comfortable receiving gifts, then I'll give a gift if I see something that i think they'd like.

i've also been known to give cool looking pebbles from the ground... it's all about the moment and the relationship.

No, that said, how would I feel?

I'm a little old-fashioned. I have to fight the feeling that I should pay. But, if she has more money than me, I'm much cooler with it. If I have more, then I'm much more comfortable paying. That's about equality in a relationship, in my mind.

So, if she is buying me big gifts, then it comes down to what her motivation seems to be. If it's for the reasons above, she wants me to have it 'cause it'll make me happy, then cool. It makes her happy to give it. If it seems she doing it because she's insecure, then its a turn-off. ...but there is a limit to how big a gift I would take. Too much, too soon is kinda scary for anyone.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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I always offer to pay when I go out, but its true that most guys won't let you pay. I think its important to let a guy know that you appriciate that he is paying (if he is)then he won't think that you are only out with him for that reason.

What i HATE is when guys take me out and buy my dinner and feel like i "owe" it to them to hook up with them. It seems that all the guys I date lately are like that. I'm waiting for the guy who will take me out cause he WANTS to, not cause he only wants ass.

Lol, yeah i know, good luck finding him!!




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i hate... absolutely HATE when a guy pays all the time ... i feel bad... y should he always be expected to pay.. i know i wouldnt like it if i had to pay all the time


"He who laughs last didnt get it"

"It takes a big man to cry... takes a bigger man to laugh at that man"

"I sound like a chipmunk

[This message has been edited by majesticmelodi (edited 12-06-2000).]

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Originally posted by momadance:

I never go to strip bars or anything like that. Just never did anything for me, why be teased by some junkie who thinks she's all that, when really, she's a no self-respect stripper.

are you looking for a flame war? or do you just not realize how horribly rude you were when you made these comments?

i know many strippers. i generally agree that they think theyre "all that." however, i can accept it. obsessing about their own physical beauty is a requirement of their job. (patrons dont pay to watch someone who comes accross as insecure).

as far as "no self- respect" i have to wonder where you came up with that one? are you suggesting that exhibitionists and others who are comfortable doing things you wouldnt do in public have no self respect? or do you mean they should feel repulsed by stripping simply because you are repulsed by stripping?

i wont even go into it about you using the word "junkie." simply too stupid of a comment to challenge.

really, what do you do for a living that is so fucking respectful? look at me. i have a totally "respectful" job (software engineer). whats so respectful about it, really? i tinker with computers all day so businesses can communicate better. woo hoo. BFD. great, i whore my mind out 60 hours a week so some company can make better widgits.

when you denegrate strippers you sound just like the people who say all potheads are worthless. therefore, since you "buy a sack of weed every few days," its basically hypocritical for you to talk shit like this.


i love music!

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