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What Do You Make of This Bastardino Fellow???


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I've been reading the posts on this board for quite a while now and one question has boggled my... Until now...

What does one make of this Bastardino character? Is he/she:

A) Internet einstein/superhero by day and specticled, pud whackin', pocket protector wearin', cum slurpin' dork by night?

B) A racist fool hiding behind the computer screen to spew his/her bigotry?

C) A guy/gal who just needs to get laid so he can stop taking his/her frustrations out on everyone else?

D) Someone who thinks they're funny but is in fact, only annoying as hell?

E) An ASSHOLE, plain and simple...

And the answer is? *drum roll*

ALL OF THE ABOVE cwm43.gif

All comments and other suggestions are kindly welcomed.





I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Originally posted by k_car:

What does one make of this Bastardino character?

I don't make anything out of him cause there's nothing to make out of. cwm4.gif



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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Originally posted by luigi_scraps:



All be it vulger, you are quite funny at times. There is definitely a difference between you and Bastardino...




I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Originally posted by k_car:


All be it vulger, you are quite funny at times. There is definitely a difference between you and Bastardino...

Thats not Luigi it's his imposter, one of the better ones.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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Originally posted by back2basics:

Thats not Luigi it's his imposter, one of the better ones.

i know, but i still wanted to make that distinction. thanks!




I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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There's so much harmony on this board that there's almost a need for a bastardino.. He's the red headed step child to our group.. Forever jealous of our happiness and determined to throw as much negativity in the mix as possible.


AIM: slimchezdy

I'm outta place

I'm in outer space

I've just vanished without a trace

I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow

I'll be back in an hour or so -- Eminem

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In all honesty...when this guy first started posting it was just annoying nonsense...talking about fucking animals and such. However, recently, his posts have been garnering a great deal of responses, and not just things like fuck off, etc. Therefore, it seems to me like he is actually posting things that other people here are thinking and want to discuss but wont start such a thread on their own. Granted, his MAIN intetnion is to be a neusance, but if people continue to respond, he will continue to post. It seems that CNYC has taken an odd liking to Bastardino and although the majority of posts are in jest, he is basically playing the devils advocate...which if done in a less vulgar and disruptive format could prove to be a good forum for debate. I'm not condoning a lot of what this kid says...but if he provokes thought and conversation in some way I see that at as a lot better than some of the other crap that has flooded this board recently.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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I can't believe anyone still even pays any mind to him OR Luigi Scrapwhatever...these two both have nothing of any intellect to say, so as far as I am concerned they're not even there. Whenever I see either of their names come up I just completely ignore it. I don't have time for this mickey mouse bullshit!!


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may i suggest that any time bastardino posts anything really offensive, we bump this to the top... only for the offensiveones b/c we can ignore the idiotic ones. then again, all his/her posts are pretty idiotic right?





I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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im not a fan of the racist jokes but i do find some of his posts to be quite funny and to be honest quite true. like the one about skribble, he is in fact a good dj weather he said it or not and he got a lot of replyeis to that one, but the racist jokes gotta go


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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