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asian invasian at roxy

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Asians are lowlifes bottom line

Fuck you dude,

that was a scumbag thing to say, and I'm not even asain....

I bet you dont know shit about music or this scene.....just keep enjoying your drugs, they seem to have made you pretty retarted allready

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I am an asian and i go clubbing all the time. To all the white people out there that think that there is an "Asian invasian." Please realize this, almost all clubs are filled with 90% white people. There are only a few clubs where there are a high concentration of Asian or even a diverse crowd.

When we go out clubbing regularely. What we usually get are hard stares, prejudice people staring and talking. Unfortunately, usually from white people. Which is fine, because that is the way it is for an Asian man. And besides, we made a choice of going clubbing and mingling.

Bottom line is, we don't let these bigots destroy our good times. And hopefully, if people see that we're having a good time, they will relax as well.

Realize this, Asians are a minority. And like everybody else, like to have fun and relax.

Now, a white person is complaining and infuriated in going to a particular club or event that draw a high Asian concentration. You chose to go, and besides that you're not really even a minority. A white person never has to deal with a bunch of racist and prejudice crap not only at clubs, but in the workplace, school, and just about everywhere! So please, take it easy, go and have a good time. Everybody is there to have a good time and enjoy themselves.

Also, next time you feel like a minority at a club, that's exactly how Asians feel 90% of the time at other or most clubs. It's not easy being Asian or a minority.

Unfortunately, the truth is, it's going to be a long way before Asians and White people start mingling together at clubs. Let me take a popular quote... "Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,.."

However, it's very important we all promote tolerance, patience and diversity everywhere. This will benefit the whole of human society.

u sound cool but I have a serious question...why do most of the Asians at the NYC clubs just hang around each other all night rather than making any effort to meet and maybe even dance with blacks, whites, guidos, latins, whatever...i think if you did that u would see that most people at clubs are not prejudiced and r actually fun to party with...

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u sound cool but I have a serious question...why do most of the Asians at the NYC clubs just hang around each other all night rather than making any effort to meet and maybe even dance with blacks, whites, guidos, latins, whatever...i think if you did that u would see that most people at clubs are not prejudiced and r actually fun to party with...

except the jews...

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The biggest misunderstanding going on through out this thread is that all the fuss is about the 50+ asian crowd that just conjoin in one corner of the club and create some type of cuddle puddle. I party with alot of asians that are of my generation and all are cool as fuk and a great time... also i have an asian fetish but not for someone's mamasan!

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there were a bunch of asians at Roxy b/c there was a promotional team that targeted them and got them to come out. i'm sure there were also a group of russians, italians, etc that follow other promotional teams. it just so happens that u noticed the asians b/c they were easier to spot.

i think people just need to relax and stop putting an emphasis on this topic in general.

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I think the real issue at hand here is people who come to clubs to play "human bumper cars" instead of dancing to any sort of rhythmical pattern.

What would you call any night at Sound Factory????

There was no rhythm or soul there.

I would prefer being in a room of asians then in a room of italian-americans with their shirts off and shaved chests and arms(like on a eric morillo or danny t night) at least when asians bump into you, they dont have huge ego's and attitudes

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Fuck you dude,

that was a scumbag thing to say, and I'm not even asain....

I bet you dont know shit about music or this scene.....just keep enjoying your drugs, they seem to have made you pretty retarted allready

yeah i know you're not asian u cant even spell it right and i know more about music at my age then u will know in your whole life asians are a bunch of clowns at clubs grabing each others shoulders and dancing around swaying their heads back n forth down right disgusting plus all of them looking the same doesnt make it any better....yeah and whoever said the asian's play bumper cars on the dance floor is right i smack every single one of them that shoves or pushes me fkin rude!!! thats why I hate them they have no class at all and to the sad man who has called me retarded for the "drugs" I do.....check your spelling genius then maybe we can talk....people in this fkin world are so sad

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ok kid.....

stop, because you DONT know more than me, especially about music.....dont even try.

every RACE BUMPS INTO EACH OTHER AND IS RUDE AT CLUBS. Go to a stupid JP or MORILLO or Danny T party, and there will be guido's pushing you all night.

Go to a hip hop club and you will get pushed around there.....


Stop being so xenophobic (yes, you can go look it up now)

All white people look the same to them, just like they all look the same to you........god you are ignorant.

There is life outside the NY/NJ/CT area, you should check it out (and i dont mean the WMC)

And I am sure that people dancing at Roxy to Jp on Saturday night looked just as stupid as they do to you......

Just stop with the blatant racisim!

It is sad that people like you have thoughts like this.

yeah i know you're not asian u cant even spell it right and i know more about music at my age then u will know in your whole life asians are a bunch of clowns at clubs grabing each others shoulders and dancing around swaying their heads back n forth down right disgusting plus all of them looking the same doesnt make it any better....yeah and whoever said the asian's play bumper cars on the dance floor is right i smack every single one of them that shoves or pushes me fkin rude!!! thats why I hate them they have no class at all and to the sad man who has called me retarded for the "drugs" I do.....check your spelling genius then maybe we can talk....people in this fkin world are so sad
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yeah i know you're not asian u cant even spell it right and i know more about music at my age then u will know in your whole life asians are a bunch of clowns at clubs grabing each others shoulders and dancing around swaying their heads back n forth down right disgusting plus all of them looking the same doesnt make it any better....yeah and whoever said the asian's play bumper cars on the dance floor is right i smack every single one of them that shoves or pushes me fkin rude!!! thats why I hate them they have no class at all and to the sad man who has called me retarded for the "drugs" I do.....check your spelling genius then maybe we can talk....people in this fkin world are so sad

longest run on sentence ever

you should get a medal for being so "ignant" :rolleyes:

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I think all ya people complaining about asian gotta go out to the real world and see. I mean out of america. You guys are just too narrow minded

Look at what I said, living in a diverse country or city crowd will be diverse and why do you have to make such a big deal out of it.

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yeah i know you're not asian u cant even spell it right and i know more about music at my age then u will know in your whole life asians are a bunch of clowns at clubs grabing each others shoulders and dancing around swaying their heads back n forth down right disgusting plus all of them looking the same doesnt make it any better....yeah and whoever said the asian's play bumper cars on the dance floor is right i smack every single one of them that shoves or pushes me fkin rude!!! thats why I hate them they have no class at all and to the sad man who has called me retarded for the "drugs" I do.....check your spelling genius then maybe we can talk....people in this fkin world are so sad

if it bothers you that much then don't go out and the problem will be avoided. seriously, how hard is that?!

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One entry found for xenophobia.

Main Entry: xe·no·pho·bia

Pronunciation: "ze-n&-'fO-bE-&, "zE-

Function: noun

Etymology: New Latin

: fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign

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yeah i know you're not asian u cant even spell it right and i know more about music at my age then u will know in your whole life asians are a bunch of clowns at clubs grabing each others shoulders and dancing around swaying their heads back n forth down right disgusting plus all of them looking the same doesnt make it any better....yeah and whoever said the asian's play bumper cars on the dance floor is right i smack every single one of them that shoves or pushes me fkin rude!!! thats why I hate them they have no class at all and to the sad man who has called me retarded for the "drugs" I do.....check your spelling genius then maybe we can talk....people in this fkin world are so sad

You probably is one of those people who had never been to outside of the country and keep hiding ur ass in america and too afraid to go out to face the real world. Why are you making such a big deal about race???? There is alway a possibility that someone is saying the exact same shit about you and you just dunno it. Get out and see the world

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they have been being mistreated since they came over for the gold rush to mine the mountains.....

i dont give a fuck who it is.....if u come to the club for whatever reason, to

1. do drugs

2. listen to the music and dance your ass off

3. bug out with your friends

4. all of the above

your cool with me :beer: enjoy cuz life is way to fuckin short

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