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RE: Men paying for Women...QUESTION

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Alright, this has something to do with yesterday's topic. Personally, I'd like to pay for the first couple/few dates but after that, if the woman doesn't even attempt to chip in I get turned off. I believe in paying for the first few dates cuz I was the one who wanted to "take you out" ...so I should be the one to pay...and this goes at any point in the relationship. If one person wants to treat the other, its upto them. However, if we're both just hanging and stuff, I think its EXTREMELY rude for the woman to assume the guy will pay. Not only is this old-fashioned, but also hypocritical. Will this same woman then turn around and preach woman's lib and equality?

OK, here comes my question. For the guys: have you ever been in a situation where you just keep paying and paying, and the woman makes no move to chip in? What do you do in those situations? Do you just ask them to pay too? I could never ask, and thats why I'd like the woman to offer first.

Women: How would you feel if a guy suddenly asked for you to chip in (after the first few dates of course)?

In an ideal world, I'd be making enough money to be paying for all the dates, friends, etc, but this is reality, and financial resources are heavily budgeted. So, for all the people out there that think I'm a cheap-skate for thinking like this - sorry, but I aint making enough money to pay for the world.


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Women: How would you feel if a guy suddenly asked for you to chip in (after the first few dates of course)?

My answer:

I always offer to chip in...and sometimes the guy allows me to and others he doesnt. If he pays for dinner though and then we go out for drinks, I make SURE I get to pay for a good majority of them.

I really feel awkward when men pay for me but thats just how I am. I have even just picked up the check many times when out and actually shocked the guy I was dining with.

Theres nothing wrong with a little 50 / 50 and in my opinion thats the way it should be! cwm9.gif



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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I dont mind if a guy asks me to chip in after a couple of dates, i understand, but with me it wouldnt' even go to that point in him asking me, cause when i go out i always ask to pay at least half or something, I always do no matter how many dates. I make my own money I understand its hard for a guy to pay everytime, and I always have money on me on dates so i can pay, but I definately always ask to pay.

As for me hanging out with a guy friend, I always pay my way, I feel bad if they pay and if they do i usually get them next time.


aim: amafrk1


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A guy never has to ask me to chip in. It's really nice if a guy wants to take me out and he wants to pay, but it's never expected or assumed that he will. I always offer to chip in! Why should the guy ALWAYS have to pay? Just cuz he's a guy??


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Props to you Ravermania for the most intelligent and interesting issue posted in MY experience from reading this Board. An issue used to debated over and over settling on solutions based on specific situations. From MY experience girls are classifed as follows;

1.) HER- Check comes..she's gotta take a pee..guess who pays?..she comes back assumes checks paid....ME- HATE THAT..WTF why sneak around like that..if she's hot (usually the case) will just do her but won't last past 2 or 3 fucks..

2.) HER- Will offer to pay..and I WILL take her up on offer.. but then gets pouty look on face and throws money at me...ME- Same as #2 except WTF you have to be fake and offer if you don't mean it?..

3.) She offers from the get-go and MEANS it..If I click with her/beatiful/become best friends/great you know what/...that's the girl I married..LOL

I would never consider a long term relationship with someone leaching off me I am not a mad rich dude. Very short term..yes. Been lucky experienced only a few #s 1 & 2, even luckier found #3.

Note: I know guys are dogs..yeah yeah yeah..but keep in mind this thread if from a guys point of view...


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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for me personally, this is a non-issue. doesnt matter who pays, as long as the other person is appreciative. sure if youre spending 150 bucks on dinner and then 40 bucks to get into a club, then it would be nice to offer to buy at least ONE drink.

as long as the person doesnt get demanding...like 'buy me this'..etc...then theyre probably just gonna get walked out on!!!


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Women: How would you feel if a guy suddenly asked for you to chip in (after the first few dates of course)?

I wouldn't think anything of it, and would gladly chip in... when it gets to a certain point in the relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend, not just casual dating), I'LL take the guy out. I think it's fun to splurge on my boyfriend... nice dinners and nights out, sweet little gifts here and there... cwm38.gif


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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IF HE ASKED ME OUT ON THE FIRST DATE: I'll still offer to go dutch. However, if he refused and insist upon paying then I'm more impressed then a guy who takes me money.

This is ONLY on the first date. First impressions are important to me. I don't always base my whole opinion on them but nevertheless it's important.

However, AFTER the first date and he paid then I always make it a point to ask him out on the second date. And on the second date . . . I always pay!

A relationship should be about sharing . . . there shouldn't be "she should" or "he should". Give and take everything including the bill!



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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I understand your point, but every guy I've dated has gotten insulted when I ask to chip in or pay for something. Sometimes I'll even have to run and buy the drinks behind his back so he doesn't have a chance to protest. Maybe I've just dated extremely generous guys.


"This is the strangest life I've ever known" - Jim Morrison

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My hunnie always pays for me......But one night I told him I was taking him to dinner and I did...I think he felt a little funny but it was ok....I like to do things like that!

I'm def not out for myself, I'm very giving and UNSELFISH!!!!!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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I think every date has a different financial situation. If a girl is still in school or strapped for cash I don't mind shelling out. If she has a full time job with a decent income, I'd expect her to chip in once in a while. Doesn't have to be 50/50 down the middle...but a drink here and there is always nice. Guys like to be treated too sometimes. I don't mind picking up the tab on the first few dates but after that I would like to see a little reciprocation.

Worst date:

Took a girl out...was on our 3rd date. We went for dinner, drinks, club. Easily had shelled out over $250 already and I was done drinking. Apparently she was still thirsty so she asks me for money to buy drinks. "Can I get money for a round of drinks....I'll go get them!" she says excitedly. I just smile and go get her a drink. I found this a little odd especially since on the first 2 dates she insisted in paying for at least a round. The fun is not over yet. Before the night is over, she asks me for 2 more rounds and $5 for the coat check to hang up some sweater she had. I got her the last drink and walked out





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