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Armand Van Helden said it best

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i Just See All Of These People Enjoying This Music That They Dont Really Understand Why It Was Created You Know What Im Saying They Dont Understand The Basis Of What House Was Trying To Do From The Get, It Aint About Popping E, It Isnt.

shut up

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i Just See All Of These People Enjoying This Music That They Dont Really Understand Why It Was Created You Know What Im Saying They Dont Understand The Basis Of What House Was Trying To Do From The Get, It Aint About Popping E, It Isnt.

There is some truth behind this though ... more than some of us want to admit

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in my opinion, thats a shitty way to look at things. especially from someone as groundbreaking as AVH.....

as an artist, yes you want people to truly appreciate your music for what it is. a labour of love. countless hours spent behind a comp and equip. fine tuning, racking your brain, lack of sleep. just to get that perfect sound. to me its like spilling out all what your feeling at the moment onto the track. but the fact of the matter is that people do drugs and drink. they get wasted. there are the few TRUE fans that are there to hear and appreciate the music, the i would say 60 to 70 % of the clubbers are there 1. to be seen 2. to hook up 3. get wasted 4. do drugs 5. all of the above. If you think most people go to hear the music, you are living in a fantasy world. If anything, he should perform his best for those true fans that do go see him. As a DJ/Producer, you are an entertainer. U cant just give up because most people dont "get it". Just do it for those people that do get it and you will feel that much more satisfied. I know that if i was in AVH's position, ANYWHERE i would play i would put 130% effort into it. As long as i reach that 1 person, the true fan, and give them the sickest night of music they have ever heard, i would feel that it was a sucessful night...

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(in House music at least) Everyone seems to think that back in the day (80's) everything was mad better........ Lets not forget that AIDS EXPLODED during that time and drug use was just as bad, if not worse.......

I mean look what happened to Larry Levan......thats worse than any glowsticker i know that got carried out on some stretcher.

At least techno is more honest in it's roots. It was basically started because life sucks, and the music was a great way to escape. Read into it as you wish, but there are no emotional "love" type attachments.

And AVH spins, "tech-house" so he should think before he makes statements like that.

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whether you're there for the e, coke, tranny's, crowd, music, or want to just take a shit in a nasty bathroom.....




Exactly. People should go out and have fun for themselves, not to worry about what anyone else is doing. All the crap about "people on whatever drug ruining the fun for everyone else" is just crap. Unless some asshole is really drunk and being a douche, I say who gives a shit.

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"You’re best ever club event and why?

“I don’t know about my best but obviously a good night for me is go out, do my thing, if I do my gig and end up with two beautiful girls back at my hotel room I’m pretty happy, that would top off my night! In order to have it happen – you have to try to make it happen.â€"

Wow this guy is a total douche bag. And he puts down people fucked up on drugs that it's not about that? So I guess it's really about ending up with two chicks in bed, I'm sure they sober as hell, right?

AVH, no wonder he hasn't come up with anything good in years. Sad interview.

DC :gang:

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Honestly though, doesn anyone even do E anymore?

ANd I'm semi-serious with this question. How many people do you know that still do that stuff? lol

thought the same thing for a while.,. but you'd be surprised.,. you think people grow out of it, but most people just dont do it on a regualr basis like they used to.,. but if the moment's right, hey, u never know.,.

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I dont go to clubs to be seen or get fucked up. I go to clubs to dance, have fun with my friends, and enjoy the music. For me and my friends the music is the center point for out night out.

If people go out exclusivley just to roll, drink, or be seen, thats there bussiness. I aint gonna judge. As long as everyone is having a good time thats what counts.

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