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Katrina aid from Cuba rejected!


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Do any of you actually believe Fidel Castro cares for the victims in our Gulf region?

If so....say so.

Ur not getting it are you? It's not the point of he is does or if he does not, he offered HELP and HELP is HELP no matter where it comes from!!!

PRIDE, one of the Deadliest sins.......and its what fucking with the AMERICANS today, ur President's PRIDE!!!!

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don't be judging me mo'fo!

cuz you got one big fat X on your name in my list.

I wasn't even talking to you smart guy.

My point is this is not a time to politicize any issue. There are people suffering in our Gulf region and yet so many here still find time to politicize these sad times.


I'm a bitter man right now.


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oh and I don't think it has anything to do with fidel, i'm sure this effort was made by under dogs.

For all I know Fidel is dead. And that government is running on some look alike .

Pero que Chismoso eres, cojoneeeeeeeeee!!!!

And there are about 20 of those look a likes;), eso han dicho por ahi.....a mi no me gustan los chismes:tongue:

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george bush doesnt care about black people!


I needed that!

I have yet to follow up on who's aid we have turned down so feel free to post that info if found. I'm just curious which Countries we have tuned down. Tony, you seem to be as bitter as me so hook up the info. I wonder if those Countries have anything in common.

Katrina aid: US accepts nearly $1 billion from some 95 nations

September 08, 2005 01:03 IST

The United States has accepted offers of nearly US$ 1 billion in assistance from some 95 countries in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, a senior State Department official said on Wednesday.

Katrina necessitates Singh-Bush meeting

Other offers, while not rejected, remain in limbo while needs are evaluated. "The worst thing is to take things and let them sit on the ground and rot," said Harry K Thomas Jr, the department's executive secretary.

Mumbai to Katrina: Blame it on yourself?

However, an offer from Iran of 20 million barrels of crude oil if US sanctions are lifted is being rejected because it is conditional, Thomas said at a news conference.

The State Department, in a summary of foreign assistance received or expected to be received, listed four countries as having made contributions that were accepted.

Water's Wrath

They were: India, $5 million in cash; South Korea, $30 million in cash and also supplies; Japan, $200,000 in cash, $844,000 in relief supplies, private donations of up to $1.5 million; Germany, MRE food packages, high-speed pumps and forensic experts.

In sifting through the offers from the four corners of the world "the greatest challenge is to match the generous offers with the needs of the American people," he said.

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I wasn't even talking to you......mo'fo!

My point is this is not a time to politicize any issue. There are people suffering in our Gulf region and yet so many here still find time to politicize these sad times.


I agree, but the politics of this world is soooo tick that people can't see past it.

I don’t follow politics anymore because of the simple fact that it’s high in Bush-shit and like cholesterol (un-related) it can be bad for the heath. But it’s sad that a lot of people are scared to be judged for their opinions and actions, people like bush that lack leadership or experience in leading such an opinion driven and diverse country.

This country is due for some bad times maybe not right now, but we will feel a ripple from his term as president.

But for right now the hell with opinion, politics and politicians.

Politics - the art or science of government b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy c : the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government

Isn’t science a theory of things, so we have some jackasses creating theories what is best for me and you.

w/e -

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050209_prez_bush.jpgPresident denies racial component to Katrina response



President denies racial component to Katrina response

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NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- President Bush, ducking low-hanging tree limbs and electrical wires, rode in an open truck Monday for his first close-up look at New Orleans' ravaged, trash-strewn, flooded neighborhoods. He denied that poor, black victims of Hurricane Katrina were ignored because of their race.

After a federal response criticized as slow and inadequate, Michael Brown, the embattled director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, announced his resignation in Washington. His departure had been expected after he was stripped of his onsite command of the hurricane relief effort three days earlier.

Bush replied testily to a reporter who asked whether he felt let down by federal officials in responding to the disaster.

"Look, there will be plenty of time to play the blame game," he said. "That's what you're trying to do. You're trying to say somebody is at fault. And, look, I want to know. I want to know exactly what went on and how it went on, and we'll continually assess inside my administration."

Bush spend the night here on the amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima, and toured the city for 45 minutes. The president's convoy moved slowly through just-drained neighborhoods caked with black mud and through streets where the water line reached well into the trucks' tire wells or lapped at curbs. At times, the stench was overwhelming.

Bush seized on the news of falling water levels throughout New Orleans and pronounced the city on the mend. Business owners were issues passes to retrieve records and equipment, and more than half of southeastern Louisiana's water treatment plants were back in operation.

"My impression of New Orleans is this: that there is a recovery on the way," Bush said in the shadow of a freeway overpass, destroyed cars littering the landscape behind him and rescue choppers occasionally drowning out his words.

Polls show broad dissatisfaction with Bush's handling of the hurricane and his job approval rating is at the lowest point of his presidency. This was his third and longest trip here since Katrina pulverized Gulf Coast communities and submerged most of New Orleans two weeks earlier. He is expected to return to the region soon.

Bush's tour of New Orleans started by regular motorcade, taking him in his Suburban through the nearly deserted city -- past the now-infamous Superdome, through parts of the central business district and the Bywater District with the orange X's on doors signifying the visit of a search-and-rescue team, and into the French Quarter. There, he and his entourage jumped into the military vehicles.

Escorted by Humvee, Bush stood in the truck bed flanked by a grim-looking New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco -- both of whom have criticized the federal response.

Many people, particularly in the black community, have suggested that one reason for the slow response was that most of the storm victims, especially in New Orleans, were poor and black and that the administration doesn't care about them. The president said that wasn't so.

"The storm didn't discriminate and neither will the recovery effort," he said. "When those Coast Guard choppers ... were pulling people off roofs, they didn't check the color of a person's skin. They wanted to save lives."

Bush also clarified his oft-criticized remark that no one had anticipated that New Orleans' levees being breached. He said there was an initial impression that the city had escaped heavy damage "and I myself thought we had dodged a bullet." He said he got that impression from the media.

Before Monday, Bush had only seen New Orleans' deepest misery from the air -- from aboard Air Force on the way back to Washington from his Texas ranch and again from a helicopter two days after that. His only foray into the city was to one of the breached levees on its edge.

The president ended his two-day stay in the region in Gulfport, Miss., a town on the coast where Katrina's winds turned scores of homes and businesses into matchsticks.

Bush stopped at a distribution center run by Christ in Action. "Good to see you" and "Good luck," Bush murmured to people he greeted along long tables where food and supplies such as water, diapers and toilet paper were being distributed. He also cheered on a group of Mexican marines and Navy Seabees just back from Iraq who were clearing debris at the 28th St. Elementary School.

He said earlier it was "preposterous to claim" that the nation's military was stretched too thinly with the war in Iraq to deal with the Gulf Coast devastation.

know what I call this, Damage Controll!

It's in the United States Presidential Manual.

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I needed that!

I have yet to follow up on who's aid we have turned down so feel free to post that info if found. I'm just curious which Countries we have tuned down. Tony, you seem to be as bitter as me so hook up the info. I wonder if those Countries have anything in common.

Katrina aid: US accepts nearly $1 billion from some 95 nations

September 08, 2005 01:03 IST

The United States has accepted offers of nearly US$ 1 billion in assistance from some 95 countries in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, a senior State Department official said on Wednesday.

Katrina necessitates Singh-Bush meeting

Other offers, while not rejected, remain in limbo while needs are evaluated. "The worst thing is to take things and let them sit on the ground and rot," said Harry K Thomas Jr, the department's executive secretary.

Mumbai to Katrina: Blame it on yourself?

However, an offer from Iran of 20 million barrels of crude oil if US sanctions are lifted is being rejected because it is conditional, Thomas said at a news conference.

The State Department, in a summary of foreign assistance received or expected to be received, listed four countries as having made contributions that were accepted.

Water's Wrath

They were: India, $5 million in cash; South Korea, $30 million in cash and also supplies; Japan, $200,000 in cash, $844,000 in relief supplies, private donations of up to $1.5 million; Germany, MRE food packages, high-speed pumps and forensic experts.

In sifting through the offers from the four corners of the world "the greatest challenge is to match the generous offers with the needs of the American people," he said.

it's odd The State Department does not breakdown the countries that have offered aid, and what has been accepted. "US accepts nearly $1 billion from some 95 nations",so who are the 95 nations?? I’m no mathematician, but the four countries contributions mentioned in the article don’t total $1 billion.
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