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Katrina aid from Cuba rejected!


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Ur not getting it are you? It's not the point of he is does or if he does not, he offered HELP and HELP is HELP no matter where it comes from!!!

PRIDE, one of the Deadliest sins.......and its what fucking with the AMERICANS today, ur President's PRIDE!!!!

And lack of brains. lol

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We can all be armchair politicians here and quote segments off MSNBC or CNN..

You seem to do a HELL of alot of that :)

Let's be clear,,,,No one watches MSNBC. CNN is not what some might call "killing" in rating either. Regardelss,,

did ya' hear? Gov. Blanco took full responsibility last night for the fiasco in New Orleans. Quote: "I take full responsibility. The buck stops here!"

Now what?

Your bubble is bursting.

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Let's be clear,,,,No one watches MSNBC. CNN is not what some might call "killing" in rating either. Regardelss,,

did ya' hear? Gov. Blanco took full responsibility last night for the fiasco in New Orleans. Quote: "I take full responsibility. The buck stops here!"

Now what?

Your bubble is bursting.

no bubbles bursting here.. just stating the obvious :funny:

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Let's be clear,,,,No one watches MSNBC. CNN is not what some might call "killing" in rating either. Regardelss,,

did ya' hear? Gov. Blanco took full responsibility last night for the fiasco in New Orleans. Quote: "I take full responsibility. The buck stops here!"

Now what?

Your bubble is bursting.

Yeah, funny how she did it one day after BUSH did.......!!!!

Here I copy and pasted like you did, before.....enjoy!!!!

First Bush, now Blanco. Suddenly, everyone wants to accept responsibility for the post-Katrina chaos:

La. Governor Takes Blame for Response

September 14, 2005 11:05 PM EDT

BATON ROUGE, La. - Echoing the words of President Bush a day earlier, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco took responsibility Wednesday for failures and missteps in the immediate response to Hurricane Katrina and pledged a united effort to rebuild areas ravaged by the storm.

"We all know that there were failures at every level of government: state, federal and local. At the state level, we must take a careful look at what went wrong and make sure it never happens again. The buck stops here, and as your governor, I take full responsibility," Blanco told lawmakers in a special meeting of the Louisiana Legislature.

On Tuesday, Bush for the first time took responsibility for federal government mistakes in dealing with the hurricane and suggested the calamity raised questions about the government's ability to handle both natural disasters and terror attacks.

In Thursday's editions of The New York Times, the former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency criticized Blanco's response to the hurricane, describing widespread confusion in Mississippi.

Michael Brown said he made repeated phone calls to the secretary of homeland security and the White House warning of the problems.

"I truly believed the White House was not at fault here," said Brown, who resigned under fire over the government's sluggish response to the disaster.

Bob Mann, a spokesman for the governor, said Brown's assertions were "totally inaccurate," telling the newspaper that everything Brown needed "in terms of resources or information from the state, he had those available to him."

Blanco called Bush "a friend and partner" :jerkoff: in the recovery effort. She described plans for a rebuilding effort that would span all levels of government but would be funded with all federal money.

The governor said she would appoint an outside financial adviser to oversee the cash flow. "I assure the Congress and every American taxpayer that every nickel will be properly spent," Blanco said.

The relief effort should include financial help to rebuild homes, tax relief and loans for businesses, and an extension of unemployment benefits, she said.

And she appealed to the more than 1 million Louisiana residents who have left the state to escape the devastation. "I am telling each and every one of you: We want you back home," Blanco said.

Southeast Louisiana is beginning to recover, Blanco said, citing the reopening of the New Orleans airport, banks and hospitals, and the first docking of a ship since the hurricane at the city's port.

"New Orleans and the surrounding parishes may be ravaged, but our spirit remains intact," Blanco said. "To anyone who even suggests that this great city should not be rebuilt, hear this and hear it well: We will rebuild."

Legislative leaders have said they expect to call a special session in the upcoming months to address rebuilding and recovery needs. They also will have to grapple with crippling budget problems caused by Katrina, the movement of thousands of taxpayers out of the state and the shutdown of businesses, schools and government agencies.



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Yeah, funny how she did it one day after BUSH did.......!!!!

Here I copy and pasted like you did, before.....enjoy!!!!

First Bush, now Blanco. Suddenly, everyone wants to accept responsibility for the post-Katrina chaos:

La. Governor Takes Blame for Response

September 14, 2005 11:05 PM EDT

BATON ROUGE, La. - Echoing the words of President Bush a day earlier, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco took responsibility Wednesday for failures and missteps in the immediate response to Hurricane Katrina and pledged a united effort to rebuild areas ravaged by the storm.

"We all know that there were failures at every level of government: state, federal and local. At the state level, we must take a careful look at what went wrong and make sure it never happens again. The buck stops here, and as your governor, I take full responsibility," Blanco told lawmakers in a special meeting of the Louisiana Legislature.

On Tuesday, Bush for the first time took responsibility for federal government mistakes in dealing with the hurricane and suggested the calamity raised questions about the government's ability to handle both natural disasters and terror attacks.

In Thursday's editions of The New York Times, the former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency criticized Blanco's response to the hurricane, describing widespread confusion in Mississippi.

Michael Brown said he made repeated phone calls to the secretary of homeland security and the White House warning of the problems.

"I truly believed the White House was not at fault here," said Brown, who resigned under fire over the government's sluggish response to the disaster.

Bob Mann, a spokesman for the governor, said Brown's assertions were "totally inaccurate," telling the newspaper that everything Brown needed "in terms of resources or information from the state, he had those available to him."

Blanco called Bush "a friend and partner" :jerkoff: in the recovery effort. She described plans for a rebuilding effort that would span all levels of government but would be funded with all federal money.

The governor said she would appoint an outside financial adviser to oversee the cash flow. "I assure the Congress and every American taxpayer that every nickel will be properly spent," Blanco said.

The relief effort should include financial help to rebuild homes, tax relief and loans for businesses, and an extension of unemployment benefits, she said.

And she appealed to the more than 1 million Louisiana residents who have left the state to escape the devastation. "I am telling each and every one of you: We want you back home," Blanco said.

Southeast Louisiana is beginning to recover, Blanco said, citing the reopening of the New Orleans airport, banks and hospitals, and the first docking of a ship since the hurricane at the city's port.

"New Orleans and the surrounding parishes may be ravaged, but our spirit remains intact," Blanco said. "To anyone who even suggests that this great city should not be rebuilt, hear this and hear it well: We will rebuild."

Legislative leaders have said they expect to call a special session in the upcoming months to address rebuilding and recovery needs. They also will have to grapple with crippling budget problems caused by Katrina, the movement of thousands of taxpayers out of the state and the shutdown of businesses, schools and government agencies.




lol um?? yeah,,that's it............

Paranoia will destroy ya'....

Maybe it does make more sense to believe that anything Bush does is wrong. He is the anti-Christ sent upon humanity to make us pay for being sinners......How else can one explain a president who does nothing right and does so in a malicious, vendictive manner. We all know now he hates blacks and if future Hurrican Rita turns out to be the problem she seems to be, then we'll all know for sure that Bush is just finishing the job Katrina left behind by aiming Rita to either destroy another ghetto or kill whatever blacks were left behind or homeless in LA. How does that man hide the horns?

Yeah,,,,that's it! I knew it!

You "haters" are just brilliant,,,,,f-ing brilliant I tell ya'! God you're good!

What now? Do we just sit here and take our lumps dished out by Bush at our own peril? What can we do? Damn Bush! Forgive us for driving SUV's and fighting back against terrorism. We deserve anything and everything bad that happens to us. We're Americans for crying out loud! We are the devil! We are evil!

That's it! I'm moving to Iran and building a vacation home in N. Korea!

I'm out-a-here!! To hell w/ the Yanks!

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