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Exit Saturday night-- not too bad! my review..

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first off, i never said i was "higher and mightier" than FOBs. i said that i was displeased with the general beauty of the asians there. could i not have said that about the italians, greeks, hispanics, etc?

next off, i have the right to bash on asians that disrepresent ME. asians are still a minority in this world, and we have always been marked as the quiet, submissive race amongst others. i feel that as a member of a minority race, we have more of struggle to endure in our society today.

meaning, the moves i make in this world is not only for my family and i, but to also represent the asian race as a whole. if any korean makes a mark in any industry in the US, whether it be film making or the investment banking world, we all know.

so, if these "FOBs" are going to sit at exit, all fuct up, coming up to me and waving their glowstix senselessly in my face, and disrepresenting me, i cannot help but to show some disappointment. especially when we have these racist fuckers out here in NYC disrespecting my people, whether they be FOBs or not.

granted, i may not be perfect all the time, and i have definitely acted like an ass at clubs too, don't get me wrong.

but i can show frustration when i hear about jerkoffs judging asians based upon the asians that attend exit.

got it?



*turn it around baby*


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Rob is THE basher!!! Bash everything is his motto!!!! Exit, Factory.. What's next? Huh smart boy? LMAO smile.gif And we'll see if you show your face at Exit smile.gif Or Factory for that matter... BASHER! Just kidding smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

Btw, wtf is up with playing ANY song more than once a night??????????? I do'nt have anything against Sandstorm and might be one of the very few ppl who STILL like the song... But any song, no matter how awesome, should not be played 3 times a night!!!! There are SO many good songs! Enough to fill a 10 hour set for sure!

whats up girlie smile.gif ......call me when you get a chance....... smile.gif


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Hey y'all,

I say if you guys are free lets ALL get together at Exit on 12/23/00. We'll grab a drink, toast to new friends and have our own fucking party! In the immortal words on Rodney King: "Can't we all just get along!?"

I will post a msg next week to remind you guys....cool?! You've all got more than a week's advance notice!

"Don't hate the playa, just learn the game!"

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OMG.... Kitty..... Minority majority bullshit again... Plz.. Just relax and enjoy yourself.. I'm so sick of this bullshit already with ppl complaining how hard it is to be of this or that race because of stereotypes and whatever.. Someone is MISREPRESENTING you???????? Are the other 100000 asians supposed to represent you? EACH PERSON IS AN INDIVIDUAL.. REPRESENT YOURSELF.. When other russians do stupid shit I don't feel stupid. I don't feel like they are misrepresenting who I am.. Please...... This is crap. Nothing personal against you, I just hate all this crap.

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Originally posted by kitty19:

and YES, there are mad asians at exit. but honestly, i have never seen so many ugly asian people (umm.. FOBs for those that know what that means). please do not base the looks of all asians upon the people you see at exit. there are MANY good lookin asians out there, like me! wink.gif

Kitty, Absolutely you have the Godgiven right to voice your opinion, as I do mine. However, that is NOT the issue at hand. My point is, if you know you are beautiful, why state it in such a manner as to separate yourself from others of your kind? Case in point; "I'm rich, I'm rich, I live in a real big house, so unlike those poor fuckers in Chinatown. Please look at me I am so unlike 'THOSE mofos". See the similarities?

I understand your choice of words may belie your true intentions, in which case I see your point. You are defensive to the point of rambling about Asian accomplishments, therefore I will digress.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

OMG.... Kitty..... Minority majority bullshit again... Plz.. Just relax and enjoy yourself.. I'm so sick of this bullshit already with ppl complaining how hard it is to be of this or that race because of stereotypes and whatever.. Someone is MISREPRESENTING you???????? Are the other 100000 asians supposed to represent you? EACH PERSON IS AN INDIVIDUAL.. REPRESENT YOURSELF.. When other russians do stupid shit I don't feel stupid. I don't feel like they are misrepresenting who I am.. Please...... This is crap. Nothing personal against you, I just hate all this crap.

What's up Z! I agree 100%, and ontop off it all how does a thread about a review of the club start to get so warped into what it has become?

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Haha! You don't need me? Fine!!!!!! *eyeroll* back at ya!!!!!! smile.gif

hmmmmmm....actually the "eyeroll" was towards SPHERIC.....but hey...if you want one...here cwm25.gif ...hehehehe smile.gif luv ya



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by bungee:

Why must you two place yourself upon a pedestal and look down upon 'those FOBS'? They are there to have a good time and should not be subject to this abuse. Granted, they can be more sociable, mingle a tad more, and maybe fix their teeth, BUT YOU ARE ALL ASIANS, and that is the bottom line. To say 'I am an upper class Asian, good looking, speak perfect english', is no different than saying you are better than those that are less fortunate in this world. How does that reflect on your image you may ask?. It connotates a SNOBBISH, even elitist attitude, my two beautiful, perfect Asians.

I don't know what you're rambling on about . . I said was that I'm beautiful! cwm38.gif



“Hypocrisy is the lubricant of society." -David Hull angel.gif

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Okay, okay on a more serious note. I don't know if you're an asian or not and understand exactly where Kitty was coming from. All I can say is that I'm asian and I understand EVERYTHING that she said.

I don't want to write a long post about majority or minority. All I can say is that every time someone on this board starts bashing asians in clubs and how messed up they look all the time . . . or about the accents that some of us may have . . . or how we look . . . they're not pointing at just one person they're pointing at the whole society. So, you see it's important for every single one of us as an individual to do our best to represent ourselves as a whole cause that's how others see us any way.

As far as "I'm rich" comment goes . . . I don't know how you associated having money to what Kitty said. But for your information, I'm not rich. I work damn hard for my money . .. . so you can just point that "snobby" comment to someone else.



“Hypocrisy is the lubricant of society." -David Hull angel.gif

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Casey I see what you're saying too... But I gotta agree with bungee that what kitty said bothered me (the "not all asians are ugly, i'm beautiful" comment)... Every race or nationality has its beautiful ppl and its not so beautiful ppl. There is NO race/nationality where EVERYONE is beautiful. It just doesn't work that way. So it's really fucked up to say that even though you see all these ugly asians there, don't assume that every other asian is ugly too.. And it does send a wrong message to everyone who read the post coz it has this "i'm better than you" sense to it....

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Casey I see what you're saying too... But I gotta agree with bungee that what kitty said bothered me (the "not all asians are ugly, i'm beautiful" comment)... Every race or nationality has its beautiful ppl and its not so beautiful ppl. There is NO race/nationality where EVERYONE is beautiful. It just doesn't work that way. So it's really fucked up to say that even though you see all these ugly asians there, don't assume that every other asian is ugly too.. And it does send a wrong message to everyone who read the post coz it has this "i'm better than you" sense to it....


Do you know how much it bothers me when somebody who doesn't know me automatically assume that since I'm asian that I can't speak english very well?? A LOT!!

But do you know what bothers me more? When I meet an asian who is my age, who has been living in the states for more than 8 years and they still can't say ONE full sentence in english!! That bothers me a lot!! Because they contribute to this whole asian accent discrepancy.

It's just like when a lot of the member on this board is bashing SF calling it a crack den for juice heads and bimbos. Do you like that? Being generalized? No, who would? But it's something that we (the minority) go through EVERY DAY. We get generalized all the time. So, when I see things that are being done by other asians that promotes these generalizations, I'm gonna try to separate myself from them and put myself higher.

I don't think Kitty's comment was meant purly in a superfiscial view. I think she wrote that cause there's a lot of posts in here about asians in exit and how fucked up they are. I think she was trying to address those comments.



“Hypocrisy is the lubricant of society." -David Hull angel.gif

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Why are people implying that Young/Kitty19 said that she believed herself to be better than other Asians? She made a basic comment that the Asians at Exit that night were not all that. Then she made a statement that she happens to be a good looking girl, which I know is true. Kitty has the utmost respect for all people and just like anybody else she is free to make comments on how attractive or non-attractive other people are. Get off her back already!



"Everything is sweetened by Risk."


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Originally posted by blueangel:


Okay, okay on a more serious note. I don't know if you're an asian or not and understand exactly where Kitty was coming from. All I can say is that I'm asian and I understand EVERYTHING that she said.

I don't want to write a long post about majority or minority. All I can say is that every time someone on this board starts bashing asians in clubs and how messed up they look all the time . . . or about the accents that some of us may have . . . or how we look . . . they're not pointing at just one person they're pointing at the whole society. So, you see it's important for every single one of us as an individual to do our best to represent ourselves as a whole cause that's how others see us any way.

As far as "I'm rich" comment goes . . . I don't know how you associated having money to what Kitty said. But for your information, I'm not rich. I work damn hard for my money . .. . so you can just point that "snobby" comment to someone else.



Yes, my mom is an 'FOB' as was yours (if not then ancestors), as was Kitty's. Are they, per se, ugly as well? No. They are hard working immigrants toiling away in order for their children to have a better life, attend good schools, get jobs, then spend their afternoons posting away. LOL.

My point is, was,; Comments putting down 'FOBs' are in essence attacking your parents or ancestors, as they apply. It is one thing to express your 'observations' regarding Asians at Exit, it is another to put down, in essence, your own parents. I relate to you two in that, yes, I am also a beautiful half-asian (at least from what I'm told), but to flaunt it directly against 'FOBs' is a bit harsh.

Anyway, I admit I may have overanalyzed this issue, didn't mean to make you two defensive, just thought it should be clarified.

Note: Some asians do need to lighten up and get off the 'we are stereotyped like animals' whining and get on with their lives. You can't change certain people's perception of you, why try? Just accept it and tend to your own business.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by risa06:

hmmmmmm....actually the "eyeroll" was towards SPHERIC.....but hey...if you want one...here cwm25.gif ...hehehehe smile.gif luv ya


If you keep acting up I'm going to have to spank you and Z, bad girls!!!!!!!!! picking on poor little Spheric!!!! cwm45.gif

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Casey, I'm in no way saying that generalizations are right or fair. I'm just saying that it's wrong to look down on ppl who have an accent, or are not as good looking as you are, or can't dance as well as you do or whatever else it may be... Putting yourself above them is another example in my opinion... Why do you need to be above them? I know you're a very intelligent girl. You're making a good argument, but I still think it's wrong for anyone to feel like they have to be above or better someone else! Especially when we're talking about looks or language! I hate it when ppl look down on someone because they can't speak perfect english. Both of my parents have a heavy accent. I do too, a slight one but still... A lot of my friends have an accent and I don't feel like they are making other Russians look stupid! Some ppl just have a tougher time learning a new language which is NOT easy at all!!!!! I dunno... I didn't mean to start this whole debate but I hate it when ppl are trying to put themselves above others... And I still don't see how a person as an individual is responsible for making their race or whatever better. You're responsible for yourself and your own life. There are so many more constructive ways of making our society better than trying to separate ourselves from those who are not as good as we are...

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Heeeeeey!!! What did I do??? I don't like being spanked smile.gif

but ....I do wink.gif ........so SPHERIC....when????.....lol


PS....Mysterious...that is not what you said to me last night wink.gif ......when we were......


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Sweetie, you had another sexy dream about me? Ooooh you bad girl smile.gif LMAO!

This just went from PG-13 to R in a hurry, Imagine anybody that reads the subject of this post only to find out the interior of this thread is so convoluted!!!!!


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Originally posted by SPHERIC:

This just went from PG-13 to R in a hurry, Imagine anybody that reads the subject of this post only to find out the interior of this thread is so convoluted!!!!!


So you think we're corrupting the youth of America? smile.gif Don't pretend like you're such a goody-goody boy... The truth is out there!

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

So you think we're corrupting the youth of America? smile.gif Don't pretend like you're such a goody-goody boy... The truth is out there!

I went to an all boys catholic high school(xaverian) The modo of the shcool was " The truth shall make you free" for real!!!!!

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

There are so many more constructive ways of making our society better than trying to separate ourselves from those who are not as good as we are...

You're misunderstanding me. I'm not trying to separate myself from them because I think they are not good as me. That is not it at all. It's the ones who doesn't wanna learn . . . that hide behind it that I'm talking about. I'm sorry, but if you've been here for more than 7 years and you still can't say one full sentence . . . that's not a learning disorder . . . it's called laziness.



“Hypocrisy is the lubricant of society." -David Hull angel.gif

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Rob is THE basher!!! Bash everything is his motto!!!! Exit, Factory.. What's next? Huh smart boy? LMAO smile.gif And we'll see if you show your face at Exit smile.gif Or Factory for that matter... BASHER! Just kidding smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

Btw, wtf is up with playing ANY song more than once a night??????????? I do'nt have anything against Sandstorm and might be one of the very few ppl who STILL like the song... But any song, no matter how awesome, should not be played 3 times a night!!!! There are SO many good songs! Enough to fill a 10 hour set for sure!

i agree 1000% and i think i want to go tyo sf agan this sat but i don't know i fmy funds will allow me to do so!! all the wood is gone now, right?


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

So you think we're corrupting the youth of America? smile.gif Don't pretend like you're such a goody-goody boy... The truth is out there!

lol....Z...his fav game to play is...hard-to-get..........heheheh smile.gif .....


"I don't want you to love me........"

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