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ok, i have a parental dilemma and need some advice

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so i never see my parents. once a year, twice if i'm lucky. they are driving in from ohio to spend xmas with me this year instead of me having to shell out the few hundred for a flight there. my dad is bringing me a kick-ass stereo (he's mr hi-fidelity)...i love them very much and they are the best parents a girl could have (except for when my dad gets on his kick about me being a spinster and how i look butch with my hair short...that gets old after the first few minutes)...

so here's my dilemma. my mother announced that they're coming on *gasp* the 22nd...ETA - early evening. this means no miss kittie birthday bash and no s&d for me!!! i tried to explain what was going on but mom wasn't having it. i NEVER see them!! my thought on the whole matter is they should drive in on saturday and leave one day later..thas all!! i just need to figure out a way to ask without making it seem like they are being an inconvenience. am i a totally selfish spoiled brat????? damn!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by enyce2000:






well thanks but that won't work b/c when i go to twilo i don't come home 'til the next morning and then i need a full day's rest to recharge. they'll be like "so what the hell did you do with that hot broker that has you so tired??"


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Bring them with you to Kittie's B'day bash, introduce them to everyone. Also, who knows? Maybe they really are closet S&D cool cats. Groovey, dadeeoo.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Seriously, bring them to Twilo. I'll hang with them. Maybe we'll all make a quick toast to the old country while having a pint of ale. I'll even wear my derby!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Do what thou wilt.

Aleister Crowley

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams- Willy Wonka

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Originally posted by bungee:

Bring them with you to Kittie's B'day bash, introduce them to everyone. Also, who knows? Maybe they really are closet S&D cool cats. Groovey, dadeeoo.

ha ha, yeah, my dad maybe, but my mom?? wellllll she still says i'm not too big to "have my bottom smacked" and that's what she'd want to do if she saw what goes on in these clubs.... boo hoo!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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I hate to be the serious one on this thread but, You should spend time with your mom and dad no matter how dreadful it may seem. The reasoning behind this is that when they finally do pass on, no matter what your relationship is like now, you'll never be able to spend time with them. Give them the respect and time they deserve for all the sacrifices they have made for you over the lenght of your life. So what, you miss one night out. People will have to understand!

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

so i never see my parents. once a year, twice if i'm lucky. they are driving in from ohio to spend xmas with me this year instead of me having to shell out the few hundred for a flight there. my dad is bringing me a kick-ass stereo (he's mr hi-fidelity)...i love them very much and they are the best parents a girl could have (except for when my dad gets on his kick about me being a spinster and how i look butch with my hair short...that gets old after the first few minutes)...

so here's my dilemma. my mother announced that they're coming on *gasp* the 22nd...ETA - early evening. this means no miss kittie birthday bash and no s&d for me!!! i tried to explain what was going on but mom wasn't having it. i NEVER see them!! my thought on the whole matter is they should drive in on saturday and leave one day later..thas all!! i just need to figure out a way to ask without making it seem like they are being an inconvenience. am i a totally selfish spoiled brat????? damn!!

OK, so exactly how was your mum not having any of that?? I understand your dilema, as we talked about it last night... One suggestion I had was maybe have dinner with them, then hook them up with either a movie rental, or even out for a movie for the evening... I know that's a hard one to pull off....

You could try to explain the importance of Misskittie's b-day and the fact that it's not only her b-day but a couple of other people's (ok only one other person, but they don't have to know that wink.gif )

Ask them why they can't come a day later and leave a day later. Is there a reason for the change in schedule? Alos point out that you made plans based on what they originally indicated their plans were and it would be wrong to back out of those committments you made. Explain that yes, you hardly ever see them, but it is not fair of them to cancel on plans that you have already made on their 'whim' (maybe not using those exact words, but someting to that extent...)

Ummmm What else can I suggest?? You could throw a temper tantrum.... j/k biggrin.gif

As a last result be honest. Tell them you've been looking forward to this night for a long while now and it was a little unfair of them to not conseder that. You love them and they are not an inconvenience, but it is important that you go and they should understand that. you could get really mushy with them too if that helps.... tongue.gif

Oh and BTW: You are not a spinster!!!!!!!!!! If you were a spinster (hat would the male version be, cause I'd be that....). You are a cutie! And you don't seem like a spoiled brat to me (just my .02).




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

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Hi Nicki...

Don't make an excuse! Just spend time with your parents, you can go out another time. Like you said yourself, you hardly see them, and no matter how boring it will be compared to S & D, they're still your parents...you can go to Twilo any Friday of the year. Plus, your parents are making the trek all the way up here, the least you could do...there are people out there who have separated parents or don't have any parents at all would would kill to have their parents coming over for Christmas! No matter how annoying they can get (LOL) you only get two parents, so enjoy the time you have together.

Then next week, party your ass off and sleep for 3 days! smile.gif

- Ali


This weeks gigs:

Thursday - My Room

Friday - My Basement

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Whew! I read the topic as "prenatal dilemma" and thought to myself, "self, that's pretty fantastic for someone who claims to get none."

So let's see, the decision is between going out, pissing away cash and having a great time in the moment and feeling guilty as hell about it for the rest of the year, or sticking with the parents, saving your money, perhaps suffering an evening, and regretting not having gone to S&d for all of maybe half a day?

On the serious side, S&D will come back to town more often than your parents, and as far as I know neither of the DJs had any responsibility for your birth or upbringing. I think you should spend the time with your parents and hit the clubs as often as you wanna when they're back in Ohio.



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I'd have to agree with SPHERIC. Your parents must love you so much to drive that far to be with you. Your dad must be so excited to be bringing you that stereo, he must love his baby girl so much. Why don't you just tell them about the birthday bash and invite them along, or tell them that you're going because these people are your BEST BEST friends and you've been planning the party for weeks. You'll have to skip S&D, but you can save some $$$, get some rest, and make up for it at Anthony Pappa!!!! Your friends will understand why you missed S&D, they'll miss you, and it will only strengthen the bonds with them because they'll appreciate you even more the next time they see you. Good luck!

Originally posted by SPHERIC:

I hate to be the serious one on this thread but, You should spend time with your mom and dad no matter how dreadful it may seem. The reasoning behind this is that when they finally do pass on, no matter what your relationship is like now, you'll never be able to spend time with them. Give them the respect and time they deserve for all the sacrifices they have made for you over the lenght of your life. So what, you miss one night out. People will have to understand!

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Your parents must love you so much to drive that far to be with you for the holidays. And your dad! Bringing his baby girl a stereo for Christmas, that rocks!!!!

Yes, we all have issues with our parents. Maybe they could have done a better job raising us. But most of our parents were very young or inexperienced when we were born and didn't know how to handle parenthood. My parents were dirt poor and only 18 & 19 when my oldest brother was born. My poor mother had three little kids by the age of 25!!! No wonder they made so many mistakes!!! But they love us all so much. None of us know what the future holds or when we may never see our loved ones again. Enjoy the holidays with your parents and roll out the red carpet for them. Your friends will understand. Maybe you'll be able to hit the birthday bash for an hour or two and then really blow it out for Anthony Pappa and New Year's Eve.

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you are not a "brat" for asking. you have conflicting plans. ask them if they can shift it a day. if they say they cant or wont, let them know its no big deal and drop the subject. we will party next month at S&D.

however, if they seem likely to say "yes," then go for it. it isnt rude to ask. good luck. have fun.

actually, better yet, convince them to stay a few *extra* days. that way you show them you really want to see them and also you wont feel bad about tucking them into bed on friday night and giving them goodbye kisses on the foreheads as you head out to the party!


i love music!

[This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-14-2000).]

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YOUR FAMILY SHOULD COME FIRST. S&D come here every month. This shouldn't even be a hard decision. Think about it. I think you can sacrifice one night of partying to be with your parents. Take it from someone who knows that YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL ITS GONE. Its christmas and you should spend as much time with your family as possible. Sasha and Digweed won't be upset that you didn't go to twilo, but I bet your parents would be if you stood them up and went clubbing! Just my Opinion.


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thanks for everyone's advice. my parents rock and it REALLY isn't a big deal for me to miss one night out for them. i just was thinking they could shift the whole trip over one day and i know they'd prob. be cool with it.....no-one has to tell me i'm lucky to have two such great parents - i KNOW it. they are very happpenin', but not happenin' enough to enjoy a night out at twilo! i'm not complaining about spending time with them, we have fun when we're together. i actually have to figure out what i'm going to do with them once they get here since we've done all the ny touristy stuff to death. any suggestions??


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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if you haven't seen the Christmas Show w/ the Rockettes at Radio City, it's GREAT. or, for something free, take them to the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset(unless it's freezing cold). Take your binoculars and you can see Lady Liberty off in the distance. You could go to the Cloisters at Fort Tyron Park - it overlooks the Hudson River - a beautiful museum of religious artifacts from medival Europe. Only $2 a head. Or go to the Bronx Zoo to see the holiday lights.

Originally posted by uknjx2:

thanks for everyone's advice. my parents rock and it REALLY isn't a big deal for me to miss one night out for them. i just was thinking they could shift the whole trip over one day and i know they'd prob. be cool with it.....no-one has to tell me i'm lucky to have two such great parents - i KNOW it. they are very happpenin', but not happenin' enough to enjoy a night out at twilo! i'm not complaining about spending time with them, we have fun when we're together. i actually have to figure out what i'm going to do with them once they get here since we've done all the ny touristy stuff to death. any suggestions??

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come on that's easy!! just tell them that you have to pick up a big bucket full of Maltesers (it really is a big bucket, I'm not kidding) and that they'll thank you for it when they're scoffing the lot on Saturday.

They'll go to bed early anyway - just shin down the drainpipe once they've crashed out and escape - pretend you're 14 all over again!

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Originally posted by keshiki:

seriously...there shouldn't even be a question here...clubs over parents...you have a skewed view on life honey.

um, no i don't. if that were the case i'd say fuck them and leave them home. i'd never do something like that. i was just looking for a diplomatic way to suggest they shift the trip over a day. originally when we came up with the dates they were going to leave friday afternoon, stay overnight en route and show up saturday mid-day. if we were talking about a Pink Floyd concert instead of S&D, my father would be the first to say "let's go, your mother can stay home"...so i guess that means he has a skewed view of life. well, like father like daughter i guess!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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