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So im back.


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Im sure most of you didnt know this, but I almost died last wednesday...

Sad but true.

If it wasnt for my amazing girlfriend getting the paramedics to the house so quick I may not have been so lucky...

Healthy persons commonly aspirate, but normal defense mechanisms usually clear the inoculum without sequelae. Aspiration pneumonia includes three syndromes based on the nature of the inoculum.

Chemical pneumonitis occurs when aspirated material is directly toxic to the lungs. The best studied and possibly the most common is acid pneumonitis after gastric acid aspiration (Mendelson's syndrome). For symptoms to develop, a relatively large inoculum of fluid with a pH < 3 is required. The patient presents with acute dyspnea, tachypnea, and tachycardia. Common associated findings are cyanosis, bronchospasm, fever, and sputum that is often pink and frothy. Chest x-rays invariably show infiltrates usually in one or both lower lobes. Arterial blood gas analysis shows hypoxemia. The most important therapeutic modality is respiratory support, usually with intubation and positive pressure ventilation. Tracheal suction (see Tracheal Aspiration in Ch. 65) should be performed if the patient is seen early in the course; however, the injury is precipitous, analogous to a flash burn, and the acid is so rapidly neutralized by pulmonary secretions that there is minimal opportunity to reverse the chemical injury. The major purpose of tracheal suction is to clear the airways of particulate matter that may have been aspirated. Corticosteroids should not be given, and antibiotics should be given only if secondary lung infection develops.

This form of pneumonitis has one of three patterns: rapid recovery, analogous to that described by Mendelson; progression to the acute respiratory distress syndrome; or bacterial superinfection. Mortality is 30 to 50%.

So after all of this I am finally home and on my way to a speedy recovery.

And i still want to see everyone out at blue on friday night!!!

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On the bright side.

It is a blessing to go through something like that and live.

You realize that life is a gift and you should live it like you want to die with no regrets.

Because "anything can happen" is not just a bullshit saying. Shit happens every day to people who all said "that shit wont happen to me"

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Now im just sitting here thinking to myself, I can't believe this just happend less than a week ago.

It's almost like i have a second chance on life.

Such a weird emotions game, really hard to explain.

well , im glad you are still with us bitch !! you had us scared 4 a bit there :(

who else would we look for to do our kool ass flyers ? :D

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damn dude that pretty serious....

I can relate how that make you contemplate life as it is..

My homegirl works @ jackson memorial and tell me crazy shit like that all the time.. it really make you realize & value the little time we have on this rock.

Peace Bro.

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