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Originally Posted by crowina

i'm just doing this cause i'm really bored and the board seems to spice up when i do this...

i'm over you and have been for a long time, but i will always hate you. i found shortly after that that "anxiety" attack was not an anxiety attack i had at your house that night. i had done damage to my heart and i wish you took me more seriously that night instead of being so fixated and addicted to your porn. i had asked you to comfort me and all you could do was sit and rewind and fast foward your porn. your a sick heartless individual... and i could care less what happens to you. i have only been with six men my whole life and i am friends with all of them, but you... needless to say because they were men and you well, i can't say much more on that...

sorry if bumping the post got you annoyed... i have no clue what lies i have said about you, you still owe me money and you were never man enough to give it back.... se la vi

Originally Posted by gabo

I am very to hear about your heart... if you remember I did comfort you... we were in my bed and you kept saying thank you so much for laying with me... remember?

and I dont owe you money! I always gave you money... that one time u were upset was cause we were crushing up all the pills and both doing it.... and dont forget about when I bought all the coke and me and u and ur friend did it nye. I think that should cover it.

you arent just board you want you spark new drama up and in the process you are looking like you are psyco and cant get over it. I am hapopy for you that you found love!! I always told you I could not give you that... but I guess you didnt want to understand that.

I dont want to trash you or anything like that....I cant say I hate you like you hate me but Ill deal with it if you hate me.

I wish you much love and happiness.


btw I still hang ur pic that you drew for me up. and lastly... if you wanna yell at me or something do it on pm or im not on cp.people are sick of this shit.

Originally Posted by crowina

i guess it may seem like that. maybe i am thinking were i was in my life last year at this point. you do owe me money, and i never asked for your love so i don't know how you always say you could not give it... i just never know why you could not just call and say it was over if it was just a fling to you...but that is beside the point. the thing i am always going to hate you for was that night. i was trying to make the best of the situation because you kept running off to the living room to watch your porn. i had said that only to keep you close to me becuase i was terrified and trying to encourage you to stay with me. i had anxiety many of times before, i just wish you'd taken that more seriously. i had done nothing after that night and have not done any drugs since, so when i went to the er a few weeks later and they did an ekg i found out what was wrong with me. i guess i can't say i hate you, because your a little naive in some areas. you never really grew up on the streets persay, and you really are not much of a hustler... so i guess you would'nt have known what to do anyway, but i will always hate you for being so dumb in that area and for palying me like a whore... i honestly didn't think the drama would stir up again like that... the board is so boring so i thought it would spice it up again... people take it wayyy too seriously... sorry 'bout that.... as far as you. if your ever in that situation again, take the girl to the hospital and just drop her off at the er and drive away....

Originally Posted by gabo

I never grew up on the streets so that means I am not a player? wtf are u talking about?

you def have some issues and you cant get over this... nomatter how much you say you are over you def are not. Just go away you say you hate me thats fine... I can give two shits about you all we used to do was get fucked up and have sex. you say you have a bf now so forget you ever knew me please and GET OVER IT!!!!

Originally Posted by crowina

has nothing to do with being a player... as i said when you come across a girl, friend you are with and they are really not doing well because of the partying... drive them to the fuck'n ER that is all.

yes I know what it takes!!!!

about 2 grams per hour... and you did barley a gram in that time my dear.

I know you love all of this shit you're causing but I have to say kinda sad... just let it go... gotmilk just loves drama and everyone cant stand him so of course he wants to fuel the fire.

Originally Posted by gabo

You have a very bad memory! I laid with you for a long time! and then you felt better if you dont remember. I know how much coke it take to start to od on! and you were no were near that amount. and if I saw you start to OD I woulda brought you to a hospital without a doubt!

well have fun starting dramam again... it was a year ago and I can care less... I guess all you wanted to say weas that you hate me... ok you did that, thats fine by me. Have a good life.


Originally Posted by crowina

Very seriously speaking here, you obviously don’t know what it takes to “od†on… don't try to justify not taking me to the er in clams that you know what it takes to cause an od... just be careful if it happens to you again.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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