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Holy shit is gotmilk hated...

Guest gabo

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you're the moron here...you don't have to be being nice to someone to be on their dick...hop off his shit already. get over it, you were nothing more then a $2 whore to him. i'm sure it sucks but learn to deal with it and move on

explain your logic to me,

man stalks other man on internet... advice to him was to kill himself...

my opinion is that it's very strange to stalk people on the internet...

what dose this have to do with me being on his little dick? or you just like to stalk me and throw gabo bashes everytime i post?

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Guest gabo
you always check what other people are posting. i've personally seen you do it... and what are you talking about "hate" threads. lately i have seen most of the hate threads are directed towards you, by yours truly... and why did you not make a thread about me? why just gotmilk? as i said before if your that bored, you can look at porn. i would think you would want to see something new, being your know to watch the same porn tape over and over again in the same night.
How can you see If I am checking what other people post, ur not a mod.

and why do you always bring up that I watch porn? who gives a fuck... I have a watch porn avatar u stupid white trash whore!

I wouldnt make a thread to you cause I dont think you are worth spit.

Like I said I was pretty bored and wanted to entertain myself.

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Guest gabo
explain your logic to me,

man stalks other man on internet... advice to him was to kill himself...

my opinion is that it's very strange to stalk people on the internet...

what dose this have to do with me being on his little dick? or you just like to stalk me and throw gabo bashes everytime i post?

Hurt by Gabo?

I love how bitter you are! you are too fucking stooooopid to to understnad what he means.

you make a thread cause I dumped ur ass... that backfired...

then u come back a year later and that also backfired... and this time u have new ammo saying that you od'ed.

you obviously cant deal with this and need to chime in and make it known that I hurt you, over and over and over and over again.... not my fault ur dumb as a doornail.

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you're the moron here...you don't have to be being nice to someone to be on their dick...hop off his shit already. get over it, you were nothing more then a $2 whore to him. i'm sure it sucks but learn to deal with it and move on
who says you dont have to be nice to be on someones dick? "being on someones dick" can have a different meaning for two different people - it has to do with slang and where you were brought up..
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Hurt by Gabo?

I love how bitter you are! you are too fucking stooooopid to to understnad what he means.

you make a thread cause I dumped ur ass... that backfired...

then u come back a year later and that also backfired... and this time u have new ammo saying that you od'ed.

you obviously cant deal with this and need to chime in and make it known that I hurt you, over and over and over and over again.... not my fault ur dumb as a doornail.

who says she cant deal? whos to say she is isnt here to entertain herself like you did with this lame thread?

she made a thread that backfired? please explain this..seriously

i think she accomplished what she was tryin with that thread - it was one of the most entertaining threads this year..you're obviously too stupid to realize.. but i wouldnt expect anything less from someone whose life is so dependent on Clubplanet

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O man, I wish one day I see some of you guys out somewhere. You better hope I dont, and somebody dont point out who you guys are. Cause trust me, if you had any idea of what I looked like, or who I chill with, none of you would be sayin shit. Please god, please, grant me this wish, I think some of these fuckers need it. Then they cant hide behind there computer screens anymore, and we will see how tuff they really are.

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O man, I wish one day I see some of you guys out somewhere. You better hope I dont, and somebody dont point out who you guys are. Cause trust me, if you had any idea of what I looked like, or who I chill with, none of you would be sayin shit. Please god, please, grant me this wish, I think some of these fuckers need it. Then they cant hide behind there computer screens anymore, and we will see how tuff they really are.
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who says you dont have to be nice to be on someones dick? "being on someones dick" can have a different meaning for two different people - it has to do with slang and where you were brought up..

no shit it can have different meanings...that is was exactly my point. i'm not gonna sit here and argue with you over what it means to "be on someone's dick" now hop of my shit you dick riding faggot.

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i'm not gonna sit here and argue with you over what it means to "be on someone's dick"
no you're gonna be a troll and continue with your played out boring online harassment.. maybe some debate or arguement would be good for you
now hop of my shit you dick riding faggot.
how am i riding your dick? by correcting you? if thats the case - im sure there are many people on your "shit"..

youre a little too mad for a monday morning..lose a lot of money at foxwoods??

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and you continuing to argue and disagree with my post just for the sake of arguing is pretty lame in itself. and i'm not harrassing crowina, just calling it like i see it...you know "keeping it real" something you know nothing about since you love to be people's worst enemy on here then when you feel the time is right you switch it up and kiss their ass to no end. that's cool though...do you son!

thanks for correcting me :aright:

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and you continuing to argue and disagree with my post just for the sake of arguing is pretty lame in itself. and i'm not harrassing crowina, just calling it like i see it...you know "keeping it real" something you know nothing about since you love to be people's worst enemy on here then when you feel the time is right you switch it up and kiss their ass to no end. that's cool though...do you son!

thanks for correcting me :aright:

im disagreeing cause you're wrong, not for the sake of it - whats so hard for you to comprehend?

keeping it real..haha sure.. i dont like to be anyones enemy.. i just speak my mind.. this drama comes to me.. sorta like you on this thread.. i just corrected you and you took it too another level.. i wasnt looking for any drama..

its all good though.. thats the last time i put you on to anything..like russian dressing

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who says you dont have to be nice to be on someones dick? "being on someones dick" can have a different meaning for two different people - it has to do with slang and where you were brought up..
you're the moron here...you don't have to be being nice to someone to be on their dick...

ok so tell me where i am wrong? if anything we are agreeing that it can have different meanings...you're reaching on this one.

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ok so tell me where i am wrong? if anything we are agreeing that it can have different meanings...you're reaching on this one.

this is your exact reply to her:

you're the moron here...you don't have to be being nice to someone to be on their dick...hop off his shit already. get over it, you were nothing more then a $2 whore to him. i'm sure it sucks but learn to deal with it and move on
you are calling her a moron because she hasnt acknowledged your definition for being on someone's dick..

but later on you say that there can be two different meanings for the phrase..

if you truly believed that at first, then why would you call her a moron? obviously she has been brought up with her version of being on someones dick and wouldnt understand yours..

just by calling her a moron in regards to that goes against the statement that understand it can have two meanings..

either you backtracked to save face or you called her moron to get a cheap shot in...

and btw, way to not

i'm not gonna sit here and argue with you over what it means to "be on someone's dick"
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How can you see If I am checking what other people post, ur not a mod.

Because when I was in your home that is what you would always do... You would look at other people's posts. Even when you tried to get that threesome going with Linabina, you showed me her posts and told me she worked in a bar in Jersey and everything about that threeway kiss you had with her. Then you would scan other girls posts and ask if I would like them.

and why do you always bring up that I watch porn? who gives a fuck... I have a watch porn avatar

Because that is what normal people do when they are really bored at 2:00 in the morning... I was only giving you an option to do something other than stalk people on the internet.

u stupid white trash whore!

says the ups man

I wouldnt make a thread to you cause I dont think you are worth spit.

Like I said I was pretty bored and wanted to entertain myself.

go make friends, go out, meet someone off the internet... do you have any friends off the internet?

oh... i just bother you cause your an asshole

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Hurt by Gabo?

I love how bitter you are! you are too fucking stooooopid to to understnad what he means.

Um that was a year ago dear.

you make a thread cause I dumped ur ass... that backfired...

then u come back a year later and that also backfired... and this time u have new ammo saying that you od'ed.

and where is the sex board?

you obviously cant deal with this and need to chime in and make it known that I hurt you, over and over and over and over again.... not my fault ur dumb as a doornail.

nah, i just think your an asshole and you make it so easy to poke fun at.

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O man, I wish one day I see some of you guys out somewhere. You better hope I dont, and somebody dont point out who you guys are. Cause trust me, if you had any idea of what I looked like, or who I chill with, none of you would be sayin shit. Please god, please, grant me this wish, I think some of these fuckers need it. Then they cant hide behind there computer screens anymore, and we will see how tuff they really are.

Oh now you have to post a picture and if I am able to be so cool to meet you, please let me know. You know what I look like... I'll be at Sasha this weekend... :clap2:

Everyone knows I'm not shy, so pm me and me and my boy will chill with your group.

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