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It's just another typical Miami driver complaint thread...


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Fucking retards in this town! I swear 80% of Miamians MUST have bribed the DMV to get their license! Everytime I'm coming up on someone who's talking on their cell phone while doing 35 m.p.h. in the left lane, I have the urge to fly them a birdie out my sunroof. Instead, I put on my turn signal, and overtake them from the right. But not today! Some asshole in an SUV (of course, what else would he be driving with such rough terrain here in Miami and with gas prices so low?) who was talking on his cell phone decided he'd be funny and change lanes at the last minute to cut me off. So I hit the brakes and signalled to the left and passed him. No horn, nothing (I tried very hard to keep my calm). Then I got stuck behind another dipshit doing 45 m.p.h. in the left lane and the same tool in the SUV passed me on the right and when I changed lanes behind him he slowed down! So I just figured he's going to be making a turn somewhere but forgot to use his turn signal like 99.9% of Miamians (are they just trying to save money on blinking lightbulbs?). So as I put on my turn signal to pass him on the left, he decides, without turn signal and still on his cell phone, that he's going to cut me off again! After cutting me off (I came to a dead stop and had to shift back into 1st gear) he decided to turn left off 107th Ave. Two blocks up, a police car is parked in front of a mom and pop doughnut joint at 11am. :rolleyes::mad:

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funny u mention this


today decided to go with two female coworkers to pollo tropical on biscayne near our office

ok so its packed right so im trying to get in when this stupid beoych reverses back toward me (its one way btw) cuz she decides the wait for drive thru is too long

meanwhile she can barely reverse cuz shes on her cell phone... then she gets into the street finally but takes like 2 min to complete her full maneuvering to get back into the street creating a mess of a jam


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oh ya...oh ya...I got a better one...I don't know maybe its because the sings are in english or something but does anyone in Miami know what a fuckin yield sign means? Does it mean blow through it into on coming traffic in spanish or something? I mean no offense by this but I honestly don't believe most people in South Flroida actually know what it means...

...the other day I am going home...BTW in my big ass gas guzzling Chevy Tahoe while talking on the cell...ya because unlike most Miamians I can do 75-80mph while talking on the phone - eating a humburger and driving with one knee bitches...but I digress...so anyway I am going south on 107th by MDC - I have the green light at 107th ave and 104 st I believe it is - right as I go through the intersection to get on the palmetto so it can merge with the TP...anyways - green light intersection...I take it going a reasonable 40-45mph as I see out of the corner of my eye a car coming just as fast onto the ramp that merges with the road that I am on...clearly there is a yield sign for this or any on ramp for that matter that I know of that merges with another road...but this dumb fuck in a brand new Lexus GS something or other blows the yield sign and we both nearly hit each other with me not relenting and winning out...as rightfully I should...its called the right of way...learn it - live it fuckers that don't know it...so this bitch decides I am in the wrong and speeds up on my ass and turns his brights on and laaaays on the horn and won't let up...as if I am the person in the wrong....fuck no...wrong day to fuck with me....very long day at work...pissed off already....I slam on my brakes roll down the window and proceed to yell out the window while stopped on the on ramp that there was a yield sign...so this guy is yelling at me that I should have stopped blah blah blah...finally he gets out of his car and starts telling me to get out of mine he was going to beat my ass yada yada yada...normally I am sane enough not to take it to this level...but that day I said fuck it...I get out...mind you this dude was like 5 foot 4 and 140 lbs soaking wet...me 6'1 a good 250 lbs...so he calms down real fast - I point to the sign 50 feet behind us and tells me what does that mean...I cannot believe my fuckin ears...he had no idea what the damn sign meant...so I tell him if he hit me in his brand new lexus that his ass would be liable because that little sign means stop stupid ass if there are other cars coming....dude apologizes gets back in his car with a dazed look...I still dont think he understood it...dumb dumb dumb.

why why why do people down here not get the rule of right of way? 4-way stops are the freakin worst...nobody has a damn clue who should go 1st if all the cars get there at the same time basically...God forbid the traffic lights go out and you have a flashing yellow or red or a mixture of both...reeeeeeetards!

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6'1 and 250 won't stop a cap in yo ass!!!

Be a little more careful next time. you never know who you are messing with.


usually I practice this all the time...esp since you can carry concealed weapons with a lic here...like a lic ever stopped the other types anyways...but ya I usually just brush it off and let it go...I am by far not one of those tough guy types that thinks he is the man and can take anybody...the gun thing is the 1st thing that came to mind after the whole thing...needless to say I prob will excercise better decision making skills next time...but being at the end of a 14 hour day I just broke down and did something stupid.

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oh ya...oh ya...I got a better one...I don't know maybe its because the sings are in english or something but does anyone in Miami know what a fuckin yield sign means? Does it mean blow through it into on coming traffic in spanish or something? I mean no offense by this but I honestly don't believe most people in South Flroida actually know what it means...


I agree 100% the fact that you can take the driver's license test in Spanish is insane. Learn the fucking basics of English first. And no I'm not being racist, yo hablo espanol tambien.

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