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Random Thoughts #3


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i've been feeling weak, cold, and dizzy all day and i've lost my appetite over hateful words spat at me last night. even though i know they were less about me than they were about who they were coming from (who's coming from a hard/new/bad place right now), they're still echoing in my head. i wish i were one of those people who can let things like this just roll off my back, but everything just replays and replays...

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...let it go...that can be cancerous...do something to get your mind off it....movies, drinking, pills, sex...something to take you somewhere else for a bit...
o, phattie, i don't have access to some of the things that would really help right now :( . your second to last would really be nice; those are always my reset button. but i can't get any right now (out of stock!). and the other thing that calms me down and helps me deal with life is something to which i have no direct access. as far as sex? :laugh: ! i haven't been in a relationship in a looonnnngggg time, and that's a li'l condition of mine. besides, i never had sex that came CLOSE to what i can do with myself :aright: .

the worst part? the whole discussion was w/ my 1 and only roommate, and i can't escape him 6.gif .

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o, phattie

...could you try saying this again...start slow and with a whisper, than work your way into a sultry but firm tone...border-line climactic if you will....


...now, get your ass out of the house...go for a hike...a swim...something...or just rub a couple out...;)

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anyone ever notice that when you take a shit sometimes it has a distinct smell? i mean ill take a shit and it will smell EXACTLY, like a deuce i dropped a couple weeks ago. I think I've narrowed it down to about 8 or 9 smells that keep coming back

You have a nose for detail.

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anyone ever notice that when you take a shit sometimes it has a distinct smell? i mean ill take a shit and it will smell EXACTLY, like a deuce i dropped a couple weeks ago. I think I've narrowed it down to about 8 or 9 smells that keep coming back
must be connected to what you ate. have you ever had carrot juice? after just a little of that stuff, my crap was bright orange, and i'm not one of those people that studies my poop [a lot of people do, it seems]. it was just not a pleasant experience, so i happened to notice. i decided to only drink it that one time :shaky: .
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