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What do you think makes for a better lover?

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Someone who has been in a few long term relationships (over 1 year), or someone who has been in numerous short term relationships?

I think the long termers get to learn a lot more, because you become increasingly comfortable with your lover, and start to explore and discover things about their bodies. I don't think that I would have learned first hand what I know, had I never been in a long term relationship.



Peace Love Happiness y'all


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I think long-term...Hey you groovy chicks! Nikki, Mo, and Sneha - if you are down (I apologize if I spelled your name wrong)...Can't wait till Miami! We'll have a private party of our own! cwm32.gif



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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Originally posted by jammy:

I think long-term...Hey you groovy chicks! Nikki, Mo, and Sneha - if you are down (I apologize if I spelled your name wrong)...Can't wait till Miami! We'll have a private party of our own!

You spelled my name right! Friday should be a fun night...are you coming?



Slowly..slowly..act like you know me...

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I believe that people who are experienced in sex, whether or not they were in long or short term relationship, are the best lovers.

Analogy: When you rode your bike for the first time, you were terrible. Now you can probably ride just fine. To take it to the extreme professional riders are capable of doing so much more, stunts, tricks of the trade, endurance! get it!!!!!!!

sorry to cheapin the thread with my bicycle analogy! *mwha*

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Long term.

Short term types are more hit and run. Not taking enough time to care.

Also, the mental has a lot to do with it. Most short termers have only experienced the initial excitement.



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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For me, it's very simple I think what makes for a better lover is if the woman turns me on in my mind first.

When I have that connection with a woman in my mind first, then I feel so much more attracted to her.

It may sound strange coming from a guy, but the fact of the matter is if a woman can keep up with me mentally, then it's a huge turn on for me in the sack.



You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


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i think it could go either way. . .

i mean, it is all a matter of two people being on the same wavelength (ie. - comfortability together, experience, trust, all-out attractiveness, communication). . . once you find that common ground, it becomes incredible. . . i happen to think that long-termers find it faster than short-termers. . . but i'm more of a long-termer, so i'm biased. . . cwm35.gif


HARDCORE. . . ya better ask somebody!!

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