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Truth serum or True feelings???????? Your opinion!

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

I think drunk ppl are just incapable of hiding anything or making an effort to conceal something.. It's definitely that wall that we put around us to contain everythign we don't wanna share, but alcohol changes it all and it's gets all out in the open.

i cant agree with this ... no one is teh same .. everyone handle booze differently .. some people get honest , some people talk shit . some peopel get emotional , some people get angry or nasty ... this liek everythign else pretty much , is relative to the individual, there is no black and white answer ...



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Originally posted by stacychase:

A drunk person's words are a sober person's thoughts!


Joey.. I'm just talking from my personal experience.. It's happened to me more than once or twice so maybe it was just a coincidence I don't know. But it struck me as interesting smile.gif I know when I'm drunk, some things slip out that I would NEVER reveal sober.

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Well... how drunk? I think at the lower end of the intoxication spectrum it's pretty easy to tell a lie. Especially if that's what it's gonna take to sack the girl you're talking to! cwm26.gif

On e, on the other hand, telling lies is quite hard, for me anyway. By the way, did y'all know that the US Army had experimented with it as a truth serum in the 1950's?

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Attn:Joey, It isn't anybody or anything, I'm a victim as well as a victimizer over the past year. I been called and I have called. I'm just trying to figure out if I/they mean what they say, and if this is a struggle for all people to understand. Answer: yes

There is no right or wrong answer this is purely an opinion only question! Thanks for yours.

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Originally posted by SPHERIC:

Attn:Joey, It isn't anybody or anything, I'm a victim as well as a victimizer over the past year. I been called and I have called. I'm just trying to figure out if I/they mean what they say, and if this is a struggle for all people to understand. Answer: yes

There is no right or wrong answer this is purely an opinion only question! Thanks for yours.

right on .. well i'll conduct a study , since i think i'm out of the office until next week ... tonigth i am going to go and get shit canned and see what happens .. all in teh name of science and survey of course .. i'll post my results .. anyone else wanna be a lab rat with me ?



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the great irony is, What is defined as being one's true self. As for me and I am speaking in reference of past experience is that some people when they are drunk say things they don't really mean. Words can be said in a seconds causing a lifetime of wound to someone that is sensitive.

I've seen people relationship get washed away because someone was drunk or intoxicated and said things that were hurtful to one they cared most 'bout.

So the lesson is this. Was that person truely being himeslf when they said those words. Or were his/her emotion got the best of 'em.

Does that one incident define how he/she truly feels 'bout that one person she/he spoke to?

Do we not identify ourselves by our action, words, or intentions. Do we magnify one incident and assume that encapsulates our true feelings for that person or incidence. Do we label a child being a "bad kid" when the child misbehaves. Or do we tell the child "stop behaving badly". So that the child will understand that his or her behavior can be changed and it's not his/her identity that is written in stone.

In short....take things into perspective. I'd hate for someone to quote me while I was drunk...(well actually I don't think I've ever gotten drunk and spoke anyway). So also I would not take things so serously the words of a drunken person.

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

right on .. well i'll conduct a study , since i think i'm out of the office until next week ... tonigth i am going to go and get shit canned and see what happens .. all in teh name of science and survey of course .. i'll post my results .. anyone else wanna be a lab rat with me ?

All in the name of science!!


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i've said many a dumb things when i was drunk that i definitely didn't mean and i was probably as sincere as could be when i said it. it def causes verbal diahrea (sp?), but a whole lot of other stuff besides just the truth comes out as well. i do not believe it when someone says, "oh he/she was drunk, it must have been the truth." i actually think a lot of deceptive people use that to there advantage. JMO.



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there's a thread on the "substances" board right now entitled "truth serum or more bullshit?" in regard to e. i'd have to review the answers again to be able to compare them to this thread.

essentially, e seems to bring out the positive/silly/creative/loving/diplomatic

aspects of my personality whereas alcohol tends to bring out my less likable side. more bad things have happened to me (my fault) when drinking than any other time such as misunderstandings, losing things etc. but since i tried e, i'm typically

better on alcohol because i've had e "

therapy!!! i think how you act on alcohol depends on how far gone you are - the drunker you are, the worse you get. but even if you take three pills in one night, you don't get obnoxious like a person who has had too much to drink...

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I think that it's just a distorted view of reality. How could it really be some truth serum? It's just like e, all the sudden your everybody's best freind (well at least the first 50 times) But do you really feel that way the next day? Your like oh god! I can't believe I actually talked to that clown! (its some guy or girl you hate) It's just puts you out of the game.

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Originally posted by exstaci:

Everything on E is fake...

I've lost my best friend in DC to this "truth serum"...it seems that now we can only have fun when we are rollin'.

i don't think evrything is fake, it's just not as much fun. e takes away all of one's inhibitions and, well, we have those for a reason. it's not really appropriate, for example, to tell evry complete stranger you love them, even though it feels good to do so. without inhibitions you have no defense and are completely vulnerable. you end up letting people into your life and subsequently they learn things about you that you would otherwise nevr tell them...at least not right away. after the "roll" is over one of two things happens, you retract in fear and discontinue all contact, or you embrace the scenario/individual even more to convince yourself that evrything you did/said was OK. if it's the later, you end up spending an indefinate amount of time yearning for something that was nevr really there; no substance or foundation was evr built, only an outline or a sketch was evr drawn.

next to dancing i think meeting people is the most fun thing to do when rolling. you just have to keep things in perspective and not base the foundation of your friendship on what happens when you're rolling. that's why i don't even ask for someone's number any more unless i'm dead serious about calling them. whatevr i had with that person remains forevr embedded in my head as a part of that night. just like i can't take the music or the dj or the vibe home with me, so too i don't take my emotions or the way i feel about others home for the ride either.

i'm not sure if all this makes sense, and upon rereading your statement i'm not evn sure if this is relevant LOL, but there's my deep thoughts for the day.



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I was just thinking... We have spoke about this on the board before but, when you are drunk do you think it makes your true emotions come out, or is it just a distorted reality of how you really feel at the moment. I'm extremely curious for everyones answers!!!!!

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this kinda happened the other nigth .. except i wasnt the drunk one ... (maybe a lil) but teh funny thing is here i am 2 days later and i'm still thinkin bout what we talked bout ... it stuck .. instead of being blown off as drunken whatever .. hmmm



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From my past experiences, it seems like drunk ppl always tell the truth! I've seen that many times. When you're drunk, you can't think of pretending or hiding something.. Your brain can't do that so you end up revealing it all.. I found it to be one of the surest ways of getting the truth out of some ppl LOL smile.gif

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

From my past experiences, it seems like drunk ppl always tell the truth! I've seen that many times. When you're drunk, you can't think of pretending or hiding something.. Your brain can't do that so you end up revealing it all.. I found it to be one of the surest ways of getting the truth out of some ppl LOL smile.gif

I Agree.. this is why i don't get drunk around people i like... roflmao..

I like my little bit of sweetness that i have..






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Originally posted by SPHERIC:

So does that make it the truth about the way you feel? Joey & Zoya? or does it lesson the wall we put up and allow our real self, or our id(inner self) not identification,to come free?

i would never be as bold to say that drunk expression are always true ... because i know from personal experience i've been wasted and started saying shit .. making up shit and telling people things , only to remember the next day and be like "doh! "

even worse having someone next to you wake u up and remind you what u said ... and even one step worse being like ... " i sais what ?" ... being drunk doesnt mean you are being honest , by any means ... although , when people get drunk sometimes the will let things slip out , they wouldn't have sober , but dont believe everything a drunk person tells you ... a lot of teh time its a bunch of crap ... i was a bartender for the last 4 years or so ... and i heard a bunch of bull shit from drunk people that i knew were bold faced lies .. at the same time i have heard some brutally honest remarks come out of drunks .. so in other words i have no answer ... wish i could help .. but i think teh only one who can help u is the person you;re wondering about ... u should ask them .,. ( while the are sober)



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