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2iwaog6.jpgDid Brad Pitt make an honest woman out of Angelina Jolie when no one was looking? So says Woman's Daily:

'Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have exchanged rings and loving vows in a touching private ceremony.

In the weeks before her mother passed away from cancer, insiders say Angelina made Marcheline Bertrand's dying wish come true by exchanging vows with Brad during a romantic holiday in Costa Rica.

Despite months of tension between the couple, made worse by Ange's anxiety over her mother's deteriorating health, the actress relinquished her anti-marriage stance after her mum pleaded, "You marry that man. He's an angel sent to look after you."

"They stood in the sand in their bare feet, looked into each other's eyes and promised to love each other for ever, and to be loving with their children for just as long," a friend reveals.'

Wow -- someone was clearly jealous of all publicity Anna Nicole Smith has received in recent days.

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48p1ctw.jpgEvidently, engaged celeb couple Eva Longoria and Tony Parker did not get in touch with Oprah's party planner when they decided to send out these heinous wedding invitiatons to all their star friends.

It looks more like a cheap Parisian whorehouse than it does a romantic wedding.

Proof positive that you can take the girl out of the honky tonk but you can't take the honky tonk out of the girl.


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a2czt6h5.jpgFrom today's New York Daily News:

So JC Chasez seemed very interested in meeting a particularly handsome young gentleman during Fashion Week. Of course, the poor bastard had to pick a guy who was friends with a gossip columnist. "[His publicist] was like, 'JC is going to be at such and such a place later, and he'd love to hang out with you,' " sez the olive-skinned hunk, who declined to share his phone number. Chasez's rep says he does not recall that conversation taking place. "And if it did, it would just be to hang out in a group, because he's a cool guy, not like a setup," he explained. Snickers bar, anyone?

We called this one ages ago!

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ajohnnnnjessica.jpgJohn Mayer and Jessica Simpson stare adoringly into each other's eyes at the Sony/BMG Grammy after-party on Sunday.

You know the main reason he likes being with her is so that he corrupt the good little girl.

After this pic was taken John went home, banged her a few times and pissed on her in the shower!

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aazcohennnnnbrit.jpgAs if Howard K. Stern weren't bad enough.....

Britney Spears' former buttboy is cashing in on his short-lived relationship with the hard-pAArtying mother of two.

The model/actor/wannabe sat down with the News Of The World for this enlightening interview:

- "She loves sex and is incredibly adventurous. She was totally happy when we were locked in each other's arms. But once the sex stopped Britney was like a little girl lost, unable to cope.

- "She would lie like a limp rag doll in my arms and and say, 'Why can't everyone leave me alone?' and, 'What have I done to deserve this?'"

- "By the time I met Britney she was burnt out. She knew she had been drinking and partying as a way to try to banish the bad stuff from her life. Far from the trashy drunk, I saw a very shy, sweet girl who was just desperately sad about what had happened with her marriage.

- "Yes she enjoyed Jack Daniel's but she was trying not to get in the state she had been in with Paris. Her boys mean everything to her and she worried she might lose them in a custody battle.

- "It was clear she was not over her marriage. The first time she invited me to her home I saw her wedding dress hung on the wall in a glass box. As we made love that night it was like Kevin was in bed beside us. She had not even begun to move on with her life."

- "She needed me to hold her and tell her what a beautiful girl she is. We would make slow love until the sun came up.

- "She has an amazing body and I loved exploring every inch of it."

- "Like any woman who has had two children she worried about her figure. As far as I was concerned she was gorgeous, but she had such low self esteem she sometimes would not listen."

- "She would say, 'Am I fat? Am I fat?' then spend hours dancing around the house trying to burn off calories. She was always jumping around."

- "Other times, she got so low she didn't care what she looked like. She could not care less some days if she went out of the house without brushing her hair or checking to see if her outfit matched."

- "That's just where she was in her life. She had so much on her plate with the children she had precious little time to worry about how she looked."

- "I adore Britney and in a different place at a different time we might have stood a chance. It was far too soon for her to get involved in a relationship with anyone.

- "But she has coped with so much in her life I hope she does not give up now. She is too special for that

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she needs a new stylist...or A stylist..whatever she really isnt as fat as i would think by the way she looks in her clothes...







In the wee hours of Sunday morning, paparazzi caught Spears emerging from her limo with a jacket over her head, stains on her jeans - and a puddle of puke in the back seat after she spent the evening hanging out in Manhattan's Club Tenjune.

Spears was out on the town again late Sunday night, showing up at promoter Joey Morrissey's weekly party at One, the Meatpacking District hot spot, with a couple of male friends.

A source told the Daily News she drank shots from a bottle of tequila and ended up naked in the dancers' dressing room, trying on their bikini costumes.

"She was in high spirits," says the source. "[spears] arrived in a little red dress, but she admired the fishnet [stockings] the dancers were wearing. She went downstairs and tried them on, but didn't like the way they looked with her dress.

"So she took off her dress and started putting on bikinis that the dancers wear," he adds. "She stripped all of her clothes off and was totally naked in the dancers' room. She came out and got a T-shirt off of one of the waiters and danced like that till around 4 a.m."

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i kinda feel bad for her. she's completely breaking down. it seems like she has no support system, no family that really gives 2 shits about her, and no identity. her soul has been eaten by fame. she needs to fcking live on a ranch in wyoming or something, take care of her neglected children, and stop getting wrecked at every friggin club in manhattan.

talk about a downward spiral from the days of Slave 4 U when she was hotter than ballz. every girl wanted her body back then. it was incredible.

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i kinda feel bad for her. she's completely breaking down. it seems like she has no support system, no family that really gives 2 shits about her, and no identity.

my thoughts exactly, poor girl

once again shows how much in tune we are bella :heart:

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:nopity: from me for britney..

Misky - 15lbs isn't like she's obese!! she just needs to drop a few pounds and tone up.. i bet she could have her body back within 3 months of working out, eating right and hopefully taking some fucking mental medication to help her focus :D

...nah i know she isnt massive...but that stomache is gross and i find it odd she doesnt seem to realize cause i see it like...twice a week!....

...seriously though...she needs to cut her losses...take her mega bucks and like someone said..move to a ranch..and live a wealthy quiet life with her kids....if she even gets to keep them now.......its almost like she doesnt want them if u ask me....she knows damn well she is under scrutiny and this is all gonna be used in trial.....

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..wow chins...she looks like one of the wilson girls here


....apparently your more fertile during break up sex......she's 3 months..


..kim mathers is a loser.....i dont know why she thinks people want to hear her opinion...ok well i guess cause im pasting her quote here i kinda care ha.......white trash is so entertaining...


Eminem's ex-wife Kim Mathers spoke to a Detroit radio station this morning and attacked her ex-husband in about the most personal way possible. Kim said:

"I can't stand him. He's an absolutely horrible person, and he gets worse every day. I vomit in my mouth whenever I'm around him or I hear his name. There's nothing left in me for him. Nothing at all."

Then she went into their sex life:

"(Its) bad …he's not very well endowed … If you're going to have sex with Marshall, make sure you have a little blue pill, because otherwise it does not work."

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