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DR Doom <----another fag bites the dust

slaveom <----- An fsn that rayray created to "back him up" or his personal fuck toy. Regardless wipe off rayray's cum off your mouth before you fail again at humor, mongoloid.

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Looks like we got another tuff guy, Sad just sad.

This is one of your posts on this thread:

Some advice asshole, Watch you ass the 21st at Desyn!!! IF I were you I wouldnt go. .

Either you're a hypocrite or sucking off Richie Santana in a stall at Deko really destroyed your brain cells.

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This is one of your posts on this thread:

Either you're a hypocrite or sucking off Richie Santana in a stall at Deko really destroyed your brain cells.

Your toolbag ass in not even worth it to me. I am not gonna get into it with such a loser. Ill just laugh at your ass. I wouldnt doubt if this again wasnt got milk. Just like Headpusher, Smokesum, ante. And prob this too. Get a fuckin life u bitch tits faggot.

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wow dr doom whats your perversion with cum and all that shit......either u dont get laid or u just a homo that loves it in the ass

Well actully eveyone on VIP says how he is Gay. They joke about it all the time. Someone actully has a quote posted from him admitting he is gay. And if you remember correctly, got milk had a pic up with a big cock hittin him in the face. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! I think its time to come out of the closet my man. Dude Your gay, gay gay. Your just gay. And did I mention your bald, ugly, fat, and got ridiculous bitch tits.

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Well actully eveyone on VIP says how he is Gay. They joke about it all the time. Someone actully has a quote posted from him admitting he is gay. And if you remember correctly, got milk had a pic up with a big cock hittin him in the face. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! I think its time to come out of the closet my man. Dude Your gay, gay gay. Your just gay. And did I mention your bald, ugly, fat, and got ridiculous bitch tits.

just gona go ahead and quote this

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Well actully eveyone on VIP says how he is Gay. They joke about it all the time. Someone actully has a quote posted from him admitting he is gay. And if you remember correctly, got milk had a pic up with a big cock hittin him in the face. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! I think its time to come out of the closet my man. Dude Your gay, gay gay. Your just gay. And did I mention your bald, ugly, fat, and got ridiculous bitch tits.
dude get off my nuts.. you keep talkin about me like you want to be me or something.. i tried leaving this board but i see people just cant let me go..then you mention VIP as if you are in the know..:laugh:people like you arent welcome to post on VIP so you are limited to lurking.. you are pathetic dude..

like i said last time before you started sweating me again and continue to drag this on.. ill be at Desyn..come at me then..youll see what happens

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dude get off my nuts.. you keep talkin about me like you want to be me or something.. i tried leaving this board but i see people just cant let me go..then you mention VIP as if you are in the know..:laugh:people like you arent welcome to post on VIP so you are limited to lurking.. you are pathetic dude..

like i said last time before you started sweating me again and continue to drag this on.. ill be at Desyn..come at me then..youll see what happens

Dude, stop the shit, I know ur ante, u fuckin tool. Its not my fault your ugly, fat, and bald. In all honesty if I looked like you, I think I would just kill myself. You are the pathetic one, and I already said dont worry bout Desyn, Ill be there, and we will meet. Cant wait muffin. Please just dont try and kiss me or anything. I know you love me, seeing how you like to post pics of me all the time. But sorry man I have a GF, and even though your quite gay, I am no where near gay. So do me a favor just stop with the different message boards names u pathetic waste of life. I cant wait to see you at Desyn!!!!!

:beer: :beer: :beer:


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Dude, stop the shit, I know ur ante, u fuckin tool. Peeps that know you tell me these things. You are the pathetic one, and I already said dont worry bout Desyn, Ill be there, and we will meet. Cant wait muffin. Please just dont try and kiss me or anything. I know you love me, seeing how you like to post pics of me all the time. But sorry man I have a GF, and even though your quite gay, I am no where near gay. So do me a favor just stop with the different message boards names u pathetic waste of life. I cant wait to see you at Desyn!!!!!

:beer: :beer: :beer:



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Dude, stop the shit, I know ur ante, u fuckin tool. Its not my fault your ugly, fat, and bald. In all honesty if I looked like you, I think I would just kill myself. You are the pathetic one, and I already said dont worry bout Desyn, Ill be there, and we will meet. Cant wait muffin. Please just dont try and kiss me or anything. I know you love me, seeing how you like to post pics of me all the time. But sorry man I have a GF, and even though your quite gay, I am no where near gay. So do me a favor just stop with the different message boards names u pathetic waste of life. I cant wait to see you at Desyn!!!!!

:beer: :beer: :beer:


you piece of shit degeneret.. yes my name is ante.. but am I gonna create a screen name with that? youve been played a fool since the beginning of this post you stupid retard.. ante is a fake screen name as well as musicgod i would imagine.. drdoom is a real poster..

its obviously not that hard for strangers to dislike you based on your stupid posts..

when have i ever had to create a fake name to talk shit about you? ive always done it with this screen name or headpusher.

pathetic? you are the one that keeps bringing me up and talkin about me when i wasnt even involved with this thread..then you call me gay while you proceed to call me ugly..checking me out much?

hop off my dick junior

id rather deal with the real world then deal with a degeneret illiterate wanna be music lover who downloads all his music and then claims to know what he is talkin about..its people like you that destroy this scene..


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you piece of shit degenerent.. yes my name is ante.. but am I gonna create a screen name with that? youve been played a fool since the beginning of this post you stupid retard.. ante is a fake screen name as well as musicgod i would imagine.. drdoom is a real poster..

when have i ever had to create a fake name to talk shit about you? ive always done it with this screen name or headpusher.

pathetic? you are the one that keeps bringing me up and talkin about me when i wasnt even involved with this thread..then you call me gay why you proceed to call me ugly..checking me out much?

hop off my dick junior

id rather deal with the real world then deal with a degerent illiterate wanna be music lover who downloads all his music and then claims to know what he is talkin about..its people like you that destroy this scene..


Bwhahahahahaha, See you at Desyn my man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You really are such a fuckin waste of life, Bwhahahahahaa, its not me calling u gay princess, its your peers on VIP that do.

:beer: :beer: :beer:

By the way. YOUR GAY PRINCESS!! Now this is me calling you gay. You Fat, Ugly, Bald faggot with ridiculous Bitch tits. O by the way, Victoria Secrets has a great new Bra out my girl loves, check that out man, it may be of some help to you.

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its people like you that destroy this scene..

No its people like you who destroy the scene, who think they are so much better than everyone else cause they get more exculsive tracks. And who also sits on there fat, ugly, bald ass everyweekend, and never comes out and supports the scene.

You post on VIP:

nothing wrong with being a homebody.. im quite the homebody myself..i like to keep it local now

im in the city 5 days a week.. rather stay out of the city on weekends

WOW, your really supporting the scene!!!!

Lets see Got Milks Fun filled weekend, This is what he said he did, and it seems like hes proud of it cause once again he posts on VIP:

fri - shopping, cleaning, vendetta

sat - ran a trail, airport, dinner and drinks - yum

sun - brunch, gym, sopranos

WOW, dude you really are a fuckin loser!!! How old are you 60.

All your homo ass does is sit home, and do nothing. Well I cant really blame ya, If I looked like you I would never go out either. And im sure from all those cocks going up your asshole, its tuff to let alone walk never mind go out.

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No its people like you who destroy the scene, who think they are so much better than everyone else cause they get more exculsive tracks. And who also sits on there fat, ugly, bald ass everyweekend, and never comes out and supports the scene.

You post on VIP:

nothing wrong with being a homebody.. im quite the homebody myself..i like to keep it local now

im in the city 5 days a week.. rather stay out of the city on weekends

All your homo ass does is sit home, and do nothing. Well I cant really blame ya, If I looked like you I would never go out either. And im sure from all those cocks going up your asshole, its tuff to let alone walk never mind go out.

dude what are you like 22 years old? when i was your age i went out at least 5 days a week.. when you get a little older and have more responsibility lets see how often you go out..

you just got into house music a year ago.. remember?

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dude what are you like 22 years old? when i was your age i went out at least 5 days a week.. when you get a little older and have more responsibility lets see how often you go out..

you just got into house music a year ago.. remember?

Then dont say I dont support the scene, and its peeps like me that kill it, cause that is so untrue. I love this music, and I love going out. I buy a lot of music, and also download, as I know you do too.

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Then dont say I dont support the scene, and its peeps like me that kill it, cause that is so untrue. I love this music, and I love going out. I buy a lot of music, and also download, as I know you do too.
i guess you got a point with going out but i sincerely doubt you buy music.. but most of all your attitude sucks
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