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their weather is more condusive to year round play...and im not gona get into the argument which coast is better. it's 2 different games...NYC basketball is guard oriented..and a lot of guys ive played against/watched play in NYC could and did pass (odom..god shamgod..omar cook..bassie)..the street game is exactly that.. a STREET game....it isnt about doin the right thing..it isnt about kickballs and offensive fouls.

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As for the Lions...we will just have to see how the fair in the Pre-season against the Broncos (August 11). I will refrain from slinging any mud at Matt Millen...but i will say there are quite A FEW PLACES WHERE "fIRE mATT Millen" t-shirts can be acquired (http://www.spreadshirt.com/shop.php?op=article&article_id=970226#top). Let me know what size you are and I can have a T overnighted to ya.

HEAT VICTORY...let hope the Shaq and Wade stay insync for #4.

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their weather is more condusive to year round play...and im not gona get into the argument which coast is better. it's 2 different games...NYC basketball is guard oriented..and a lot of guys ive played against/watched play in NYC could and did pass (odom..god shamgod..omar cook..bassie)..the street game is exactly that.. a STREET game....it isnt about doin the right thing..it isnt about kickballs and offensive fouls.

right....a STREET game. why dont you tell me what that is since i dont have the first clue and your such a smart basketball guy. in no way did you dance around the point to show that you know so much more about STREET ball. remember what i originally posted? well, since you obviously forgot, here it is:

side note: living in san diego enables you to play outdoor ball every day, something i've been taking full advantage of....and whats really cool is everyone around here really can play vs. brooklyn where everyone ballhogs and tries to do some crazy ass spin move to the hole where they immediately get stuffed.

so outdoor ball and STREET ball are in no way the same thing. gotchya. and of course i can see how the correlation between what i said about ball hogging and gettin stuffed in the hole and offensive fouls and kickballs comes to be. so seeing as this correlation makes sense, once again you've won the internet arguement. congrats pip

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right....a STREET game. why dont you tell me what that is since i dont have the first clue and your such a smart basketball guy. in no way did you dance around the point to show that you know so much more about STREET ball. remember what i originally posted? well, since you obviously forgot, here it is:

who the fuck was arguing with you? and i am a pretty smart basketball guy..considering the fact that i played organized ball in NYC my whole fucking life..as well as playing outside in summer tournaments and regular pickup games.

maybe i didnt make it clear..but the west coast seems to play a more organized form of basketball outside than NYC does. and like i said 3 times before..NYC is a guard oriented game..whereas the west coast isnt as guard dominated (except maybe Oakland). i really dont know what u set out to prove here..except how u SURV'd me once again. do i question you about wrestling or any other homo-erotic sports u were involved with as a child? NO.

frankly i think ur upset that no one would give u any run in NYC..and can u blame them? they saw u were just a bloated gym monkey and figured u sucked anyway. thank god for those nice PTA dads who let u ball with them out on the west coast huh?

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so outdoor ball and STREET ball are in no way the same thing. gotchya. and of course i can see how the correlation between what i said about ball hogging and gettin stuffed in the hole and offensive fouls and kickballs comes to be. so seeing as this correlation makes sense, once again you've won the internet arguement. congrats pip

ur really dense...as i said..ur comparing 2 diff styles of play on 2 diff coasts...i wasnt separating STREET VS OUTDOOR. i was differentiating styles

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frankly i think ur upset that no one would give u any run in NYC..and can u blame them? they saw u were just a bloated gym monkey and figured u sucked anyway. thank god for those nice PTA dads who let u ball with them out on the west coast huh?

yup...they gave the run to the unathletic white eastern european chap that acted like he was black when he was on the court and reverted back to being white when he was back off it. especially when he rolled up with his pasty white crew snacking on boiled bread and garlic

and its amazing the intellect of how much you know about ballers out in southern california and oakland....you must have spent a ton of time in both spots as well as nyc to have such a vast array of knowledge. i never knew you were so well traveled :aright: or maybe yet again you're completely talking out your ass which seems to be the norm with you

and you're still avoiding rebutting how you ran the comparison of ball hogging and getting stuffed in the hole with kickballs and offensive fouls

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i really dont know what u set out to prove here..

interesting....because it just seems by the sequence of the posts made that YOU were the one trying to prove something at my expence....but its cool how you revert back to the role of the innocent victim

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yup...they gave the run to the unathletic white eastern european chap that acted like he was black when he was on the court and reverted back to being white when he was back off it. especially when he rolled up with his pasty white crew snacking on boiled bread and garlic

and its amazing the intellect of how much you know about ballers out in southern california and oakland....you must have spent a ton of time in both spots as well as nyc to have such a vast array of knowledge. i never knew you were so well traveled :aright: or maybe yet again you're completely talking out your ass which seems to be the norm with you

and you're still avoiding rebutting how you ran the comparison of ball hogging and getting stuffed in the hole with kickballs and offensive fouls

if im as unathletic as you say..how did i manage to play CYO-PSAL-PAL-Nationals all in NYC? and as for my "pasty white crew"...the kid who carried your ass drunk from Remote that nite is my best friend who played D1 Ball for Richmond...and if u ask any1 who knows me...they can vouch for the fact that i dont roll with a "pasty white crew"

Might be hard for you to believe being that ur from Rhode Island..but playing against D1/NBA prospect guys wasnt really a huge deal in NYC. Guys like Osei Millar, Yuka Agbai, Royal Ivey, Lamar Odom, Omar Cook ,Luis Flores, Zendon Hamilton, Felipe Lopez, God Shamgod (i can go on).. were always around Queens playgrounds so keep on making shit up . i really dont know why im arguing with you...ur talking about something u know nothing about..u urself even admitted to me in person back in the days that ur not much of a ball player..but here u r presenting urself like Jack Ramsay..and trying to tell me about something i know

ur main gripe is that people hog the ball in NYC..and like i said its that kind of style out here which is different. how do i know the style of play from the west coast? because during our nationals games we traveled all over the country and played teams from every part of the US and got SPANKED by a lot of teams from the west coast and midwest.

prove me wrong again Jon..this is fun

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interesting....because it just seems by the sequence of the posts made that YOU were the one trying to prove something at my expence....but its cool how you revert back to the role of the innocent victim

its called a discussion.....i duno y im even trying with u...ur never wrong..this is y Zehra couldnt stand living with your ass

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its called a discussion.....i duno y im even trying with u...ur never wrong..this is y Zehra couldnt stand living with your ass

funny because every one of your "discussions" has you throwing in personal drama bullshit. its like you cant prove your point so you try to hit where you think its gonna hurt somebody. like trying to bring up that remote lounge thing....funny thing you fail to remember at a party called boo 6 where I drove you and five other people I didnt even know into queens as a favor because you had no ride and no cash and didnt feel like waiting for a sub. not to mention it was COMPLETELY out of my way. what a great person you are returning the favor 2 years later and whining about it every chance you get just to prove yourself on the internet.

you're a winner serge

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if im as unathletic as you say..how did i manage to play CYO-PSAL-PAL-Nationals all in NYC? and as for my "pasty white crew"...the kid who carried your ass drunk from Remote that nite is my best friend who played D1 Ball for Richmond...and if u ask any1 who knows me...they can vouch for the fact that i dont roll with a "pasty white crew"

Might be hard for you to believe being that ur from Rhode Island..but playing against D1/NBA prospect guys wasnt really a huge deal in NYC. Guys like Osei Millar, Yuka Agbai, Royal Ivey, Lamar Odom, Omar Cook ,Luis Flores, Zendon Hamilton, Felipe Lopez, God Shamgod (i can go on).. were always around Queens playgrounds so keep on making shit up . i really dont know why im arguing with you...ur talking about something u know nothing about..u urself even admitted to me in person back in the days that ur not much of a ball player..but here u r presenting urself like Jack Ramsay..and trying to tell me about something i know

ur main gripe is that people hog the ball in NYC..and like i said its that kind of style out here which is different. how do i know the style of play from the west coast? because during our nationals games we traveled all over the country and played teams from every part of the US and got SPANKED by a lot of teams from the west coast and midwest.

prove me wrong again Jon..this is fun

never had a gripe....you're putting words into my mouth now (yet again). i said the level of play is better, i never "griped" city ball.

and what does being a great ballplayer have to do with knowing whats up? so you're telling me that everyone on here that posts about baseball has to have been a superstar player growing up and that everyone that posts about fifa and the nfl better have either played profession soccer or professional football? i never claimed to being that great a basketball player...i dont know where you came up with that. good one though

i'm done with this....its just gonna end up of more of serge trying to repeat the same personal shit and selling his mother up the fuckin river over and over to get his point across and win an internet arguement.

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funny because every one of your "discussions" has you throwing in personal drama bullshit. its like you cant prove your point so you try to hit where you think its gonna hurt somebody. like trying to bring up that remote lounge thing....funny thing you fail to remember at a party called boo 6 where I drove you and five other people I didnt even know into queens as a favor because you had no ride and no cash and didnt feel like waiting for a sub. not to mention it was COMPLETELY out of my way. what a great person you are returning the favor 2 years later and whining about it every chance you get just to prove yourself on the internet.

you're a winner serge

how did i have no cash ...when we got chinese food together with Jay...and i paid for Alex and Tana? ...and how was it out of ur way? it was in QUEENS.

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djjon not trying to pick sides here but why did you get so defensive out of no where?...it didn't seem as though serg was trying to prove you wrong or argue with you, he was just having a discussion with you.

ur opinion doesnt count..we're E-Buddies

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djjon not trying to pick sides here but why did you get so defensive out of no where?...it didn't seem as though serg was trying to prove you wrong or argue with you, he was just having a discussion with you.

he started trying to be a smartass with the calling offensive fouls and kickball bullshit line

but whatever....no matter what i say is going to be wrong in the eyes of the chatroom posse so fuck it, not worth my time

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a half hour of stalemate????? you dont think thats exciting?

its gonna be a dope fight though.....and as much as I want Gracie to come out the victor since he is my fav UFC fighter ever outside of Dan Severn, I'd place my $$$$ on Hughes

Royce hasn't been the same since his loss to Kazushi Sakuraba. He should return to Pride, where BJJ guys really excel. Renzo even admitted this today in his academy.

Even though I have great respect for Royce and Ken Shamrock, Vitor Belfort is probably my favorite.

I just can't fucking stand Tito Oritz and Andrei Arlovski.

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