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Tryst was a disgrace


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I know, i know another person bitching about nightclubs in Vegas. But i think i have a genuine beef this time. Okay so a couple of weeks ago i booked a table for Tryst for 5 guys. I got a call from Tryst to confirm my revervation which i did. I received anoher phone call on the day before (Friday) again to confirm that the reservation still held. Which i did. The hostess told me to show around 1030 to 11.

So Saturday night comes around and low and behold there is a huge freakin line, with no seperation of people with a table and those trying to talk their way in. So after half an hour ,im not kidding here, of trying to get the attention of host i finally get to speak to one. I give him my name, he checks the list and finds me on it. He then gets on his headset and to supposedly check if there are any tables left. He then dissapears to let in im not joking here at least 5 more groups of people. So i try to get his attention again and he gives me a BS answer saying that they are busy and id just have to wait like everybody else.

He the for the next 15 minutes pretends to not see me as im waving for attention at which point i finally lost my nerve and walked off to Lure instead. Now is it me or was that just rude ? Whats the point in having a table confirmed TWICE only for the a$$h@le host to only let in people that seemed worthy of entry. My money is just as good as evevryone else is and turning down $800 makes no sense to me at all.

Rant over. Anybody else think this is ludicrous ?

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Limodriver is right. VIP lines at nightclubs don't operate like they used to, where VIP's actually get to walk right in. Unless you know someone, or go through a host, you'll probably have to wait in line. The fact that you have tables reserved is irrelevant. The bottom line comes down to who you know.

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a year ago i could walk the lines at any club in vegas and charge 75-150 a head average, special nights more, and get people in. Now, you cant do that crap. Well maybe some clubs. Somebody with more money than you threw a G to get your table. My best friend is a host over there and i guarantee that if you got there between 10 and 1030 your good but after 1030 your screwed.

The really cool thing is that now certain places are inviting hosts and club mgr and pr people to invite only dinners and stuff, so now clubs are getting more appreciative of what hosts ahve to go through to take care of clients. I have made 4 more contacts in clubs i didnt want to work with or whatever, and now im adding more clubs.

But as far as your issue, next time you come to vegas and we try offer services, you should take advice, you hit me up and i wanted to help you guys out. When people post negative crap on board it makes vegas look bad, like the clubs are trying to rip you off or other negative things. We take into account in pricing all the tips needed to get you into the club, take care of clubs hosts, security or whomever.

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Well i will say that unless you really want a table with only 2 people, not to do it, most clubs a table will run you minimum of 1000 just to get table and bottle minimums. I have taken care of alot of couples who just like to have a palce to sit. But yes if you want a table at a club you should seek an outside host. It just makes things easier and we know how to make things work in your favor.

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First of all let me say that i completely understand that hosts have become a necessity in Las Vegas and who am i to bash your profession ? But the whole point in paying for VIP service, is in fact to be treated like a VIP. Not to be treated with the same contempt and disrespect. Like some how door people are superior to evrybody else. I have no problem with spending a lot of money. In fact i was more that willing to blow $2000 at a nightclub, which ive done before and was willing to do so again. But that money at least went directly to the nightclub that were providing a service. Not some dude who was looking to line his own pockets. Which to be fair is exactly what he was looking for, a hand out. Like i was in customs in some third world country.

The interest of the nightclub as a business is to make money, just like any other business. Now of course you have to be careful of having the right look, the right music, hot looking girls and not having too many guys in the place. But if all i have to do to get in is not bother buying a table and simply greasing the door guy $100. Wouldnt that be cheaper for me and less money to the club ? Also let me tell you that they had not run out of tables by the time i had a arrived. If they had told me that they had run out of tables i would have said thats fine, I arrived too late and its my fault.

I couldnt tell you the number of guys that showed up without a reservation, with a $100 that got in that night. All i wanna know is, who does that benefit ? The nightclub or the guys working the door ?

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I know several gm's of clubs, but the people who really run the clubs are the hosts and the doorman, at most clubs. Doorman decide who gets in and when. Doorman dont care about tables, that is the hosts job, the host is the one who communicated to them to blow you off, the doorguys are clueless about tables. Also the club doesnt care, they will sell that table to 50 people standing behind you for more money. So if someone like a vip host called a host a club and said i need a table last minute, sorry dude, your going be waiting for a while. Look at most clubs in vegas and look at the lines. Most of the clubs in 6 months will open at least 5 days a week maybe 6 for most. This alcohol induced industry will be wilder and crazier than ever, and with more places revamping and opening you will jsut have to decide to pay 3grand to hit mainstream or spend 500 to hit a place that was hot 6 months ago

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It should also be said that a top club can't hire just anyone to work the door, whether that means as a host or as a doorman. In addition to crowd control (and by that I mean maintaining the right balance), how a door staff responds to a variety of situations is critical. More than a few multi-million dollar clubs have failed miserably because they thought they all they had to do was hire the defensive line from the local college.

I mention this because it's critical to keep in mind that the door staff -- again, both hosts and doormen -- are generally paid low to minimum wages by the clubs themselves. Just like the wait and bar staff, they have to make their money off of tips. And thus the "greasing."

Finally, I think it's fair to say there is a difference between paying for a table versus paying for VIP treatment. Buying a number of bottles will fetch you a table that's yours until you leave, in many cases in a roped-off area. It may get you other benefits such as in/out privileges and access to a different bathroom.

But it doesn't guarantee that you'll be treated like a VIP from the moment you arrive until you leave. If you spend the minimum at a club, you'll be given the minimum treatment. Working with an independent host, buying double the table minimum, buying more-expensive bottles, giving out bigger tips... that's what helps you get VIP treatment.

Now, without knowing the demeanor and approach of flizzo1, it does sound like Tryst screwed him over a bit, and were perhaps rude in doing so. But right or wrong, such is the case when trying to gain access to one of the most in-demand nightclubs in the world. This is why I and so many others here put value in spending the extra money on the services of an independent host; it's hard to put a price on avoiding hassle.

Should you insist on wanting to go your own route, just be aware. I just started another thread on my recommendations for what should be done, in the event you choose to work directly with a top, in-demand club.

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Let me just say to both limodriverlv and greenie thank you. This is exactly the kind of honest assesment that i was looking for when posting on here. I ment it more as a cautionary tale than anything else. Consider this as a warning to groups of guys that go to the hot spots like Tryst.

I mean the whole situation is riduculous when you think about it but vegas is not like anywhere else in the world is it ? I mean i really wouldn't be surprised if years from now people are gonna need a host to get into cool reastaurants !

Next time i go back, i'll be sure to seek help first.

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I know, i know another person bitching about nightclubs in Vegas. But i think i have a genuine beef this time. Okay so a couple of weeks ago i booked a table for Tryst for 5 guys. I got a call from Tryst to confirm my revervation which i did. I received anoher phone call on the day before (Friday) again to confirm that the reservation still held. Which i did. The hostess told me to show around 1030 to 11.

So Saturday night comes around and low and behold there is a huge freakin line, with no seperation of people with a table and those trying to talk their way in. So after half an hour ,im not kidding here, of trying to get the attention of host i finally get to speak to one. I give him my name, he checks the list and finds me on it. He then gets on his headset and to supposedly check if there are any tables left. He then dissapears to let in im not joking here at least 5 more groups of people. So i try to get his attention again and he gives me a BS answer saying that they are busy and id just have to wait like everybody else.

He the for the next 15 minutes pretends to not see me as im waving for attention at which point i finally lost my nerve and walked off to Lure instead. Now is it me or was that just rude ? Whats the point in having a table confirmed TWICE only for the a$$h@le host to only let in people that seemed worthy of entry. My money is just as good as evevryone else is and turning down $800 makes no sense to me at all.

Rant over. Anybody else think this is ludicrous ?

Well Buddy honestly I could probably describe to you who exactly it was that was doing this to you. However what it is...Is a way they make money at the door. The door host who are different in a way then table host. Will hold tables booked to get them to offer them money just to let them in. Then once you flash some money they will start to help you. Basically creating a desire or need. So you have to realize that the door wants to make there money too...Everyone has there hand out in this city...Very hard to find people that will take care of you and not expect it. Those are the ones that deserve it!!

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i'm staying at wynn - my group will most likely end up being 2 girls and 3 or 4 guys. am i still going to have trouble at the door even though im staying there? (we're buying bottles too btw)

also which night is a good night to go?

If you are in town right now, you can go to Tryst tonight. You won't have as much trouble getting in because it's Sunday, but you will still have a good time because there will be a good number of people at the club.

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you will not get in as quick by yourself compared to having a host. The other thing a host can get you the table you want. You will pay all the money to the club and then get put in the back corner

This is a very true statement. If a random person calls one of the top 5 venues (Tao, Tryst, Pure, Body English, or Jet) and asks to reserve a table a day or two ahead of time, the club will probably say, "tables...what tables?" This has happened to our clients before. We got a call last night right before 11:00 p.m. to get a table for 8 males at Tao and we were able to reserve the table. A tourist who doesn't know anyone wouldn't be able to do that. As I said in a previous post, it costs a bit more to use a host, but using a host will give you certainty. This is especially important when you make a table reservation.

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If you are in town right now, you can go to Tryst tonight. You won't have as much trouble getting in because it's Sunday, but you will still have a good time because there will be a good number of people at the club.

im goign labor day weekend, im at work right now (hating life)

i went to vegas last year and we had a huuuge problem with pure. we also didnt reserve any tables or anything in advance - we screwed up our vaca by doign that i think so this year we're trying to plan in advance.

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